Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2091 Work hard for destiny! (3 updates)

After putting on a thick cloak, Ling Feng went directly to a steward of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, a middle-aged fat man who looked about forty years old.

"This guest, I heard that you want to sell large quantities of elixirs directly?"

The middle-aged manager, with a treacherous look on his face, touched the mustache at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "You should know that our big auction house always has Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion to provide a stable supply of goods, so the price will probably be relatively low. Low."

"It doesn't matter, the price is slightly lower, I can accept it."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and worked day and night to refine the elixir, but Ling Feng got some unexpected gains.

His power of consciousness actually increased!

Although it was only a few, it also gave Ling Feng a glimmer of hope.

At least, it seems that his consciousness has not been completely sealed!

"Okay, let's take a look at the quality of your batch of elixirs first, shall we?"

When the middle-aged manager saw Ling Feng coming with a sack on his back, he showed a hint of contempt on his face.

An alchemist who can't even afford a spiritual ring must have such poor alchemy skills!

He even began to feel that meeting this guy was a waste of time.

But the next moment, Ling Feng probably opened the sack, and when the fragrance of red pepper inside hit his nostrils, the middle-aged manager's eyes almost fell out.

Although they are only very common first-level and second-level elixirs, the quality of each one is incredibly high!

What's even more exaggerated is that more than half of it is even condensed with Dan patterns!

A first-order elixir that condenses the elixir pattern is comparable to the second-order elixir!

And the second-level elixir that condenses the elixir pattern is even comparable to the third-level elixir!

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that from these elixirs, it is revealed how brilliant the alchemist is!

Such an alchemist can definitely be called a great master of alchemy!

"This...this...these pills?"

The middle-aged manager stared at Ling Feng in disbelief. Such a precious elixir was actually packed in a sack!

What a waste of natural resources!

"It was refined by my master!"

Ling Feng casually fabricated a non-existent master. Now that he has no cultivation, when it is time to keep a low profile, it is better to keep a low profile as much as possible.

"Your Majesty, you are truly an amazing alchemy master!"

The middle-aged steward gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, his eyes full of shock.

"What about these pills?" Ling Feng pursed his lips and looked at the sack of pills.

The middle-aged steward quickly smiled and said: "We have collected all these elixirs! All of them, every one! The prices are all based on the market price, and we will never undercut the price!"

In fact, almost all elixirs with elixir patterns can be put up for auction, and they are only higher than the market price.

Ling Feng naturally understood the ins and outs of it, but he didn't bother to expose it.

I need money urgently, so it doesn't matter if I suffer a small loss.

Soon, the middle-aged steward ordered people to pack and count the elixirs in the sacks. Finally, he held up a black card with an excited face and handed it to Ling Feng, "Dear guest, please keep this supreme card." The VIP card contains the yuan stones that will be settled for you this time, which is equivalent to 560,000 high-grade yuan stones."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and borrowed three thousand high-grade Yuan stones from Liu Yunyan. He paid it back a hundred times, which was three hundred thousand. After returning it to her, there were still two hundred and sixty thousand left!

Therefore, alchemy is the most profitable industry in the world. Three thousand capital, once it changes hands, will be hundreds of times the profit!

However, the threshold for becoming an alchemist is too high, and not everyone can become one if they want to.

Putting the black card away, Ling Feng had a faint smile on his face. He raised the first amount of Yuan Stone, but it was the second best.

The most important thing is that he has established a certain connection with Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

If you are lucky, you should be able to meet the senior officials of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion and buy some valuable elixirs.

After earning enough yuan stones, Ling Feng returned to the Liu family.

In the past few days, Ling Feng has been busy refining elixirs, and he has never had a chance to meet Miss Liu.

"Hmph, this time, I should be able to get rid of the reputation of a pretty boy who eats and drinks, right?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. As he was walking, when he arrived in the backyard, he saw a figure sitting on a chair coldly.

Ling Feng recognized Liu Yunyan at a glance. Xiaocui, who had always been inseparable, was no longer by her side.

"Miss Liu seems to have something on her mind."

Ling Feng walked over, said Youyou, and sat down opposite Liu Yunyan very naturally.

"It's just some things in the Chamber of Commerce that made Mr. Ling laugh."

Liu Yunyan forced a smile, but still couldn't hide the sadness on her brows.

"You might as well come and listen, maybe I can help."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and offered to help again.

Liu Yunyan didn't think Ling Feng could help, but remembering Liu Zhong's previous evaluation of Ling Feng, plus the frustration in her heart, she also needed a vent, so she pondered for a few breaths before speaking.

Ling Feng understood the cause and effect of the matter through Liu Yunyan's story.

It turned out that Liu Yunyan came from a rather large family. For some reasons, she left the family and came to Hierro City to open a branch of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce, mainly engaged in the elixir business.

It's a pity that because this place is far away from the main house and its influence is too small. In addition, due to the influence of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion in Hierro City, the business of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce has not improved.

In fact, because of the suppression by Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion to a certain extent, even survival has become a little difficult.

Although Liu Yunyan didn't say it explicitly, Ling Feng could tell from her words that if the business here failed and the Chamber of Commerce branch was closed, Liu Yunyan would have to return to the family and accept some arrangements from the family.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the branch of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce she runs is in deteriorating condition. Even if she works hard and does everything herself, she will still be unable to compete with the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

If this continues, it is only a matter of time before the semicolon is closed.

And when that time comes, she can only return to the family and accept the family's arrangements.

As for the so-called arrangement, Ling Feng could almost guess it.

Liu Yunyan's cultivation talent is not very strong, but she comes from a big family.

Such a woman, with such an outstanding appearance, will inevitably become a victim, or marry into other big families, or directly serve as a "bait" to recruit outstanding talents.

Liu Yunyan is a gentle and graceful person, but she is very strong inside. If she doesn't want to do something, she will definitely not do it.

"How does Miss Liu plan to handle this matter?" Ling Feng asked casually.

"Actually, from the beginning, I understood that the reason why the family chose me to run the branch in Hierro City was just to make me give up completely and accept the family's arrangements. However, I still wanted to fight for my own. Work hard for your destiny!”

Liu Yunyan bit her silver teeth and said in a deep voice: "Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion has been rooted in Yeluo City for hundreds of years and is very powerful. Unless we can provide more advanced or superior quality elixirs, we will not be able to seize the market at all. Now, I can only rely on selling cheap elixirs to fight to the death, but I can only drink poison to quench my thirst. "

Ling Feng nodded slightly, trying to defeat Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion through price war, although it was the stupidest way, it was also impossible.

After all, Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion has too much influence in Yeluo City. There are almost no alchemists who are willing to give up their status in Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion and come to Yuntian Chamber of Commerce to start from scratch with Liu Yunyan.

Under this circumstance, the situation of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce is indeed not optimistic.

But fortunately, I can help Liu Yunyan with this task!

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