Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2076 Great Creation Technique! (3 updates)

On the other side, he had entered the palace and looked around at the surrounding environment.

This place is a wonderful place for cultivation. The richness of spiritual energy in the air is staggering.

"If I practice here directly, I may be able to break through to the third level of the Destiny Realm within ten breaths!"

Ling Feng's heart became hot. Although he had never entered the so-called Jiuyang Cave, the cultivation effect here was definitely far better than that of Jiuyang Cave, a hundred times a thousand times!

After carefully looking around the hall, Ling Feng's eyes finally landed on a dragon and phoenix mural.

"There's something weird about this mural."

Ling Feng was surprised. After looking carefully for a moment, he found that the Canglong's eyeball in the center of the mural seemed to be missing something.

The position of the eyeball seems to be a groove!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. The size of the groove seemed...

After thinking about it, Ling Feng took out a dark red gem from the Naling Ring.

This gem was obtained by me when I first entered the Blood Path Secret Realm. I got a fairy beast and demon elixir, and later gave it to a little boy guarding the gate. After the boy ate the demon elixir, he gave it to me as a gift.

Along the way, Ling Feng didn't find any use for this dark red gem, but at this moment, he seemed to encounter a groove that fit the gem very well.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng directly pressed the gem towards the dragon's eye.

Suddenly, a wonderful scene appeared!

The dragons and phoenixes in the mural began to swim slowly, as if they were traveling through the nine heavens.

While the dragons and phoenixes were flying, rows of densely packed small characters appeared on the lower left side of the mural.

It's a pity that Ling Feng cannot understand this ancient writing.

"This gem turns out to be a key!"

Ling Feng's heart moved. He knew that if he gave up, he would gain something. If he had not given up the fairy beast and demon pill, he would not have the chance to open this mysterious mural now!

"Could it be that it's some kind of special technique?"

Ling Feng stared at the words on the mural and couldn't help but frown. For the first time, he felt that he had suffered the loss of being uneducated.

At this moment, with a flash of purple light, the bitch jumped out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

"Boy Ling Feng, you seem to need help?"

The bitch smiled obscenely at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng glanced at it angrily and said in a deep voice, "Do you recognize the writing from ancient times?"

"Of course, who is this beast!"

The bitch pointed at the text on the left side of the mural and said with a smile: "The Great Creation Technique, tsk tsk, it sounds awesome!"

"The Great Creation Technique?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled. This didn't seem to be a martial skill, but a kind of power that was close to rules.

"Bitch, did you explain above what the Great Creation Technique is?"

Ling Feng asked.

"Creation means making something out of nothing and giving it life!"

The bitch looked at the writings on the mural, with an incredible look in his eyes, and exclaimed: "Oh my god, this...this great creation technique can actually directly materialize everything in your imagination! As long as it's... The origin of the soul is powerful enough that even gods can be created directly out of thin air!”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. This kind of ability is too unbelievable!

"But fortunately, this great creation technique directly creates souls, which is not allowed by heaven. If you abuse it too much, you will encounter the backlash of heaven and die an untimely death!"

Jianlu was relieved when he saw the annotation at the end of the mural.

If there were no restrictions, wouldn't those who mastered this "Great Creation Technique" be no different from real gods?

"Even so, this great creation technique can definitely be called an extremely rare magic technique in the world!"

This kind of secret technique is somewhat similar to soul skills, but if you use soul skills to compare.

I'm afraid, it should be comparable to the legendary "immortal" level soul skill!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "You bitch, is there any cultivation method above?"

"Yes, there is!"

The cheap donkey said calmly: "But boy Lingfeng, you have to think clearly. Do you really want to practice this secret technique? This technique is not tolerated by heaven and earth. It is equivalent to stealing the power of the gods for your own use. Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

"I know it well."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. It is true that the Great Creation Technique is an extremely dangerous secret technique, but it is also an extremely heaven-defying secret technique.

If you need strength, you can't be timid.

"Okay, he is a cruel person!"

The bitch took a deep breath and said slowly: "The first step is to open the eye of the soul. Then, by integrating the creative power in this mural, the eye of the soul can be given the ability to create souls. The eye of the soul can , then transform into the Eye of Creation!”

Soon, Jianlu repeated the words below the mural to Ling Feng in great detail.

Ling Feng nodded frequently, as if he had some realization.

Needless to say, the origin of his soul is so powerful, and because he possesses the Eye of the Emperor, he can practice any pupil technique with twice the result with half the effort.

In this case, perhaps, I can really master this eye of creation quickly!

Taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on Ling Feng's face.

Originally, I only planned to use the inheritance of this place to advance to a few levels, but I didn't expect that there would be such a huge opportunity in this palace.

After pondering for a long time, Ling Feng finally made up his mind.

No matter how dangerous this "Great Creation Technique" is, you must practice it!

With just one thought, he can create countless strong men to fight on his behalf. Only with such a heaven-defying ability can he be worthy of the title of heaven-defying!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng sat cross-legged and began to follow the method in the "Great Creation Technique" to use the power of the soul to condense the eyes of the soul!

"This kid is really crazy!"

The bitch on the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he saw that Ling Feng actually started to practice the "Great Creation Technique".

However, based on his understanding of Ling Feng, it would be really weird if Ling Feng gave up this secret technique.

"You practice your secret skills. As for the Taichu spiritual energy in this palace, this divine beast will just accept it!"

The bitch laughed strangely, but it turned out that the spiritual energy in the hall was called Taichu spiritual energy.

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