Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2089 Greedy? (1 update)

Because Ling Feng knew nothing about the situation in Miluo Continent, Ling Feng had no choice but to go to the Miss Liu family to find out something about the alchemist and precious medicinal materials.

Judging from the current situation, the best way to unlock the seal is to use elixirs to weaken the seal. Only then can you have a chance to dispel the curse of "sealing all corpses and ghosts".

After asking the servants of the Liu family, Ling Feng learned that Liu Yunyan was in the study room of the side hall, so he went all the way to find it.

At this time, Liu Yunyan, maid Xiaocui and housekeeper Liu Zhong were all present. In addition, there was a wealthy middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties or fifties. He was dressed as a businessman and was reporting something to Liu Yunyan. Liu Yunyan frowned. .

Ling Feng stood at the door and knocked gently, but did not rush in directly.

Liu Yunyan treated her well, and she still had to show the proper etiquette.

As soon as Ling Feng appeared, the maid Xiaocui who was following Liu Yunyan immediately noticed it. She lowered her voice and whispered in Liu Yunyan's ear: "Miss, here comes the pretty boy who eats and drinks for free!"

A pretty boy who eats and drinks for free?

Although Ling Feng's cultivation was sealed, because the source of his soul was extremely powerful, even if it was sealed, it was still much stronger than ordinary people.

Xiao Cui whispered, but it couldn't be hidden from Ling Feng's ears.

Ling Feng secretly smiled bitterly in his heart, never imagined that one day he would be despised to this extent...

He shook his head and smiled. It seemed like he should do something to save his image.

Although Liu Yunyan helped him without expecting anything in return, Ling Feng was not the kind of shameless person.

Hearing Xiao Cui's words, Liu Yunyan raised her beautiful eyes and glanced at Ling Feng, nodded slightly towards Ling Feng, then looked at the middle-aged businessman again, and said lightly: "Okay, I already know the specific situation. , I will find a way, you go back first."

"Then young lady, I will take my leave first."

The middle-aged businessman bowed to Liu Yunyan, then turned and walked out of the study. When he passed Ling Feng, he couldn't help but look him over.

An ordinary person with no cultivation?

There was a hint of disdain in the middle-aged shopkeeper's eyes.

In this world, people without cultivation are like ants on the ground and can be crushed to death casually.

Ling Feng just shrugged and didn't care.

Even if he doesn't have the slightest bit of cultivation, he is not something that ordinary people can bully at will.

"Master Ling, please come in."

In the study, Liu Yunyan showed a soft smile and invited Ling Feng to come in.

Ling Feng, who had freshened up and shaved his face and put on new clothes, was indeed handsome and somewhat elegant and scholar-like, but in Xiao Cui's eyes, he naturally became the so-called "pretty boy".

Seeing Ling Feng come in, Xiaocui glared at Ling Feng angrily, pouted and said: "I said you brat, are you finally willing to let go? Humph, there is no etiquette at all. The lady has taken you in for so long, you But it’s good, I’m really content to hide in the house and have enough food and sleep all day long!”

"Okay Xiaocui!"

Liu Yunyan shouted to Xiao Cui softly, her eyes fell on Ling Feng, and she said calmly: "Mr. Ling, what can I do for you?"

Although Liu Yunyan's expression still looked calm and elegant, there was a hint of sadness between his eyebrows that was difficult to hide.

Obviously, the Liu family must have encountered some trouble.

Ling Feng originally wanted to ask about the elixir, but after thinking about it carefully, he had been bothering the Liu family for a few days. If he could help, he should naturally do his part.

"Miss Liu seems to have encountered some trouble. If there is anything I can do to help, just ask."

Ling Feng smiled slightly.

"It's just some matters related to the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Ling doesn't need to worry about it. If there is any need for Mr. Ling's help, Yun Yan will definitely ask."

Liu Yunyan smiled, but Ling Feng could tell that Liu Yunyan was just being polite to him and did not take him seriously.

After all, as an ordinary person, how capable can you be?

Xiaocui, on the other hand, snorted and muttered in a low voice: "How capable are you, but you have no skills at all? You are still helping the young lady, so don't be shameless!"

Ling Feng just smiled lightly. Since Liu Yunyan didn't want to speak, he wouldn't force it.

However, Liu Yunyan saved her after all and was kind enough to take her in and treat her with great courtesy. She would definitely repay this kindness.

"By the way, I wonder how Mr. Ling can live here? If you need anything else, just ask."

Liu Yunyan asked softly.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "It's all good, thank you Miss Liu. But right now, there is really one thing I need to bother Miss Liu with."

Xiao Cui immediately rolled her eyes and hummed softly: "You really know how to climb up the pole, you are so thick-skinned!"

Liu Yunyan glanced at Xiaocui, but Ling Feng pretended not to hear. Although the housekeeper Liu Zhong said nothing, he was more or less unhappy with Ling Feng's "shamelessness".

"Young Master Ling, just ask." Liu Yunyan was quite patient and said calmly.

"I suffered some hidden injuries before and need some medicinal herbs to treat them."

Ling Feng asked in a deep voice: "I wonder if there is any place in the city that sells spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs, or where there are high-level alchemists. I may need to... buy some elixirs."

Ling Feng made up some nonsense. After all, it was not convenient to reveal too much about lifting the seal.

"Is there a place that sells spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs?" Liu Yunyan said softly: "We, the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce, also run the business of spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs, but the biggest business is Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion. As for the alchemists, There are several alchemy masters in Hierro City, but they won’t make elixirs for others easily.”

"Is that so?" Ling Feng secretly remembered the name Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion and said with a smile, "Thank you, Miss Liu, for telling me."

Xiao Cui on the side laughed and said: "You brat, you don't have a single elemental stone on your body, and you still want to buy spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses? Are you thinking about eating shit?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

I have never been worried about money, but now...

The Five Elements Heavenly Palace is sealed, and the Naling Ring cannot be opened. Apart from this body, even the clothes on my body belong to the Liu family. I am really poor!

"Um..." Ling Feng scratched the back of his head and couldn't help but said, "I wonder if Miss Liu can lend me 10,000 high-grade Yuan stones?"

"You are such a greedy person!"

Hearing that Ling Feng actually wanted to borrow money, Xiao Cui suddenly exploded, "My lady saved your life, took you in, gave you good food and a good place to live, it's already a huge kindness, and now you actually ask for it?" Yuanshi? And she asked for 10,000 high-grade Yuanshi! Do you really think that my lady is being taken advantage of because she has a good heart?"

The middle-aged butler Liu Zhong on the side also showed a hint of impatience.

He completely regarded Ling Feng as a freeloader.

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