Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2078 Eye of Creation! (2 updates)

"Come again!"

Ling Feng rested for a moment and regrouped his mental strength.

Half a day later...

"The soul power is slightly accomplished, but it is not qualified to create!"

Two days later...

"The soul power is slightly accomplished, but it is not qualified to create!"

Three days later...

"The soul power has begun to take shape and is not qualified to create!"

Five days later...

"The soul power can be freely expanded and released, and it is qualified to create!"

Plop! ——

Ling Feng was sweating profusely and fell to the ground with a plop, his eyes rolled white and he was exhausted.

For five whole days, without sleep or rest, everyone concentrated on imprinting the dragon and phoenix portrait through the power of the soul.

For Ling Feng, the consumption was beyond imagination.


This kind of exhaustion is even worse than the moment I escaped from the Demonic Chess of Life and Death!

At this moment, even thinking about it, Ling Feng felt that his head was in pain, as if it was about to explode.

Fortunately, after hearing the words "qualified to create", Ling Feng finally felt relieved.

His mind went blank, and the next moment, Ling Feng rolled his eyes and fainted.

Ling Feng just lay on the ground and fell into a deep sleep. It took a full day and night before he woke up again.


Zifeng (in pocket form) jumped on Ling Feng's chest and said excitedly: "You finally woke up, I thought you were going to stay awake!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "You are connected to my life. If you are not dead, I will not die! I am just too tired!"

With that said, Ling Feng got up from the ground and turned to look at the donkeys. They were still practicing.

The aura of the bitch is so exaggerated that it has actually reached the level of the peak demon emperor!

No, it should be, semi-saint level!

"Is Taichu's spiritual energy so powerful?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. In the past ten days, he had been studying the "Great Creation Technique" painstakingly. However, despite this, his body also automatically absorbed part of the aura of Taichu, and he had already broken through to the late stage of the third level of Destiny Realm.

If he had absorbed Taichu's spiritual energy with all his strength, he might have reached the sixth level of Destiny Realm or above.

However, Ling Feng will not regret it.

Looking up at the murals on the wall, he saw that the dragon and phoenix portraits he had imprinted on the stone wall were still there.

At first glance, it seems to be lifelike.

With such a powerful soul origin, it was so difficult for him to barely reach the qualifying standard.

It is extremely difficult to obtain the inheritance of the "Great Creation Technique".

However, after working hard for more than ten days, I still gained something.

At least, the origin of his soul has become extremely solid in a way that is almost torture.

It can be said that almost 80% of them have reached the level of golden fighting souls.

It is only one transformation away from becoming a true golden fighting spirit.

Of course, the biggest gain is that we finally reached the qualified standard!

I can finally get the power of creation!

A line of small golden characters appears on the mural, which is so dazzling that it cannot be seen by the naked eye and requires the soul to touch it.

At the same time, the golden light contains a very special atmosphere!

It was a power that was far beyond comprehension at Ling Feng's current level.

Just like the great road of heaven and earth, the law of the world, its existence is a kind of great truth.

Curbing his curiosity, Ling Feng calmed down and touched the golden light with his soul.


A ray of soul-shaking golden light rushed into Ling Feng's soul, and in an instant, his mind seemed to explode.

It was like experiencing the severe pain of soul cleansing, coming in waves.

This kind of pain is like having boiling water splashed on your face when you are a mortal, extremely hot.

With a groan, Ling Feng gritted his teeth and resisted with difficulty!

The golden light penetrates into the depths of the soul and seems to be transforming it.

Intuitively, the origin of my soul seems to be undergoing some subtle changes.

Compared with before, there is something more obscure and difficult to understand.

He could only guess that this process was related to obtaining the power of creation.

Your own soul will have the ability to create!

What would that feel like?

The severe pain in my mind continued.

Ling Feng clenched his teeth tightly, and blue veins were already popping up on his forehead.

He didn't know that in his eyes, two rays of golden light shot out, and his entire body was wrapped in mysterious golden inscriptions.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

I don't know how long it took, but the feeling of severe pain gradually disappeared, and a layer of faint golden light finally converged, shrinking into a wonderful symbol, shrinking between Ling Feng's eyebrows.

When he opened his eyes again, the once black pupils turned into gold!

Pure gold!

But soon, he calmed down again and was no different from his normal state.

"Have you mastered my Eye of Creation?"

Ling Feng's heart moved. After suffering tremendous pain, he couldn't wait to verify whether he had mastered the "Great Creation Technique".

With a thought in his heart, Ling Feng began to try to sketch images of living beings in his mind.

With a flash of his eyes, Ling Feng saw Jianlu who was meditating in trance, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

The next moment, a black donkey appeared in his mind, and the golden talisman between his eyebrows suddenly shot out a golden light.

Then, in front of Ling Feng, a black donkey appeared out of thin air!


A donkey brayed, and the black donkey actually howled at the top of his lungs.

No physical body, just a soul body.

But it is really a brand new soul body, a soul body with vitality!

Although, it looks like his eyes are dull and lifeless, he lacks intelligence and only relies on instinct to act.

However, Ling Feng is currently only cultivating at a shallow level. In the future, it will not be a problem for him to practice at a higher level and endow his soul with complete spiritual intelligence.

"I really created life!"

Ling Feng looked at the black donkey in front of him in disbelief, feeling excited in his heart.

At this moment, he felt like a creator, a creator.

Even the Void Witch Spirit Yorick needs to use his original essence and blood to be able to replicate his true form for a period of time.

But I created it out of thin air based on my imagination!


There was a strange sound in the void. I don't know how to describe it. It seemed like a whistle or a xun. It was hoarse and low, as if there was a hidden power, giving Ling Feng an extremely uneasy feeling of evil.

Before he could react, the black donkey he had just created turned into a golden point of light out of thin air, and was then taken into the void.

Then, the strange sound gradually faded away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Under Ling Feng's close gaze, the golden light spots disappeared together with the peculiar sound.

Over there is the power to summon souls?

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling what Bitch had reminded him before, that this secret technique was against heaven and was not tolerated by heaven.

Abuse of this technique will definitely lead to divine punishment.

However, no matter what, he finally succeeded in condensing the Eye of Creation.

As long as he practices more in the future and relies on the origin of his soul, at the very least, he can create a saint-level powerhouse.

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