Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2075 Neither human nor demon! (2 updates)


Everyone was exhausted and collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

More than fifty people entered the chess game, but only eight people came out alive in the end!

There are six people from the human race, and only two people from the demon race are left!

As the "eyes", Yu Junyao and Zhuge Wan'er both survived.

However, the two female warriors who had carried them behind their backs had all died within the chess game.

And Zhuge Wan'er was also forced to come out by Chu Chaonan, otherwise she might also fall into the Demonic Chess of Life and Death.

For a moment, the joy of surviving the disaster surged into my heart.

No one spoke, they were all so exhausted that they barely had the energy to speak.

Yu Junyao also let out a sigh of relief, her head hanging on Ling Feng's shoulder, wishing she could have a good sleep.

In the Demon Chess of Life and Death, her spirit was stretched to the limit, but now that she relaxed, she realized how tired she was.

"I said Miss Yu, you're not even close, it's time to come down."

Ling Feng coughed lightly and opened his mouth to remind the woman.

You are too tired, okay?


Yu Junyao opened her eyes tiredly. In her eyes, there was only the close view of Ling Feng's cheek.

With a blush on her pretty face, Yu Junyao hurriedly jumped down from Ling Feng's back and gave Ling Feng a blushing look.

As they were running wildly and fighting all the way in the Demon Chess of Life and Death, their clothes were soaked with sweat.

Ling Feng coughed dryly, pointed at Yu Junyao's chest, and reminded: "Hey, your clothes are wet!"

Yu Junyao lowered her head sharply, realizing her predicament. She quickly covered her chest with her hands, glared at Ling Feng fiercely, gritted her teeth and said, "Humph! What are you looking at, you pervert!"


Ling Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. He reminded him kindly, but in the end he was scolded as a pervert?

Such good intentions are not rewarded!

Shrugging, Ling Feng didn't bother to pay attention to this guy. He took a deep breath and began to meditate and adjust his breath to restore the energy in his body.

About an hour later, everyone gradually regained their strength and then embarked on the journey again.

Just like the previous layers of space, after everyone reached the end, they saw another magnificent door in front of them.

Everyone's heart sank, and they didn't know how many levels there were in this bloody secret realm.

If they encounter a terrifying level like the Demon Chess of Life and Death again, can they still leave the secret realm alive?

But any speculation is futile at the moment.

They have no way out and can only move forward.

The golden door opened, and a golden world appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Looking around, there are nine magnificent palaces.

In the transformed sky of the attic, a golden sun exudes golden brilliance, shining the nine ancient halls with golden light.

Looking from a distance, it looks like nine piles of gold, which is magnificent.

At the same time, waves of heart-stopping fluctuations came from the nine palaces.

It was an extremely majestic and heavy pressure from heaven and earth!

"What a strong pressure!"

Young Master Jin Jiao was startled, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Could it be that this is where the ancient inheritance is?"

Some people have speculated about the cast. After all, everyone has gone through many tests before, and it’s time to get an opportunity!

Otherwise, this place should not be called a secret realm, but a place of death.


Just as everyone was guessing, the nine halls slowly opened.

The interior is exquisite and luxurious, exuding the rich power of heaven and earth.

Waves of wonderful fragrance spread out, and after taking a gentle breath, the warriors who stayed at the peak of the Imperial Realm felt that the realm barriers in their bodies seemed to be loosened.

It seems that he can break through the holy level at any time!

Only Ling Feng, who was in the early stage of the Destiny Realm, felt that he was about to break through.

"Could it be that there is an opportunity here to directly break through to the Saint level?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. The warriors who could reach the pinnacle of the Imperial Realm were already only one in a thousand, while those who could break through to the Saint level from the pinnacle of the Imperial Realm were still very rare.

Every saint-level person is a being who can call the wind and rain in the West Sword Territory.

Most of the warriors present are already at the peak of the imperial realm. Perhaps, they can take this opportunity to break through to the holy level!

If they could really break through to the Saint level, it could be said that these people would have saved themselves years, or even decades, of hard work!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The young master of the golden dragon could no longer hold himself back, so he directly chose a palace in the middle and flew away.

Before entering the main hall, he turned back and glared at Ling Feng fiercely.

If he could break through the Saint level in one fell swoop, he would be absolutely sure of dealing with Ling Feng.

After all, the higher the level of the power of the demon clan's bloodline, the stronger the stimulation.

As long as he breaks through to the Saint level, he will instantly be comparable to the second-level powerhouses of the Nine Transformation Realm of the human race.

At that time, Ling Feng will definitely die!

Ling Feng pursed his lips, but it was a pity that this Young Master Jin Jiao did not die in the Demon Chess of Life and Death.

This guy's strength is indeed strong enough. In the chess game, it is also thanks to this guy's strength. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be even fewer people who come out alive in the end.

"You want to kill me, why don't I want to kill you!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, this Young Master Jin Jiao would probably be a powerful enemy.

"I'm in too!"

Yu Junyao's figure flashed, she also found a palace and flew into it.

There were only eight people present, and nine halls were more than enough.

Soon, everyone chose a hall and entered it. Once the hall was selected, it would automatically close. After all eight people had made their selections, only the last hall was still open.

At this moment, a figure staggered out.

That figure was covered in dark blood. His clothes were all torn, exposing wounds that were deep enough to show the bones. All the flesh and blood were torn apart, obviously the scars from being chewed.

Strangely, the skin on his body actually grew layers of fine scales, and a ferocious horn grew on his forehead. It didn't look like a human being, but more like a demon corpse!


The monster with a ferocious face made a gloomy and hoarse roar from its mouth, and its eyes flashed with extremely resentful eyes, like a ferocious beast that chose people to devour.

Judging from the outline of his face and body shape, it can only be vaguely seen that this person is the Wen Renzhan who was dragged into the mist by those demon corpses in the Demon Chess of Life and Death!

No one knew what he had gone through, but he escaped in such a state that was neither human nor demonic.

And his only purpose was to brutally kill Ling Feng!

Wen Renzhan looked at one of the palaces with his extremely sinister gaze, sensing the terrifying pressure of heaven and earth, and his expression became a little calmer.

The next moment, Wen Renzhan flashed and rushed into the hall.


The palace door was closed, and the nine halls simultaneously emitted bright light and soared into the sky. The next moment, they simultaneously became illusory and gradually disappeared.

It's as if it has never existed.

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