Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2092 Stinky toad! (1 update)

"By the way, Miss Liu..."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, took out a black card from his sleeve, and handed it to Liu Yunyan, "This is the Yuan Stone I have earned in the past few days. I said I will pay it back a hundred times. The three-day period has come, three hundred thousand High-grade Yuan Stone, now offering it!”

When Liu Yunyan saw the black card in Ling Feng's hand, a hint of horror clearly flashed through her beautiful eyes.

Three thousand high-grade Yuan Stones, in just three days, he actually made back a hundredfold?

How on earth did this... this guy do it?

Although 300,000 high-grade Yuanshi was not too much, the ability to turn 3,000 into 300,000 in such a short period of time was far beyond her ability.

However, she did not take the black card. No matter how Ling Feng earned these Yuan stones, from the beginning, she did not expect any reward.

At this moment, the unruly little maid Xiao Cui hurried over from outside the yard. Seeing that Ling Feng was there, she glared at him angrily, and then hurriedly said to Liu Yunyan: "Miss, Master Chentian is here. Yes, I’m waiting in the lobby now!”

"Is Master Chentian finally willing to help?"

A hint of hope flashed in Liu Yunyan's eyes, and she immediately stood up, looked at Ling Feng Yingying, and said softly: "Master Ling, I still have things to deal with, so I'll excuse you now."

"If Miss Liu needs help, just ask. In fact, I am also an alchemist!"

Ling Feng looked at Liu Yunyan's leaving figure and couldn't help but shrugged and took the black card back.

Liu Yunyan paused when she heard Ling Feng's words, but she didn't look back and left quickly.

For a while, Ling Feng was left alone, sitting alone in the courtyard, muttering to himself: This woman is really strong!

On the other side, the main hall of the Liu family.

A middle-aged wretched man, who calls himself Master Chentian, is drinking tea in the living room.

When he saw Liu Yunyan, Master Chentian immediately swallowed his saliva and glanced at him with his narrowed eyes.

"The little girl Liu Yunyan has met the master."

Liu Yunyan gritted her teeth slightly and saluted Master Chentian.


Master Chentian showed his big yellow teeth and smiled seductively, "Miss Liu is indeed the most beautiful woman in Hierro City!"

"It's all propaganda spread by some good people. This little girl is ashamed of herself."

Liu Yunyan waved her hand. Although she was very dissatisfied with Master Chentian's unscrupulous gaze, she still considered the overall situation and did not fall out.

"Hey, I don't like beating around the bush, so I'll get straight to the point."

Master Chentian smiled mischievously and said, "It's no problem if you want me to make elixirs for you, but Miss Liu, you have to marry me!"

The result was naturally an unhappy ending.


Master Chentian flicked his sleeves and walked away.

In the hall, only Liu Yunyan, Liu Zhong and the maid Xiaocui were left.

"Miss, why is this person like this? He is such a stinky toad!"

Xiaocui started mumbling again. Her feeling towards Master Chentian was: disgusting! nausea! Extremely disgusting!

"That Ling Feng is a hundred times better than this guy!" Xiao Cui snorted.

"Miss, this person must not be used!"

Liu Zhong frowned. If he hadn't considered that Master Chentian had some status in Yeluo City, he would have wanted to slap him to death.

"I know!"

Liu Yunyan has a headache. Although this Master Chentian is indeed evil, he is also a very powerful alchemist. With him joining, Yuntian Chamber of Commerce can also postpone the current situation.

However, his request was too wishful thinking.

No matter which condition it was, Liu Yunyan would never agree.

Suddenly, Liu Yunyan thought of Ling Feng.

When he left just now, Ling Feng's last words were "Actually, I am an alchemist." Liu Yunyan didn't believe it, but for some reason, she felt an urge in her heart to go find Ling Feng.

As Xiaocui said, even Ling Feng is a hundred times better than Master Chentian!

Thinking about it again, he was able to turn three thousand high-grade Yuan Stones into 300,000 high-grade Yuan Stones in just three days. Perhaps, he was not lying!

For a moment, Liu Yunyan had no choice but to stand up and walk out of the hall, heading to the backyard.

We can only place our hope on Ling Feng.

Perhaps it is as Butler Liu Zhong said, Ling Feng might be a noble man.

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