Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2087 Wake up! (2 updates)

His consciousness gradually returned to his original form, and Ling Feng seemed to hear a faint conversation.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking, causing him to wake up suddenly.

The sound of the conversation became clearer and clearer.

"Miss, you really shouldn't be so kind. Look, that kid has been lying there for so many days, seriously delaying our trip!"

The speaker seemed to be a maid, and judging from the voice, she should be a lively, outgoing, smart little girl.

Ling Feng couldn't help but think of Qiaoqiao who had been following Yue Yunlan.

That little maid seems to have the same temper.

Although he has a sharp mouth, he actually has a good heart.

"Xiao Cui, this is just a little effort. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

Another soft voice sounded, like the tinkling of spring water, sweet and soft, giving people a feeling like the spring breeze blowing on the face.

"But miss, let's get it right! We are on our way now!"

The maid Xiaocui pouted with a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone, "Besides, that boy doesn't have any vitality fluctuations in him. I'm afraid he is just an ordinary mortal. There is no hope that he can repay us."

"How can we expect the other party to give anything in return when we save people?"

The young lady scolded slightly: "Okay, Xiaocui, don't say any more. I volunteered to be outside the carriage. If you are tired, you can go in and have a rest."


Xiaocui pouted, stretched out her hand to hug the young lady's arm, and said with a smile: "I don't want to be carried around in the carriage with a stinky man!"


The lady and the maid smiled at the same time, and then there was no sound of conversation.

Only then did Ling Feng realize that he seemed to be in a carriage now.

Looking back, I seemed to have passed out that day. Could it be that I was saved by the master and servant afterwards?

After checking his own situation briefly, Ling Feng was frightened.

Yuanli can no longer be sensed.

Divine consciousness seems to be almost ignored.

The sword intention, sword power, and sword domain all disappeared.

Even the Silver Fighting Spirit has completely lost contact.

The corpse soul was sealed, completely sealing his Dantian and the sea of ​​spirit.

In other words, he is just an ordinary person without any power at all.

At best, his strength is greater than that of ordinary people due to his physical training.

And then, what he couldn't accept even more was that the power of the Eye of the Emperor was actually sealed.

A black smoke seems to be shrouded in his Dantian and the sea of ​​spirit, which is extremely evil and strange. It seems to be the undead spirit of the young master of the golden dragon, constantly cursing himself.

"Is this the soul of Young Master Jin Jiao who has been sealed away?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and tried to stay calm as much as possible.

Since entering martial arts, I have never seen any battles.

Just a seal!

As long as it is a seal, there must be a way to resolve it!

"By the way, ask the bitches and the others!"

With a thought, Ling Feng began to try to communicate with the bastards in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Unfortunately, due to the double emptying of spiritual power and Yuanli, Ling Feng found that he could no longer sense the existence of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace!

In fact, even his own Shifang Destruction has lost contact!

Don’t even think about the Naling Ring, it can’t be opened at all!

Now he is just a mortal!

The most ordinary mortal!

Just when Ling Feng was almost desperate, a familiar voice came from his mind.

"I said, Ling Feng boy, what are you doing? How come you have sealed the Five Elements Heavenly Palace! This beast and I can't get out, and we can't see the outside world!"

This voice is clearly a bitch!

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and responded in his heart: "Do you think I am willing? See my situation for yourself?"


Through the connection between souls, Jianlu realized that Ling Feng had turned into a complete useless person!

"Boy, what happened?"

Jianlu was surprised for a while. Since the opening of the bloody battle space, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was sealed. Later, Ling Feng's "corpse soul was sealed" and the Five Elements Heavenly Palace fell into dormancy.

This also means that the bastards and the others cannot show up to help Ling Feng at all.

They can only barely communicate through a ray of connection between their spiritual consciousness.

“I don’t even know the specific things!”

Ling Feng sighed softly. He finally broke through to the imperial realm. Do he really have to start all over again?

Moreover, even if you had to start over again, how would you practice if your Dantian and Sea of ​​Consciousness (Sea of ​​Spirit) were sealed?

"The most urgent thing is to figure out the current situation first!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, gritted his teeth and raised his hand. After more than ten days, his broken bones had basically been reconnected. However, at this moment, his whole body was covered with bandages, just like a Just like a "mummy".

Reluctantly activating the remaining ray of spiritual consciousness, Ling Feng discovered that perhaps because the power of his spiritual consciousness was far superior to that of ordinary people, he could still release his spiritual consciousness.

However, the coverage area has changed from dozens of miles to several meters in radius...

This level is probably the same as that of the most rubbish monk who has just come into contact with the soul.

After all, the naked eye can see clearly within a few meters.

As his consciousness spread, Ling Feng discovered that it seemed to be a caravan, with a total of three carriages. The two carriages at the back were filled with goods, mostly medicinal materials.

There seemed to be five or six guards around, and in front of the carriage where he was, in addition to the driver, there were two girls sitting outside the carriage, which seemed a bit crowded.

At the front of the team was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties or fifties, carrying a long sword on his back and riding a tall horse, leading the way.

Everyone has a certain level of cultivation, but they don't seem to be too strong.

The strongest middle-aged man at the head seemed to be only the king level of the Divine Sea Realm.

This kind of strength is really pitifully weak for Ling Feng, who is used to seeing emperor-level and saint-level experts.

This can't help but make Ling Feng a little curious. Is there such a weak family in the Western Sword Territory?

But thinking about it, Ling Feng felt relieved again.

No matter how strong you are, there are still weak ones.

However, most of the people he had come into contact with before were strong people.

Although at present, my situation is not optimistic from any aspect.

But at this time, Ling Feng knew that he needed to calm down.

At least, being alive is the best news.

As long as he doesn't die, he can return to the top!

Not long after, it was getting late.

The caravan stopped in a forest ahead.

The guards began to set up camp, set up cordons, lit bonfires, and prepared food. Everything was in order.

Obviously, this caravan is already experienced.

The girl named Xiaocui opened the car curtain, glanced at Ling Feng, and snorted: "This brat can really sleep!"

"Xiao Cui, don't be rude and keep calling yourself a stinky boy. What a shame!"

The young lady scolded him softly, and at this moment, she happened to see Ling Feng open his eyes.

In fact, Ling Feng had already woken up.

However, due to physical reasons, I can barely move.

The injuries on his body were too serious.

It was nothing before, but now he is just a "mortal" whose body is slightly stronger than ordinary people.

The ability to recover is greatly weakened.

Moreover, the people who were responsible for bandaging him were very unprofessional, and even the bones were crooked in several places. He was really lucky to survive!

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