Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2081 I almost forgot to hit the target! (2 updates)

"Take you with me?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "Wen Renzhan, how can you have the nerve to say such a thing?"


Wen Renzhan struggled to get up from the ground, stared at Ling Feng with great hatred, gritted his teeth and said: "You will regret it. If I have any chance to leave the secret realm, I will definitely kill you and everyone around you." , kill them all, leave no one behind! I will use the most vicious method to torture you to death!"

Wen Renzhan stared at Ling Feng and issued an extremely vicious curse.

"Is it?"

With a flash of figure, Ling Feng's figure suddenly appeared in front of Wen Renzhan.

"Thank you for reminding me!"

The next moment, the sword in Ling Feng's hand had already pierced Wen Renzhan's throat. The long sword swung and the blade slashed across Wen Renzhan's entire head.

There was no emotion on Ling Feng's cold face, and he just said calmly: "Thank you for reminding me, otherwise, I almost forgot to do the last hit!"

Wen Renzhan's body struggled on the ground for a few times, and finally stopped moving. He was already too dead to die.

Then, Ling Feng looked at another demon genius who was abandoned by Young Master Jin Jiao.

The demon genius froze, knelt on the ground with a plop, gritted his teeth and said: "Let... let me go! No... even if I can only be trapped here, I still want to live! One more moment is a moment!" "

"What if I not only let you go, but also take you out?"

Ling Feng kept an eye on the demon genius, and if he could survive to the last moment, his strength was naturally not weak, and he could be considered a genius among geniuses.

"You...are you really willing to take me out?"

The demon genius had a hint of hope in his eyes and stared at Ling Feng closely.

Even if there was only a glimmer of opportunity, he would still be willing to give it a try.

After all, who would be willing to be trapped and die in a small secret realm forever? Moreover, God knows what kind of dangers there are in this secret realm.

"As long as you promise to help me do something when you go out, I can take you with me!"

Ling Feng said lightly.

"Don't say one thing, even if it's ten or eight, I will agree to all of them!" The demon genius said quickly: "What's the matter, just tell me!"

"You don't have to know just yet."

Ling Feng threw out an elixir casually and said calmly: "This elixir is a poison pill I refined. If you take this elixir and you dare to come back in the future, you will be gutted and torn apart by just a thought from me." Die! No matter what, as long as you are willing to take the poison pill, I will take you out!"

The demon genius clenched his fist, immediately picked up the poison pill on the ground, and swallowed it with a "Gulu" sound.

"I, the crazy lion, swear in the name of the demon god that I will try my best to fulfill any request of Young Master Ling. If I violate my oath today, I am willing to be devoured by thousands of demons and die without a burial place!"

In order to make Ling Feng believe in him, the mad lion actually swore a poisonous oath.


Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction. During the trip to the Blood Road Secret Realm, an irresolvable gap had been formed between him and the demon clan.

And this crazy lion is a secret move made by himself.

You never know when it will come in handy.

"I have to tie you up first to prevent you from being suspected by the demon clan!"

The next moment, Ling Feng took out a rope and tied up the mad lion, then threw him into the boundary-breaking shuttle, and immediately jumped onto the flying boat.

"Okay, everyone, hold on to the mast, I'm going to start and break the boundary!"

Golden light flashes.

The young master of the golden dragon flew out from the secret passage.

Not long after, he finally reappeared on the bloody ancient road.

"Haha, it's finally out!"

Young Master Jinjiao is full of high spirits.

Although he was unable to unlock the secret of the mural in the final hall, his improvement in realm had made his trip worthwhile.

The demon clan has a long lifespan that far exceeds that of humans, but relatively, the speed at which their realm improves is much slower than that of humans.

If it hadn't been for this opportunity, it would have taken more than a hundred years for Young Master Jin Jiao to break through to the Saint level.

Although many monster geniuses were lost, the human race also lost a large number of geniuses, and none of them survived.

In the end, he was the only one who got the chance, Young Master Jin Jiao!

This is the ending he is most happy to see!

"Little Lord!"

Not far away, those powerful demon clan men were still waiting on the bloody ancient road, waiting for the return of the demon clan geniuses.

Although more than ten days had passed, Young Master Jin Jiao had a special status, so they naturally did not dare to neglect him.

On the other side, the elders of the three major sword houses were also waiting aside, waiting for the return of the human genius.

As for Hai Qinglan, Old Man Hai, because he could not enter the secret realm of Blood Road, he had already doubted his life and left this sad place.

As for the "undefeated naughty boy" Shepherd God, the dragon has not seen its head and tail, and it is not known whether it has left this place.

"Young Master is out!"

A strong Demon Saint saw the appearance of Young Master Jin Jiao, and immediately flew forward and said respectfully: "Congratulations, Young Master! Congratulations, Young Master!"

He could naturally feel the power of the saint emanating from Young Master Jin Jiao!

His realm has suddenly reached the level of Demon Saint!

Just ten days is worth hundreds of years of hard work!

This Blood Road Secret Realm is really a magical place!

An elder of the demon clan looked ecstatic.

Young Master Jin Jiao has broken through to the Saint level!

This is undoubtedly great news for the entire demon clan.

However, some people felt strange that after waiting for a long time, no one came out of the secret realm except Young Master Jin Jiao.

"Young Master, what is going on? Where are the others?"

An elder of the Lion Demon Clan frowned and asked, "Where is that kid Crazy Lion?"

"There are many dangers in the secret realm of Blood Road, and there are many fights with those human races."

Young Master Jin Jiao pretended to be extremely distressed and sighed softly: "Crazy Lion, you died in the secret realm in order to protect me. In the end, I was the only one who came out!"


The expressions of all the demon clan elders changed. Those demon clan geniuses who entered the secret realm are all the most outstanding descendants of each clan!

"All...all died in the battle?"

"You are the only one left, young master?"

This kind of loss is not small!

On the other side, the elders on the human side couldn't hold back anymore.

"Young Master Jinjiao, please speak clearly. Where is the genius of our human race?"

Zhuge Qingtian frowned deeply, not to mention other geniuses, his granddaughter was still in the secret realm.

"Dead! All dead!"

Young Master Jin Jiao stood with his hands behind his back and said coldly: "If you are an enemy of this young master, you will naturally not have a good end! All those trash from your human race have died in the secret realm!"

Young Master Jin Jiao looked up to the sky and laughed, "The only person who has obtained the opportunity of the secret realm is me! I am the son of luck!"

"Oh? Really?"

At this moment, a crack appeared in the void, and the next moment, figures jumped out from the cracks in the void.

The leader was none other than Ling Feng!

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