Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2088 Miluo Continent! (3 updates)

"Sir, are you awake?"

The voice was very soft, like a spring breeze.

Ling Feng finally saw his savior clearly for the first time.

Dressed in green emerald green hair, with green hair on the temples, white teeth and bright eyes, she is not very stunning, but she gives people a gentle, graceful and spotless feeling.

Especially the orchid-like tranquility and gentleness of Nakhon Mountain is even more eye-catching.

Ling Feng nodded slightly towards the young lady and said softly: "Thank you very much, girl..."

Because his body was really weak, Ling Feng's voice was almost undetectable, as thin as a mosquito's moan.

"Hmph, you little beggar is finally awake!"

Xiao Cui on the side also showed a smile, because when he found Ling Feng, his clothes were in tatters and he had an unshaven beard. He looked very slovenly, so Xiao Cui also called him "little beggar" rudely. ".

After all, in this world where martial arts is respected, even a peddler and a pawn can practice two-handed boxing. At least he is a warrior in the Qi training realm.

As for Ling Feng, let alone his vitality, he didn't even have any fluctuations in his true energy.

A completely ordinary person.

Such a person must be the kind of unlucky person who is too poor to even have food to eat.

"My name is not Little Beggar, my name is Ling Feng."

Ling Feng didn't have the same experience as a little maid. He just looked at the lady in Cui Yi and asked softly: "You still don't know the name of your benefactor?"

"I'm not a benefactor. It was Uncle Zhong who fished you out of the river."

The lady in Cuiyi said softly: "My name is Liu Yunyan."

"It turns out to be Miss Liu."

Ling Feng stood up slightly and saluted Liu Yunyan.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet, so don't move."

Liu Yunyan looked calm and simply said: "You should have a good rest. I will ask Xiaocui to bring you some food later."

"Thank you!" Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Miss Liu's life-saving grace will never be forgotten by Ling Feng."

"You can pull me down. You're just a beggar with nothing to offer. How can you repay me?"

Xiaocui said sarcastically: "If you really want to repay me, the only real thing is to leave as soon as possible!"

"Xiao Cui!"

Liu Yunyan glared at the unruly maid, and said helplessly: "Master Ling, don't be offended, Xiaocui is just unforgiving and has no malice."

"It doesn't matter."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. When Xiao Cui saw Ling Feng's expression of "I'm too lazy to be like a little maid", Xiao Cui became even more angry. She puffed up her mouth and glared at Ling Feng angrily.

He's obviously a little beggar, but he's still imitating others' performance?

How ridiculous!

Three more days passed in a flash, and Ling Feng became familiar with everyone in this caravan.

The middle-aged man at the head, named Liu Zhong, is the steward of the Liu family. The Yuntian Chamber of Commerce run by the Liu family is also a well-known chamber of commerce in Miluo Continent.

When Ling Feng asked about the "Western Sword Territory", both the young lady of the Liu family and the housekeeper Liu Zhong had confused expressions on their faces.

It seems that I have never heard of this term before.

Judging from the surprise and confusion on their expressions, it shouldn't look like they were lying.

This also means that I don’t seem to be in the West Sword Region?

This discovery shocked Ling Feng.

He seemed to have been thrown into a river on the bloody ancient road that day.

Logically speaking, the Bloody Ancient Road is the territory of the Vampire Clan. How did he escape from the Bloody Ancient Road and be rescued by Liu Yunyan?

Now that I think about it, I might have entered a place called "Miluo Continent" through the bloody ancient road.

After Ling Feng's insinuations, Ling Feng finally understood that Miluo Continent did not belong to any county in the West Sword Region. It should probably be similar to a small independent world hidden under the bloody ancient road.

This discovery made Ling Feng both uneasy and a little lucky.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the existence of "Miluo Continent" that he was not buried in the blood clan's mouth.

Moreover, even if those monsters want revenge, they may not be able to find him. They will have time to recuperate before he can break the seal.

But on the other hand, how should I return to the outside world?

This is another very troublesome issue.

After a few days, Ling Feng became more open-minded.

As long as you are alive, there must be a turning point. What you need to do now is to unlock the seal as soon as possible.

"You boy, you recover so quickly!"

Xiao Cui was immediately curious when she saw that Ling Feng was able to get off the carriage by himself, and even punched twice to stretch his muscles.

In fact, more than ten days ago, when they fished Ling Feng out of the river, they thought that Ling Feng was bound to die.

"Thanks also to Miss Liu and Miss Xiaocui for taking care of me."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, but Xiao Cui spat softly and said: "Qiaoyan, now that you're done, don't tell me to leave quickly. Why, you still want to follow us to Liu's house to eat and drink!"

"Speaking of which, I am really alone and helpless."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Since Mr. Ling has nowhere to go, you can stay at my Liu family first."

Liu Yunyan was very kind. She just thought that Ling Feng was desperate and the Liu family had a great business, so it was okay to let Ling Feng stay temporarily.

Finally, a few days later, Ling Feng and his party arrived at a city that looked quite old, called Hierro City.

Judging from the architectural style, it is indeed completely different from the outside world. On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the palaces built by the demons when Ling Feng was plotted by Yan Jinghong and fell into the Seven Emotions Demon Realm.

It seems that the history of this "Miluo Continent" can be traced back to ancient times, the era of the war between humans and demons.

The Liu family's mansion is quite spacious.

Under Liu Yunyan's arrangement, Ling Feng temporarily lived in the Liu family.

Ling Feng can only live here temporarily until he figures out where he should go next.

After living in the Liu family, Ling Feng has been living in seclusion, trying to communicate with his Dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness, but unfortunately, there has been almost no progress.

The Yuan Power disappeared completely. Although he practiced again and again and sensed a ray of Yuan Power, it quickly dissipated.

The Dantian was sealed, and the Yuanli he had cultivated seemed like rootless duckweed with no place to store it.

This kind of problem gave Ling Feng a headache.

If he continues like this, I'm afraid he will become a waste forever and ever.

"With my own strength, it is more difficult to break the seal than to reach the sky."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and thought to himself: "However, if the power of the auxiliary elixir can weaken the seal in the body, there may be a chance!"

Although he has lost his Yuan Power, he is still a master of alchemy!

He has several prescriptions for elixirs that can weaken the seal. However, the medicinal materials are too precious, and with his current ability, it has become a luxury to refine the elixirs himself.

"Not only do we need to find the medicinal materials for alchemy, we also need to find a suitable alchemist!"

Ling Feng frowned. Unlocking the seal was much more difficult than he originally expected.

But no matter what, you can’t stay in the house and try nothing!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng didn't hesitate anymore. On the fifth day after arriving at Liu's house, he finally stepped out of his room for the first time.

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