Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2082 A bloody battle in space! (3 updates)

"Ling...Ling Feng!"

Young Master Jin Jiao was completely dumbfounded.

His golden pupils stared at Ling Feng with an expression of disbelief.

He had clearly destroyed the only key to the secret realm, and Ling Feng, how did he get out?

This is impossible!

At this time, a human genius jumped out of the crack in the void, and they were all saint-level!

Zhuge Qingtian laughed even more when he saw that his granddaughter was not only not dead, but also already a saint-level powerhouse.

"Okay, okay!"

The Zhuge family finally has a great successor!

Tianchuan Jianfu's side was also overjoyed to see Ye Tiannan come out safely and be promoted to the Saint level.

Only the elders of Longjian Tianfu looked through the crowd and found no disciples of Longjian Tianfu. Even Wen Renzhan didn't come out.

Is it possible that all the geniuses of Longjian Tianfu were wiped out?

"It's not just me!"

Ling Feng grinned, stretched out his hand, and pulled up the demon clan's mad lion.

"Not only us, but also the geniuses of your demon clan, the companions who were abandoned by your so-called young master!"

The mad lion was now tied up with five flowers, and he shouted very cooperatively: "Elders, save me, save me!"

"You are full of nonsense!"

Young Master Jin Jiao's expression became extremely unnatural. He stared at Crazy Lion and said, "That's great, Crazy Lion, you are still alive. I will definitely rescue you!"

"You are so hypocritical."

Ling Feng sneered and kicked the mad lion back into the demon clan's camp.

"I don't bother to threaten you with hostages, I just want you to see clearly what kind of thing this so-called young master is!"

Young Master Jin Jiao's face suddenly turned green and red. He stared at Ling Feng fiercely and cursed: "Ling Feng, if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me. I will kill you on the spot!"

"You're just talking nonsense, don't you have something in mind?"

Ling Feng smiled and made the young master of the golden dragon very angry.

"I kill you!"

Young Master Jin Jiao roared, waved his hand, and threw a crystal ball from the space magic weapon.

The next moment, a nine-color ray of light shrouded down, forming a barrier that enveloped Young Master Jinjiao and Ling Feng within the barrier.

"Blood battle space!"

Zhuge Qingtian, who had seen a lot, his eyelids twitched suddenly, and he exclaimed: "In this bloody battle space, the power of the demon clan's bloodline can be stimulated ten times! No, Ling Feng is in danger!"


"Brother Ling!"

Several saint-level elders from the Single Moon Heavenly Palace, as well as the human geniuses who came out with Ling Feng, quickly used their Yuan Power to prepare to break through the bloody battle space and rescue Ling Feng.

On the side of the Monster Clan, the Monster Clan elders also stopped. The leader of the Monster Clan elder snorted coldly: "No one is allowed to disturb the young master!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Young Master Jin Jiao, with scarlet eyes, stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Boy, you can't summon your demon pet in the bloody battle space! The power of this young master's bloodline can inspire you ten times more. Do you regret it now? You regret that you shouldn’t have come out of the Blood Road Secret Realm. Otherwise, you can live a few more days!”

"Do you think you can defeat me?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, and everything in the ten directions was destroyed, quietly falling into the palm of his hand.

Young Master Jin Jiao is so clever that his demon bloodline inspires him tenfold.

But Ling Feng is not a serious human race.

In his body, there is the blood of chaos, which is more terrifying than the blood of the demon clan!

"Then give it a try! Today, either you die or I die!"

Young Master Jin Jiao's eyes were filled with anger. When he was in the Blood Road Secret Realm, he was almost on the verge of exploding.

However, in order to protect himself, he had no choice but to temporarily cooperate with Ling Feng.

Now, it’s time for the final reckoning!

A bloody battle in space, to the death!

Only when one of them dies will the barrier disappear automatically.

"Kill you. Everything on your body belongs to me! Including the Nine Domain Star Steel!"

Young Master Jin Jiao stared at Ling Feng with his cold eyes. In the bloody battle space, his voice could not be transmitted. At this time, he no longer needed to pretend to be fat.

"Haha!" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I will keep your demon pill and sell it at a good price!"

"court death!"

Young Master Jin Jiao let out a low roar, and the next moment, his body was covered with dragon scales, layer upon layer, forming a layer of tough armor, protecting his whole body.

The blood of the demon race is stimulated ten times more, making Young Master Jin Jiao's strength, to a certain extent, comparable to that of a saint-level powerhouse at the third level of the Nine Transformation Realm!

Strong pressure, crushing down!

Ling Feng frowned slightly, although from a long-term perspective, choosing the "Great Creation Technique" in the palace of the Blood Road Secret Realm was definitely the right choice.

But judging from the current situation, the pressure that Young Master Jin Jiao put on him was undoubtedly very huge and real.

"I will let you know how ridiculous you are! In the bloody battle space, you are just an ant at my mercy!"

Young Master Jin Jiao's eyes condensed, and the next moment, the golden light around him surged, and the power of Qi and blood reached its extreme, forming a whirlpool of Qi and blood.

Immediately afterwards, two figures gathered together and took shape, exactly like Young Master Jin Jiao. They were actually the flesh and blood clones of Young Master Jin Jiao!

The auras of these two flesh and blood clones are comparable to those of Young Master Jin Jiao.

With the power of his bloodline pushed to the extreme, Young Master Jin Jiao was actually able to instantly create two clones with exactly the same strength as himself.

Moreover, the clones are connected and work together flawlessly!


With a flash of the sword edge, Ling Feng drew out and destroyed all directions. At the same time, the Feilian Sword was also held in his left hand.

At this moment, the only option is to bite the bullet and fight!

Sword intent!

Sword power!

Sword domain!

At the same time, Ling Feng's whole momentum rose to the extreme, and even the power of Shura began to circulate.

Fusing the power of Shura, a faint line of blood appeared on Ling Feng's forehead. Under the strong pressure, Ling Feng could only use all his trump cards.

"Six paths of ups and downs!"

"Wind dominates the world!"

With two swords sweeping across, Ling Feng simultaneously slashed out two extremely thick sword beams, which intertwined and slashed towards Young Master Jin Jiao.

"Boy, this young master will let you know what despair is!"

The terrifying aura erupted from the body of Young Master Jin Jiao. In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed. In the distant sky, dark clouds rolled and there was a faint flash of thunder.

At the same time, the two flesh and blood incarnations of Young Master Jin Jiao were already waving their sharp claws and approaching Ling Feng.

The young master of the golden dragon actually wanted to use his flesh and blood clone to delay Ling Feng's movements, while he used some powerful blood talent to kill Ling Feng!

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