Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2097 What a loss! (3 updates)

The three-day period has arrived.

On this day, Master Chentian came to the door happily. He even wore an extremely coquettish red dress. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look at himself.

His face was full of pits, rosacea, and yellow teeth, forming an extremely disgusting and ugly face.

But this guy didn't have any self-awareness at all. He grinned and looked at him for a long time, and actually said happily: "You are so handsome!"

In the past few days, Master Chentian's mind has been constantly echoing with Liu Yunyan's graceful figure and beautiful face...

He even felt that other women had no taste, and only Liu Yunyan was his goddess.

And today, not only can I own this beautiful lady, but I can also become half the owner of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce!

"Hahaha, who told me to be handsome and talented in alchemy? No wonder I can reach the pinnacle of life!"

After bragging about himself very shamelessly, Master Chentian led a few losers and swaggered towards the Liu Mansion.

Finally, when they arrived at their destination, Master Chen Tian happily walked up to the door and knocked on the door, saying with great publicity: "Open the door, your future master is here!"

"It turns out to be Master Chentian!"

The door opened, and the guard guarding the door saw it was Master Chentian and quickly welcomed him in with a smile.


Master Chentian, with a arrogant expression on his face, snorted coldly: "I'm here to see your eldest lady. It's time for you to give me an answer after three days!"

At this moment, Xiaocui walked out of the inner court. When she saw Master Chentian, a look of disgust appeared on her face, but she quickly hid it. Then she showed a smile and hurried forward to greet him, " Isn’t this Master Chentian?”


Master Chentian took a look at Xiaocui. Although Xiaocui was just a maid, she was quite pretty. She had a graceful figure and skin as smooth as gelatin, which immediately made Master Chentian a little bit fanciful.

"Ahem, it turns out it's the maid next to Miss Yunyan!"

Master Chen Tian still remembered Xiao Cui, with a mean smile on his face.

If he marries Liu Yunyan, this pretty maid will be his dowry maid, and she will be his from now on!

Thinking of this, Master Chentian's eyes suddenly lit up. If eyes could take off clothes, Xiaocui would have been stripped naked.

Master Chentian's piercing gaze made Xiaocui quite displeased. She snorted and gritted her teeth and said, "Master Chentian, please come in. Miss has some things to deal with for the time being. Please go to the side hall and wait for a moment!"


Master Chentian smiled mischievously and said, "It's okay to have Miss Xiaocui as your companion!"

Xiaocui suddenly felt a chill all over her body. She suppressed her inner discomfort and forced out a smile: "Master, please come with me!"

Soon, under the leadership of Xiaocui, Master Chentian came to the side hall, and Xiaocui prepared some pastries and tea for him.

"Come, Master, please taste these pastries. Xiaocui personally prepared them for Master!"

When Xiaocui softened her voice and cast her charming eyes, Master Chentian's soul flew away. He quickly grabbed the cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

After a while, Master Chentian felt like his stomach was twisting, and his internal organs were tumbling.


Master Chentian couldn't hold it back, and there was an explosion, followed by an unpleasant stench that suddenly filled the air.


Master Chentian blushed, covered his butt with embarrassment, and said with great embarrassment: "Xiao...Miss Xiaocui, may I ask..."

"The hut, right?"

Xiao Cui raised her hand to pinch her nose and frowned: "When you go out, turn right and then turn right. There are three emergencies. Master, don't worry about it!"


Master Chentian laughed a few times and rushed towards the latrine at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

Then, after a burst of "cracking", I felt a little more comfortable.

Just then, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be in a hurry and didn't bring any paper!

Just when Master Chentian was about to look for something that could be replaced in the Naling Ring, a hand reached out from outside and it was a servant who handed over a silk scarf.

"Master Chentian, this is a special order from Sister Xiaocui!"

As soon as Master Chentian saw the silk scarf, he immediately showed a smile. Good guy, the Liu family is really wealthy. They even use silk to wipe their butts!


It must be luxurious!

"Hey, Miss Xiao Cui is so considerate! Thank you Miss Xiao Cui for me!"

Master Chentian quickly took the silk scarf and wiped it behind. Then, an extremely stimulating feeling rushed from the "ju" area straight to his forehead.

Chili oil!

That’s right, the inside of the silk scarf is actually covered with chili oil!

That sour and refreshing...

"Oh shit!——"

Master Chentian was sweating all over, his legs were weak, and he almost couldn't squat down. Fortunately, he was agile and didn't fall into the pit.

Then, I suddenly heard an explosion. Yes, the pit exploded!

Someone actually threw explosives into the latrine!

Bang bang bang bang!

The sounds of explosions come and go!

Master Chentian's legs were weak, he had abdominal pain, and a certain place was extremely hot. He was frightened by the explosion and fell directly into the pit.

Then, he was blown up all over his body!

"Damn it! Bitch, you're kidding me!"

Master Chentian, no matter how obsessed he is with lust, he has finally come to his senses now.

It was obvious that he had been tricked!


Outside the hut, Xiaocui laughed so hard that she could hardly stand up straight, "Smelly toad, you dare to take advantage of the young lady, you shameless thing, you deserve it!"

Master Chentian was so angry that he was so angry that his hands and feet were weak, and he was covered in filth. He had no face to see anyone. He was so angry that he yelled: "You stinky bitch, remember this! This master wants to join the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion." , this master will help Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion to completely crush your Yuntian Chamber of Commerce!"

"Stinky toad, you should think about how to climb out of the pit. Oh, I can't do it anymore, hahaha! You're laughing so hard. Don't call me Master Chentian in the future. Change your name to Master Maokeng, hahahaha!"

In the end, it was the housekeeper Liu Zhong who came forward and drove Master Chentian and his party out of the Liu family.

"Hey hey hey!"

Seeing Master Chentian and his lackeys leave in dejection, Xiaocui clapped her hands with satisfaction and snorted: "Next time you dare to come, see if I don't kill you!"

"Miss Xiaocui, you are really damaging!"

At some point, Ling Feng also appeared beside him.

There was such a big commotion in the house, it was difficult for Ling Feng not to notice.

"Haha, thanks to the powerful diarrhea pill you gave me, otherwise, ordinary laxatives wouldn't be able to catch that smelly toad."

Xiao Cui narrowed her eyes and laughed. It turned out that as early as two days ago, she begged Ling Feng to help her refine a powerful diarrhea elixir. Ling Feng learned that she was using it to deal with the extremely disgusting Master Chen Tian. , naturally helped her refine one without hesitation.

Although Master Chentian was also an alchemist and had a certain resistance to ordinary drugs, it was a pity that when he met Ling Feng, he deserved his misfortune.

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