Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2073 Heavy casualties! (3 updates)

"As long as it's okay. I said, nothing will happen to you before I fall."

Ling Feng comforted Yu Junyao and immediately raised the sword in his hand.

Looking carefully, a trace of dark green blood remained on Shifang Jiannian. The demon blood dripped onto the ground, melting the hard ground and causing a burst of thick black smoke.

These demon corpses, even in their blood, contain such strong poison!

In the middle of the team, the demon corpses also began to attack Zhuge Wan'er.

Fortunately, everyone understood the importance of Zhuge Wan'er, and with the large number of people protecting her around, those demonic corpses failed to succeed.

"Don't stay, the surroundings are already surrounded by demon corpses, you must escape to the white area quickly!"

Ling Feng revealed an extremely despairing reality!

The blood of those demon clansmen who died tragically, as well as Wen Renzhan, exuded a strong bloody smell, like a beacon in the dark night, attracting all the demon corpses in the vicinity.

Although Ling Feng couldn't see clearly through the fog, he could sense the aura of demon corpses in all directions with just his senses!

Fortunately, those demon corpses seemed to be afraid and could not approach the white chess area. As long as they relied on the white chess piece, there was still a way to survive without being completely surrounded by those demon corpses.

About an hour later, under the leadership of Yu Junyao, everyone quickly arrived at the next white chess area.

Although several members were lost again along the way, the large force finally reached a relatively safe area.

But when we arrived here, the team of almost fifty people was reduced by more than half, leaving less than twenty people.

Among them, the demon tribe suffered heavy casualties because they were at the rear of the team. Only five people, including Young Master Jinjiao, were left here.

However, with the smaller number of people in the team, it was relatively more convenient, and the speed of avoiding demon corpses was also improved a lot.

"We have probably reached the middle of the chess game, and I am afraid we will pass the black chess area later, so everyone must be prepared."

Ling Feng looked back at everyone and said in a deep voice: "The first priority is to protect Miss Yu and the others. Without them, we can't get out of the chess game!"

Everyone nodded quickly. Although the young master Jin Jiao looked very ugly, he also understood that without Yu Junyao, he would never be able to get out of this formation.

In fact, if he hadn't been afraid of Ling Feng's strength, he would have snatched Yu Junyao away and taken her alone, leaving the rest here.

As for Zhuge Wan'er, although she can clearly see the maze, she doesn't know the rules of the chess game. Even if she is taken away, it won't mean much.

After a short rest, the group set out on the road alone. With the experience in the first half, Yu Junyao has basically mastered the rules of the chess game. Relatively speaking, the safety of the path she pointed out has also been greatly improved.


Everyone was moving forward, and their eyes were filled with confusion. When they arrived here, everyone had already paid a heavy price. Every step they took was done carefully, not daring to be careless.

"There is a demon corpse six blocks ahead and to the left!"

Yu Junyao reminded in a low voice that this is the white chess area, and there are relatively few wandering demon corpses, no longer in large groups.

Hearing this, Young Master Jin Jiao pulled out a long white bone sword, and the demon element flew out with a sway.


A shrill scream like a ghost resounded through the fog.

The next moment, Young Master Jin Jiao returned the same way, swung his long sword in his hand, and a few drops of demon blood fell to the ground, making a sizzling sound.

If there are lone demon corpses or there are not too many demon corpses, everyone will choose to eliminate them to save the trouble of taking a detour.

Ling Feng needs to protect Yu Junyao Zhouquan, so he cannot risk his life. Young Master Jinjiao is extremely powerful, so this task naturally falls on him.

In order to escape from this place now, Young Master Jin Jiao can only choose to cooperate.

"Five squares to the right, two!"

"Three spaces directly in front, four!"


With Yu Junyao guiding the way, and the group of people working together to kill the demon corpses halfway along the way, everyone quickly passed through the white chess area safely.

Next, there is the dangerous black area.

In the black chess area, there are hundreds of demon corpses at every turn. Everyone can only rely on speed to avoid those demon corpses. Otherwise, once they fall into a hard battle, a large number of demon corpses will arrive immediately, and then the situation will be truly doomed.

"Five blocks ahead, fifty-seven demonic corpses!"

"Three spaces to the left, sixty-six demon corpses!"

As soon as they entered the black chess area, the number of demon corpses suddenly skyrocketed.

Even if everyone acts in a team and works together, it is not easy to annihilate a large number of demon corpses.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and shouted to all the members: "As much as possible, avoid fighting with demon corpses!"

Everyone's expressions became extremely solemn. They knew very well that walking among this density of demon corpses, they were in danger of falling at any time.

Moreover, the number of casualties will also increase dramatically.

Densely packed demon corpses flew in like locusts, trying to kill them.

Every once in a while, there would be screams.

However, Ling Feng couldn't look back at all and kept swinging his sword to clear the way. Now, it was no longer a question of how many demon corpses were in which grid.

Almost all the passages ahead have been completely blocked by demon corpses.

Yu Junyao kept announcing the passage, while Ling Feng could only swing the sword mechanically, and even started to use the sword domain, in order to barely save himself.

Chu Chaonan also used all his methods, and the six phases of destiny were constantly changing, barely keeping up with Ling Feng's progress.

At the rear, the situation was equally tragic. Young Master Jin Jiao even directly transformed into the form of a monster dragon. The billowing demon energy exploded and could wipe out dozens of demon corpses in an instant.

As Yu Junyao said, the power of those demon corpses has been weakened to the extreme. It would be relatively easy to eliminate them before they absorb the power of flesh and blood and regain their strength.

"Come on!"


Everyone's eyes turned red. After some time, the demonic corpse's piercing cry finally weakened.

In Yu Junyao's line of sight, he finally saw another area of ​​white chess pieces ahead.

Ten squares!

Eight squares!

Six grids!

Finally, everyone stepped into the white chess area. The violent demon corpses behind them finally listened and did not dare to step into the white chess area.


The people who survived were all panting. The young master of the golden dragon also released the body of the monster dragon, turned into a human form, and fell to the ground.

His body was covered with hideous wounds, and it was obvious that he had been seriously injured in the fight just now.

In fact, except for Yu Junyao and Zhuge Wan'er, the two "eyes" that everyone guarded with their lives, everyone else suffered injuries to varying degrees.

Not only that, the team that originally numbered less than twenty people now only has the last ten people left!

The casualties were extremely heavy!

You know, there were nearly a hundred geniuses from the two tribes who first entered the Blood Road Secret Realm, but now only ten of them are still alive!

After a while, everyone adjusted their breathing and looked at the white chess pieces around them with a look of relief.

Now that we have reached the back of the chess game, we only need to pass through this last section to get out of the chess game safely.

"It seems that we are quite lucky!"

Ye Tiannan, the genius from Tianchuan Jianfu, had a smile on his face, "At least, they haven't encountered the demon corpse from the ancestral realm all the way here."

No one answered him. The closer it got to the last minute, the more cautious he had to be.

After all, it's just that I haven't encountered the Ancestral Realm Demon Corpse for the time being. It's best not to say such things before I get out of the chess game.

Otherwise, if we really meet him, it will be no joke.

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