Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2090 Return a hundredfold! (2 updates)

Taking a deep breath, Liu Zhong's eyes narrowed and he stared at Ling Feng coldly.

He turned his back to Liu Yunyan and said in a cold voice: "Miss, originally I didn't want to pay attention to this matter, but this kid is really shameless. You are too soft-tempered and kind-hearted to refuse, but you are a bit of a scumbag and a moth. , can’t be used to it!”

After saying that, Butler Liu's eyes burst with light, like a cold sword light, as if he wanted to pierce Ling Feng.

"Boy, if you know what's going on, get out of the Liu family!"

If it were an ordinary person, under the cold and stern gaze of a king-level powerhouse, he would have been so frightened that his legs would become weak and he would kneel down.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, was not affected at all. Instead, he ignored Butler Liu's gaze. He just looked at Liu Yunyan and explained lightly: "Miss Liu, I just need some capital. I can pay it back a hundred times within three days!"

"Repay a hundredfold?"

Xiaocui smiled, "You pretty face, you don't even make a draft when you brag!"

Liu Zhong, on the other hand, had a look of horror on his face.

Ling Feng is obviously an ordinary person without any cultivation, but he can resist his kingly aura?

This alone is enough to prove that this Ling Feng is no ordinary person!

"Xiao Cui, if you keep talking like this, I will punish you!"

Liu Yunyan scolded Xiaocui softly, then looked at Ling Feng, and said softly: "Master Ling, ten thousand high-grade Yuan stones is not a small number. If it is normal, it may not be anything, just At this juncture..."

After sighing softly, Liu Yunyan continued: "There are three thousand high-grade Yuan Stones here. You can take them, sir. You don't have to pay them back a hundred times. Just treat them as a gift from the little girl to support you. I hope you can heal your hidden wounds as soon as possible."


Xiaocui was so angry that she stamped her feet, "This kid is obviously cheating on you, why did you give him so many high-grade Yuan Stones? In my opinion, just kick him out!"

"Okay Xiaocui, have you forgotten what I just said?"

Liu Yunyan frowned slightly, and Xiaocui bit her lip, looking at Ling Feng with aggrieved expression, gritting her teeth in anger.

In her eyes, Ling Feng was originally just a pretty boy who ate and drank, but now he has evolved into a shameless person who cheated on food and drinks!

Ling Feng reached out and took the stack of crystal tickets in Liu Yunyan's hand. The face value was exactly three thousand high-grade Yuan Jing. He carefully put it away and then bowed his hand to Liu Yunyan and said lightly: "I won't say much about my thanks. I, Ling Feng, Once a word is spoken, it is hard to chase it back. If you say you will pay back a hundred times, you will definitely pay back a hundred times.”

After saying that, Ling Feng turned around and walked out of the study.

"Master Ling, walk slowly."

Liu Yunyan watched Ling Feng leave, and then sat back down. As for repaying him a hundredfold, she didn't take it to heart.

"Miss, you are really too kind, for someone like him..."

As soon as Ling Feng left, Xiaocui couldn't help it anymore. After holding back her anger, she started to criticize Ling Feng.

"Okay, this is nothing." Liu Yunyan interrupted Xiao Cui and said calmly: "Everyone is in trouble sometimes. If you are in trouble, don't you hope someone can help you?"


Xiaocui hesitated for a long time, but in the end she still couldn't say anything.


At this moment, Liu Zhong, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke, immediately attracting the attention of Liu Yunyan and Xiao Cui: "This person is not simple."

"Uncle Zhong, do you see anything?" Liu Yunyan asked.

Liu Zhong shook his head, with some doubts in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You can't tell, this man seems to be in his twenties, but his calm state of mind is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but rather like those who have experienced life and death. He is a man who has gone through many hardships. In addition, we don’t know his origins. He has no cultivation at all, but he is calm and has an extraordinary demeanor. He obviously comes from an extraordinary background. "

"In addition, he was able to remain calm in the face of my king-level reality. This kind of determination and mentality are not possessed by ordinary young people."

After a pause, Liu Zhongcai continued: "Taken together, this Ling Feng is no ordinary person! Miss, he may be a noble man!"

"Tch, you're still a noble person? I think you're just a bitch!"

Xiaocui looked disapproving, but even Liu Zhong said so, she didn't dare to underestimate Ling Feng too much.

After all, Liu Zhong is a king-level expert, and he can be considered a top-notch master in Hierro City.

The words coming out of his mouth are naturally quite convincing.

"Anyway, I just did something I thought was right."

Liu Yunyan smiled faintly, no matter who Ling Feng was, she had no hope of Ling Feng returning anything in return.

the other side.

Ling Feng stepped out of the Liu family for the first time with three thousand high-grade Yuan stones in his arms.

"Three thousand, I don't know what the price situation is in Miluo Continent..."

Until now, Ling Feng had never worried about things like Yuan Stone, but now he realized that a penny could really stump a heroic man.

Fortunately, Liu Yunyan is indeed a very good person.

"Within three days, I'll pay you back a hundred times, and I've said all my lofty words. Let's make crazy money these days!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He could naturally see that the Liu family seemed to be worried about the Yuan Stone now.

There was a certain reason why he said he would pay back a hundredfold, and he also hoped to help Liu Yunyan resolve his urgent need.

Soon, Ling Feng arrived at the West Market and used the three thousand yuan stones on hand to purchase a large amount of medicinal materials.

Three thousand high-grade Yuan Stones can't buy any precious medicinal materials at all, but after purchasing some low-grade elixirs and refining them into elixirs, their value can increase exponentially.

Although Ling Feng lost his Yuanli cultivation, his basic level of alchemy was still there.

To make alchemy, you can not only rely on the alchemist's real fire, but you can also use the alchemy fire array.

Fortunately, when he was at Tianwei Academy, Ling Feng also did some research on the Dan Fire Array.

It is more than enough to use the spiritual power in the Yuan Stone to activate the Dan Fire Array, and then use his own alchemy skills to refine some first- and second-level elixirs.

On the first day, Ling Feng bought a batch of medicinal materials and the lowest level alchemy furnace.

The next day, Ling Feng locked himself in the room alone and started refining pills crazily.

Early on the third day, Ling Feng ran to the auction house in the West Market carrying a sack of pills.

If you want to dump a large amount of elixirs in one go, going to the market and setting up a street stall is definitely the stupidest way.

Although you may suffer a small loss when selling to an auction house, the speed is very advantageous.

Pills are like hard currency no matter where they are, so there is no need to worry about no sales.

The Jiuxiao auction house that Ling Feng chose is one of the properties under the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion's name.

There is a huge demand for elixirs.

However, generally speaking, they only need to pick up the goods from Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

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