Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2096 The real master! (2 updates)

"This is Guiyuan Pill!"

Liu Yunyan's beautiful eyes were sparkling with color.

Liu Jun also quickly rushed to the table, grabbed several porcelain bottles and opened them one by one.

"Ningzhen Pill! Qi and Blood Pill! Small Return Pill! Oh my God, are these really just low-level pills? How come they have such a strong fragrance?"

Liu Jun poured out a few pills, and the next moment, he was even more surprised to find that almost one out of every three pills condensed pill patterns!

"Oh my god, Danwen! Is this Danwen?"

Liu Jun could hardly believe his eyes. He had been refining the elixirs for more than ten years. Not to mention the elixir patterns, he had not even made any elixir marks!

And the probability that the elixir refined by Ling Feng will condense the elixir pattern has actually reached 30%!

Liu Yunyan, Liu Zhong, and that Xiao Cui were all stunned. They were all stunned and froze on the spot.

Especially Xiao Cui, who has always been prejudiced against Ling Feng, thinking that he was just here to cheat people out of food and drinks.

But now, she realized how ridiculous her idea was!

This guy is really an alchemist, and a very, very, very powerful alchemist!

"Ling...Master Ling!"

Liu Jun looked at Ling Feng with respect, admiration, and even worship, and a storm seemed to rise in his heart.

With this speed and quality, he could hardly describe his mood at the moment in words.

The amount of pills Ling Feng refined in the past few hours was almost as much as what he had refined in several months.

Moreover, I am afraid that he will never be able to achieve this quality in a lifetime of practice.

This is the master!

Liu Jun's admiration for Ling Feng is like an endless river.

He only felt that his whole body was shaking, and he was very excited to see a master with his own eyes.

"This is an improved recipe."

Ling Feng casually handed the four pill prescriptions back to Liu Jun. Liu Jun held them in both hands, respectfully, with a look full of admiration.

Soon, Liu Jun read the annotations on the elixir recipe and felt enlightened. Some of the difficulties he had encountered when refining elixirs in the past suddenly became clear.

You are worthy of being a master. Just a few random words are like an enlightenment!

"Thank you! Thank you Master Ling for your advice!"

Liu Jun smiled from ear to ear, grabbing the prescriptions, his whole body trembling with excitement.

Ling Feng reached out and patted Liu Jun's shoulder, and said calmly: "You can rely on your own exploration to become a second-level alchemist. You are quite talented. Work hard, and you will achieve something in the future! "

After thinking about it, Ling Feng also handed a manuscript of "Yao Wang Jing Fang" to Liu Jun, and said calmly: "This is passed on to me by a very respected teacher (Yan Cangtian). Now I hand it over to him." Here it is, I hope you can carry it forward!”

Ling Feng knew very well that he could only help Liu Yunyan for a while, but he could not help her forever.

The best way is to train an excellent alchemist for the Liu family.

Liu Jun is a good candidate.

"Thank you, master! Thank you, master!"

Liu Jun knelt down in front of Ling Feng with a plop, and he knelt three times and kowtowed nine times respectfully!

Ling Feng did not stop him. With the value of the "Medicine King's Prescriptions", he could certainly afford to kneel and kowtow three times and nine times.

"Miss Liu, these pills on the table should be able to solve the Liu family's urgent needs."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and suggested: "As for how to sell the pills, I believe Miss Liu should be better than me."

The Liu family started out as a businessman. As the eldest daughter of the Liu family, Liu Yunyan naturally has considerable business skills.

As long as you have high-quality elixirs and sell them, it won't be difficult.

"Thank you, Mr. Ling!"

Liu Yunyan was extremely excited. It seemed that Ling Feng was really a noble man sent by God!

Yuntian Chamber of Commerce is finally about to turn a corner!

"Go ahead!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, believing that Liu Yunyan should be busy with a lot of things now.

"Okay, then Yunyan will say goodbye first!"

Liu Yunyan bit her red lips and looked at Ling Feng with eyes that were both grateful and somewhat admiring.

"By the way, if you can, please pay attention to me and see if you can purchase some more fourth-level elixirs."

Ling Feng said lightly.

"I'll keep an eye out!"

Liu Yunyan nodded quickly, took another deep look at Ling Feng, and then got busy with Liu Zhong and Xiao Cui.

the other side.

Liu Yunyan ordered people to take out all the batches of elixirs refined by Ling Feng. After counting them one by one, there were a total of 636 bottles of elixirs, each bottle containing as many as ten elixirs.

Such a batch of pills is enough for Yuntian Chamber of Commerce to make a name for itself.

"Miss, we are really lucky this time!"

Xiaocui looked at the large number of elixirs in front of her with joy. Such quality was definitely second to none in Hierro City.

"I don't know who it is, but he keeps saying that Mr. Ling is a liar."

Liu Yunyan was in a good mood and couldn't help but joke.

Xiaocui pinched the corner of her clothes, her face flushed, and she lowered her head, "Then I'm wrong! Humph, I'm just a little maid who has never seen the world!"

"Are you admitting your mistake?"

Liu Yunyan shook her head and smiled. She knew that Xiao Cui had always been unforgiving, but in fact, it was Xiao Cui who found Ling Feng by the river and called for him to be rescued.

"You'd better find a chance to make amends with Mr. Ling."

Liu Yunyan smiled lightly.

"I got it!" Xiaocui gritted her silver teeth and changed the subject: "By the way, miss, with the help of Mr. Ling this time, next time Master Chentian comes to the door, I can close the door and let the dogs out. Are you going to kill that guy? That stinky toad, I’ve long disliked him!”

"It's up to you!"

A playful smile appeared on Liu Yunyan's face, and the gloom in her heart was swept away.

However, she knew very well that all of this was thanks to Ling Feng, and she had an intuition in her heart that Ling Feng would not stay here for long.

This intuition made her feel uneasy.

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