Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2074 Ancestral Realm Demon Corpse! (1 update)

"Be careful! We only have the last distance before we can get out of the chess game!"

Yu Junyao's beautiful eyes flickered. There were many crises along the way, and almost everyone had reached their limit.

Fortunately, as long as you get out of the last section of the white chess area, you will be out of this terrifying "Devil Chess of Life and Death".


Ling Feng carried Yu Junyao on his back, with a solemn look on his face. He took big steps again and rushed into the fog ahead according to Yu Junyao's instructions.

In the white chess area, there were only scattered demon corpses. Everyone used their magical powers to kill all the demon corpses blocking the front.

Especially the young master of the golden dragon, he was so powerful that he could kill several demon corpses almost every time he made a move.

At this time, there are almost a dozen squares away from the exit of the chessboard. As long as they escape from the chessboard, everyone will be safe.

However, just after everyone took about five steps, the white chess turned into a black chess, and the area in front of them was all black chess areas.

This also means, the realm of the demon corpse!

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to break out of the chess game!"

Everyone's hearts were tense, but having reached this point, they could only fight to the death.


A genius from the monster race can transform into the true form of a monster beast, and the human sword emperor also pushes his sword intention, sword power, and even sword domain to the extreme.

"Kill it!"

Determination flashed in everyone's eyes. As long as they broke through this last hurdle, they would be able to escape.

However, at this moment, the demonic corpses flying towards them suddenly receded like a tide!

A series of frightened screams came from the mouths of many demon corpses!

It seemed that in the depths of the fog ahead, there appeared a being that they were extremely afraid of.

At the same time, a breath that made everyone feel frightened suddenly came!

Ling Feng's eyebrows jumped, and a ferocious and violent aura appeared from their side!

The speed is so fast that you don’t even have time to react!

The violent wind was like a huge wave, mixed with disgusting blood!

Without Ling Feng’s reminder, everyone can already tell where the visitor is, or in other words, who the visitor is, it goes without saying!

Ancestral realm demon corpse!

The most terrifying existence in the Demonic Chess of Life and Death!

Although the power of this ancestral realm demon corpse has been weakened to the extreme, even less than one ten thousandth of its peak state, it still has the physical strength of the ancestral realm!

"Get out of my way!"

Young Master Jin Jiao gritted his teeth, took action with anger, directly ignited the power of his original bloodline, condensed a palm, turned into a huge dragon claw of tens of feet, and struck hard into the mist ahead.


After the dull sound of a hit, there was a deafening roar.


The palm of Young Master Jin Jiao not only failed to make the Ancestral Realm Demonic Corpse fearful, but instead made it fierce!

The violent sound shook the sky. At this moment, everyone was bleeding from seven holes and dizzy.

Yu Junyao and Zhuge Wan'er, without Yuanli to protect their bodies, vomited blood and almost fainted.

next moment!


A sharp claw as big as a giant tree fell from the sky and enveloped everyone in it.

The shocking palm power made everyone feel frightened and their livers and gallbladders trembled.

Although the demon corpse has lost all the magical powers it had during its lifetime, the brute force of this body alone is almost enough to destroy the world.

Young Master Jin Jiao was the first to bear the brunt and was knocked away by the violent palm force. At the moment of life and death, Young Master Jin Jiao seemed to have used some life-saving trump card. His whole body turned into a ball of blood and was teleported dozens of feet away. Only then could he barely escape.

However, the few human and demon geniuses around him did not have such background as him, and their bodies were directly shattered in the void, turning into blood foam that spread all over the sky.

The strong smell of blood swept through the entire space, and the shadow of death instantly enveloped it.

"No, if the demon corpse absorbs the power of flesh and blood, it will become stronger!"

Ling Feng frowned deeply. At this moment, he could only make some sacrifices!

"Reincarnation Technique!"

In an instant, the void trembled, and Ling Feng directly used the Reincarnation Seal to summon twelve corpse puppets at the peak of the Emperor Realm.

Facing the ancestral realm demon corpse, no one present can resist its power. The only way is to use these corpse puppets to temporarily hold it back.

Although these corpse puppets will probably all fall under the claws of that demon corpse in the end, sometimes sacrifice is inevitable.

Instead of letting living people die, the life and death of these corpses that had died thousands of years ago had no meaning.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, the twelve emperor-level corpse puppets all rushed out. Although their strength was not small compared to that of Young Master Jinjiao, they were not afraid of death and did not know pain.

As long as it is not completely destroyed, it will continue to attack the ancestral realm corpse puppet.

"Rush over now!"

Ling Feng carried Yu Junyao on his back, yelled at the people behind him, and sprinted with all his strength while the ancestral realm demon corpse was dealing with the twelve corpse puppets.


With one punch, a corpse was destroyed.

Another punch, and the second zombie fell.

The powerful Peak Emperor Realm Corpse Puppet was unable to resist even a single move under the fist of this Ancestral Realm Demon Corpse.

And Ling Feng knew that the time these corpse puppets could buy them would not exceed ten breaths!


Fight for your life and sprint like crazy!

Everyone's eyes were red and they were running wildly for fear of falling behind.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

With every breath, everyone felt as if they had experienced ten thousand years. The feeling of being enveloped by death was almost breathless.

Roar! ——

Accompanied by an extremely terrifying roar, ten breaths had passed in the blink of an eye!

At this time, the ancestral realm demon corpse behind him had strangled all the twelve corpse puppets released by Ling Feng.

The power of flesh and blood is integrated into its shriveled and decaying body, making its aura more terrifying and powerful!

The undead ghost fire floating in its eyes became brighter and weirder.

The next moment, it raised its claws high, pointed forward, and grabbed it with a bang.

The strong wind swept across, and the entire space seemed to be completely destroyed under this claw.

"The last square, go for it!"

Yu Junyao pointed forward and shouted: "Rush over, we will be safe!"

Everyone was refreshed, their eyes were red, and they rushed forward like crazy.

Get out!

Get out!

At this moment, this is the only thought left in everyone's mind!


A moment, but it seems like millions of years!

Finally, as if passing through a barrier, the fog in front of his eyes suddenly dissipated.

Bang bang bang!

In the space behind him, the blood-curdling roar seemed to be right next to his ears.

However, the terrifying ancestral realm demon corpse could not escape the scope of the mist and could not escape from the chess game.

This also means that they finally escaped from the chess game alive!

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