Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2077 Practicing magical powers! (1 update)

I don’t know how long it will take to practice.

After Ling Feng learned about the cultivation method of the "Great Creation Technique", he sat in front of the mural like an old monk entering trance and began to focus the eyes of his soul.

As for Jianlu, Xiaoqiongqi and the underworld dragon, they all ran out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and absorbed the Taichu spiritual energy in the hall, and their power continued to increase.

Fortunately, the Taichu spiritual energy in the main hall was extremely strong. Even if there were several more demon pets all at once, it would still be more than enough to divide them up.

As for Ling Feng, he was completely immersed in the condensation of the Eye of Soul, and was not interested in the Taichu aura from the outside world.

The realm is only temporary, and this "Great Creation Technique" is definitely a peerless magical power that can reverse the slaying of gods and demons.

Moreover, it is also a magical power that suits me very well!

one day……

Two days...

Three days...

Finally, Ling Feng opened his eyes and stared at the mural in front of him.


The void trembled, and the dragon and phoenix portraits in the mural suddenly disappeared, and the entire mural became blank.

But in Ling Feng's mind, a vague voice sounded, which seemed to be a spiritual thought left in the mural.

"The eye of the soul is successfully condensed. Whether it can obtain the power of creation still needs to be tested!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and practiced the "Great Creation Technique". The first step was to gather the eyes of the soul, and the second step was to obtain the power of creation.

Whether you have the power of creation is the key to evolving the eye of the soul into the eye of creation.

"I accept the test!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ling Feng immediately nodded and agreed.

"Okay, use your soul's eye to re-brand the previous dragon and phoenix mural on the stone wall according to your memory. If you meet the qualified standards, you can gain the power of creation."

Re-brand the dragon and phoenix pattern just now?

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. With his photographic memory, this was not a difficult task for him at all!

Not to mention him, even a warrior with a slightly stronger power of consciousness would not have any difficulty.

Ling Feng recalled in his mind, and with a thought, he began to recall the dragon and phoenix mural just now in his mind, and the dragon and phoenix portraits were simultaneously presented in the mural.

However, what surprised Ling Feng was that the dragon and phoenix portraits displayed on the mural were completely different from the original mural.

The original murals were so lifelike that they seemed to come alive at any time.

The portrait drawn by Ling Feng was almost formless, with only a little outline of a dragon and a phoenix.

"The soul power is initially released, and it is not qualified to create!"

The disembodied voice sounded in his mind again, and Ling Feng frowned slightly. Sure enough, it was not easy to gain the power of creation.

The power of creation transforms what the mind imagines into reality.

Soul, consciousness, mind...

Ling Feng calmed down and did not rush to make a second attempt. Instead, he learned experience and lessons from the failure of the first attempt.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Feng began to try to picture the dragon and phoenix in his mind for the second time.

The impression in memory and the description of details are not the same concept at all.

This is not an ordinary painting, but a process of transformation that embodies the power of spiritual consciousness.

If it cannot even be transformed into the form of a painting, how can it be given soul and life?

Holding tightly to his mind, Ling Feng imagined that his thoughts turned into a paintbrush, carefully leaving a mark on the sea of ​​​​spirit.

As an alchemist, Ling Feng never lacked patience.

Ling Feng tried his best to recall every step and every detail to avoid any mistakes.

But even so, it is really difficult for Ling Feng, who has never painted, to keep his soul in an extremely exquisite state and depict something!

Not long after, a trickle of sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead.

All the mental energy in the body is tense at one point and concentrated.

Any slightest mental fluctuation or imprint of the soul will tremble, affecting the fineness of the painting.

A full hour passed, Ling Feng moved slowly, bit by bit.

Keeping the soul in this state for a long time is also a great loss to the origin of the soul.

This is no less than the consumption caused by using silver soul skills one after another.

An hour!

Two hours!

Three hours!

This time, Ling Feng spent a full three hours before he managed to leave the imprint of a blue dragon on the mural. As for the colorful phoenix next to him, he had not yet made a move.

And even if it was just like this, Ling Feng felt that he had almost reached his limit.

The power of his spiritual consciousness was almost completely drained away, and his whole mind felt like a stabbing pain.

You must know that he possesses a silver fighting spirit, and has practiced secret techniques such as "Soul Splitting Art". The power of his spiritual consciousness is many times more powerful than that of ordinary Emperor realm warriors.

But even he couldn't fully present the dragon and phoenix images on the mural, which shows the difficulty.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid that even if they get the training method of this secret art, they would never be able to successfully practice it.


With a muffled groan, Ling Feng Byte fell down, and the ground under his feet was already wet with sweat.

This process is really difficult.

Ling Feng originally thought it was just a painting, but now he realizes that this painting may be a hurdle that he will never be able to overcome!

"Master, how are you?"

Zifeng's cultivation method is different from other demon pets. He only needs to doze off and his strength will continue to improve. Therefore, he did not enter a state of trance. When he saw Ling Feng fall, he quickly ran over with a concerned look on his face. asked.

"It's okay, let me take a rest!"

Ling Feng pressed his forehead. Fortunately, he had implanted the Forging Qi Hunyuan Lock many times. Whether it was physical pain or severe pain in his soul, he had considerable endurance.

"Master, your face is pale, otherwise you should give up."

Zifeng persuaded: "The spiritual energy in this hall can make your strength increase by leaps and bounds. Isn't this the same as increasing your strength?"

"This great art of creation is a miraculous art of heaven and earth. If you miss this village, you won't have this store!"

Ling Feng gently touched Zifeng's little head and said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, I have a sense of propriety!"

After taking a deep breath and taking a short rest, Ling Feng continued to paint the mural in the sea of ​​spirit.

It's a pity that after he exhausted all his efforts and finally completed the project, the voice in his head remained indifferent.

"The soul power is slightly accomplished, but it is not qualified to create!"

Ling Feng swayed and fell to the ground.

Even so, don’t you qualify?

Ling Feng was deeply frustrated. Since he started practicing the First Path, opening the Eye of the Emperor and the Divine Soul Path have always been an aspect of which he is very proud, and he has almost never suffered a loss in this aspect.

Unexpectedly, I was stumped by a small mural.

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