Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2072 Shock! (2 updates)

"However, even if we encounter a demonic corpse, as long as we hide within the range of the white chess piece, the demonic corpse will not be able to forcefully break through."

Yu Junyao explained in a deep voice: "It was mentioned in the stone tablet just now that the intruder represents the white chess side, while the demon corpse represents the black chess side. The area surrounded by the white chess pieces is relatively speaking, our safe zone. Jump in In the safe zone, those demon corpses cannot break in. On the contrary, if you accidentally break into the area surrounded by black chess pieces, hundreds or thousands of demon corpses will jump out, and you will be dead. "

"I...I don't want to die!"

Hearing the conversation between Ling Feng and Yu Junyao, Linghu Ying, who was responsible for carrying Yu Junyao, trembled all over and said in a trembling voice: "I, I don't want to be at the front anymore, I don't want to die!"

After saying that, he immediately dropped Yu Junyao and hid in the middle of the crowd, hugging his head and crying.

At this moment, Yu Junyao had lost all her strength and was even a little weaker than ordinary people. How could she withstand such a fall.

Ling Feng took a step forward and quickly supported Yu Junyao, cursing in his heart that a direct descendant of the nine major families actually has this kind of character!

What a piece of trash!

However, now is not the time to blame Linghuying.

Yu Junyao was suddenly thrown down, and she was stunned for a while. Fortunately, Ling Feng caught her in time, otherwise she would have been thrown to the ground.


Yu Junyao couldn't help but curse in a low voice. She had known that those people were unreliable, but it turned out to be a good thing. Some people were frightened even before they encountered the demon corpse!

"What should we do now?"

Chu Chaonan felt resentful that iron could not become steel. At this time, his teammates were still unreliable.

"never mind!"

Ling Feng sighed softly and said slowly: "I'll carry you! Please hold on tight to me!"

If you leave it to someone else, the situation just now will inevitably happen again. At this time, you can't care about the relationship between men and women.


Yu Junyao hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Ling Feng's strength is obvious to all. Being by Ling Feng's side is undoubtedly the safest.

As long as she and Ling Feng cooperate well, even if everyone else dies, they still have a great chance of escaping unharmed.

After all, no one is a saint. When you have enough energy, you can take care of others, but when you are struggling to protect yourself, you can only make a decision.

"Come up."

Ling Feng squatted slightly, Yu Junyao jumped on Ling Feng's back, lay down carefully, and firmly grabbed Ling Feng's shoulders.

Feeling Ling Feng's broad and strong back, Yu Junyao's cheeks turned red. This was probably the first time she had been so close to a man.

Moreover, he was still the "brat" whom she kept saying she didn't like.

"Let's go on!"

Ling Feng held Yu Junyao's body slightly in place with his left hand, and held a sword in his right hand, clearing the way.

Chu Chaonan carefully followed Ling Feng to his left, with a serious look on his face.

At this time, the people behind him had more or less learned about the existence of the demonic corpse. Although they were frightened in their hearts, they also knew that there was no way out and they could only follow Ling Feng and go all the way to the end.

Perhaps, after this damn chess game, there are countless opportunities and inheritance waiting for them.


Ling Feng carried Yu Junyao on his back and marched again. In the fog, it was so hazy that he couldn't see anything clearly.

Fortunately, with Yu Junyao's guidance, we didn't encounter any attacks from demonic corpses along the way.

However, Ling Feng acted directly behind Yu Junyao's back, which actually improved his efficiency.



"No! I don't want to die!"

Just when everyone thought that the Demonic Chess of Life and Death would be passed without any danger, a scream came from the rear of the team.

At the back of the team, suddenly a pitch-black claw in the depths directly grabbed several demon clan warriors, and dragged Wen Renzhan along with them into the black mist.

The first one to scream was Wen Renzhan!

"Evil beast! Looking for death!!"

Young Master Jin Jiao's expression changed, he roared, his figure was like light, and he quickly grabbed the demon clan member who was being dragged away!


A piercing scream came, followed immediately by a screeching sound.

Young Master Jinjiao stumbled, and only the lower half of his body was pulled back in his hands.

The fracture was torn apart by sharp claws!


Then, a sound of blood and water splashing came from the depths of the mist, accompanied by a blood-curdling scream, as shrill as a ghost!

In the blink of an eye, three monsters and Wen Renzhan from the human race died tragically!

Everyone's scalp went numb for a while!

All those present were strong in the Imperial realm, but in the hands of the demon corpse, they didn’t even have the chance to fight back!

"Damn it!"

Young Master Jin Jiao was furious. In front of him, several of his subordinates died like this!

After ruthlessly throwing down the remaining lower half of his body in his hands, the eyes of Young Master Jinjiao surged with murderous intent.

However, reason told him that if he blindly rushed into the fog and fought bloody battles with those demon corpses, there would be only one consequence, and that would be death!

There was a panic among the crowd.

The fear and depression caused by the demon corpse almost completely defeated the warriors present.

"Oh my God, if I had known it, I wouldn't have come even if I had killed myself!"

"Is it too late to quit now?"

Everyone's faces were full of fear, and they were scared to death. So far, it seemed that they had not gotten any good things at all, but they had experienced huge crises of nearly dying again and again.

This made them wonder, if they continue to move forward, will there really be any chance to inherit it?

Or should I say, this Blood Road Secret Realm is simply a place of death!

A desperate Jedi!

Yu Junyao's pretty face turned pale. Others may have only seen a slight shadow of the bloody scene just now, but she could see it clearly.

In fact, she could see that there were more demonic corpses all around, approaching.

"This is the black chess area, we must get to the white chess area as soon as possible!"

Yu Junyao gritted her teeth and said loudly: "Don't stop, go to the left! Six squares!"

However, at this moment, in the mist, a terrifying green claw suddenly stretched out and grabbed Yu Junyao's face.

As recorded on the stone tablet, those demon corpses will give priority to attacking intruders who have gained vision.

Yu Junyao and Zhuge Wan'er are both their targets.


Yujunyao exclaimed. At this moment, she didn't have any strength at all. She was even frightened by the sudden change and even forgot to shout for help.

Seeing that Yu Junyao was about to die under the claws of that devil.

Sonorous! ——

At the critical moment, a simple long sword suddenly struck and blocked the terrifying green claws!

It's like the sound of steel colliding, deafening!

In the mist, there was a piercing scream, which was the roar of the demon corpse.

"Are you okay?"

Ling Feng's face darkened. The fact that he couldn't see the enemy clearly made the battle extremely difficult.

"It's... not bad! Thank you... thank you!"

Yu Junyao's voice was still slightly trembling, and her body was shaking violently.

At this moment, she was completely an ordinary person, and her only support was Ling Feng.

Ling Feng was secretly surprised that this woman actually said "thank you" to him.

It looked like she was really scared this time!

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