Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2079 All in one color, holy level! (3 updates)

At the same time, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from the bitch's body.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly and he stared at the bitch. That aura contained the power of a saint!

"Is the bitch going to break through the Demon Saint?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. While he was practicing the "Great Creation Technique", was he going to break through?

The enhancement of Jianlu is naturally a good thing for Ling Feng.

Immediately afterwards, the underworld dragon next to him also burst out with an astonishing momentum.

This guy is actually about to break through!

Feeling that the auras of Jian Lu and the underworld dragon were becoming more and more violent, Ling Feng quickly opened the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and threw Xiao Qiongqi and Zifeng into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

There was a hint of joy on Ling Feng's face. Although his subordinates were missing twelve emperor-level corpse puppets, they had gained two holy-level demon pets in exchange!

This time, it’s not a loss!

Half a day later, Jianlu and the underworld dragon broke through and were promoted to Demon Saint!

Ling Feng also struck while the iron was hot, and with the help of Taichu's spiritual energy, he broke through to the fourth level of the Destiny Realm in one fell swoop.

At this moment, suddenly, the entire palace trembled!


It's not the palace, it seems that the entire secret space is trembling!

It seemed that there had been some terrible impact, causing the palace to tremble continuously.


The palace door suddenly opened, and Ling Feng felt a repulsive force. Before he could react, he was ejected with a "swish".

"Is it time?"

Ling Feng frowned, it turned out that this hall had a time limit.

Fortunately, I had successfully practiced the "Great Creation Technique" before this.

At the same time, the doors of the other eight halls were also opened at the same time.

Whoosh whoosh!

Figures flew out of the hall one after another, and their auras all strengthened a lot.

Yu Junyao, Saint level!

Chu Chaonan, Saint level!

Ye Tiannan, Saint level!

Zhuge Wan'er, saint level!

As long as the warriors who entered the hall were all the same, they had all reached the holy level!

For nearly half a month, they continued to absorb Taichu's spiritual energy, and it was difficult not to rise to the Saint level.

Only Ling Feng, who was distracted in practicing the "Great Creation Technique", barely reached the fourth level of the Destiny Realm.

"Brother Ling, hahaha, I have broken through to the Saint level!"

Chu Chaonan rushed over with excitement on his face. According to his original estimate, he would have to practice for at least twenty or thirty years, or even forty or fifty years, before he would have the chance to take that step and achieve the saint level.

But now, under the nourishment of Taichu's spiritual energy, these decades of hard training are suddenly saved!

The hardships ahead are not in vain!

There was also a hint of joy on Yujunyao's face. She was a direct descendant of the Jiuli God Clan, and her qualifications could only be considered average.

But things are different now. With this opportunity, she has already broken through to the Saint level when she is only in her twenties, and is completely comparable to those first-class geniuses!


Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng and found that although his cultivation level had improved, it was negligible compared with others, almost equivalent to no improvement at all, and she suddenly felt a little strange.

"I'm telling you, brat, you're not just sleeping soundly inside, and you've only just improved so much!" Yu Junyao said with disdain, "You're such rubbish!"


Ling Feng just smiled slightly, what he gained was not comparable to the improvement of his realm.

After all, with his background, even with the help of Taichu spiritual energy, he would only reach the late stage of the Destiny Realm at most. If he wanted to break through to the Saint level, he would have to practice in the hall for three full months, and there would still be some opportunities.

If he couldn't break through the holy level, the improvement of several small realms would not mean much to Ling Feng.

At this moment, silently, a strong wind suddenly struck behind him!

A strange demonic aura carries a fatal threat and contains deep resentment: "Ling Feng! You finally show up!! Die to me!!!"

The sneak attacker was Wen Renzhan!

At this moment, Wen Renzhan had also broken through to the holy level, but he almost lost his human form.

The whole body is covered with black scales, and black smoke billows from the whole body, like a demonic corpse!

"Demon corpse, why are there demon corpses here?"

For a moment, all the warriors present showed vigilance and drew their weapons one by one.

Even though they have all broken through to the holy level at this moment, there is still a shadow that penetrates deep into the bones of the demon corpse.

"Who are you?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he vaguely felt a familiar feeling, but he couldn't confirm it.

"Why, you hurt me like this, and now you can't even remember who I am?"

The ferocious face of Wen Renzhan was full of hatred. He stared at Ling Feng and gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will make you understand! I am Wen Renzhan!"

"It's you! You're actually still alive!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. He clearly saw that Wen Renzhan was dragged into the fog by the demon corpse. Logically speaking, there was no possibility of survival.

Even if he survived, without his "eyes", he would never be able to escape from the chess game of life and death!

"I'm still alive, you should die!"

Wen Renzhan hated Ling Feng to the core. In his opinion, if Ling Feng had not placed him at the end of the team, he would never have been dragged away by the demon corpse, nor would he have become like this.

If he hadn't had a special demonic physique that allowed him to integrate the demonic corpse's flesh and blood into his body and disguise himself as a demonic corpse, he might have died in the chess game.

Even so, his body was too eroded by the demonic energy, and he had completely transformed into a monster.

From now on, I am no longer human!

"Humph, I didn't expect that you are so lucky that you can't even die!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he said coldly: "However, since you are still alive, but you don't know how to keep your tail between your legs and come to provoke me, you are being stupid!"

"Shameless talk!"

Wen Renzhan laughed ferociously, "I'll let you know how powerful my evil power is now!"

Although he gave up his human body, his strength did greatly increase after merging with the demon corpse.

In addition, his strength has now exceeded the Saint level, so he naturally doesn't take Ling Feng seriously.

"Brother Ling, let me help you!" Chu Chaonan flew forward without thinking.

"I'm coming too!"

Zhuge Wan'er bit her silver teeth and flew over. After all, Ling Feng had saved her life in the Demon Chess of Life and Death.

"And I!"

Ye Tiannan and several other human geniuses all flew up.

Ling Feng was the "benefactor" who led them to escape from the Demon Chess of Life and Death, but Wen Renzhan had degenerated into a monster.

In this case, it is self-evident who to choose to help.

"Wen Renzhan, this young master is here to help you!"

At this time, the young master of the golden dragon also stepped in with another strong man from the demon clan who had been promoted to the demon saint.

He had already had murderous intentions towards Ling Feng, and now, there was a Wen Renzhan. Although he was not considered a companion, since they had this common enemy, they could form a temporary alliance.

Although Ling Feng's side seems to have a numerical advantage, Young Master Jin Jiao and Wen Renzhan, one has the blood of a high-level demon clan, and the other has integrated the power of the demon clan. Together, they are definitely not something that the human race can resist!

"Okay, kill Ling Feng first!"

Wen Renzhan will naturally not refuse Young Master Jin Jiao's joining. Now he is destined to be tolerated by the human race. Perhaps, going to the demon race is also a way out.

Two evil heretics who hated Ling Feng joined forces. For a moment, the demonic energy rolled and the demonic energy rose. The whole world seemed to be completely enveloped by this terrifying demonic aura.

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