Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2099 Ten times the conditions! (2 updates)

At this time, suddenly a middle-aged man with a Chinese character's face twitched his eyelids and seemed to remember something. He said in a deep voice: "Great Elder! Speaking of high-quality elixirs that condense the elixir pattern, I remembered something!"

"A few days ago, our Jiuxiao Auction House purchased a batch of elixirs from a mysterious alchemist! This batch of elixirs also had an amazing concentration rate of elixir patterns. At that time, we sold it for more than 500,000 high-grade yuan stones. , acquired it.”

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

The great elder frowned and asked again: "Do you have any information on the mysterious alchemist?"

"According to the description of the steward who entertained him at the time, this person was very mysterious. He was wearing a large cloak. His appearance could not be seen clearly, but he seemed to be just a young man. Those pills should have been refined by the master behind him!"

The elder with a Chinese character said in a deep voice.

"In the small city of Hierro, such an outstanding alchemist suddenly appeared, and was even acquired by the Liu family?"

The Great Elder took a deep breath, and after a long while, he slowly said: "I would like to meet that mysterious alchemist for a while! Did that young man leave his name?"

"Yes." The elder with the Chinese character face nodded, "We applied for the Supreme VIP Card for him at that time, and the name left seemed to be Ling Feng."

"Ling Feng?"

The Great Elder snorted softly, "I have never heard of such a famous person..."

"My people also found out that there is an outsider in the Liu family recently, and it seems that his name is Ling Feng!"

The elder with the Chinese character continued.

With Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion's power in Hierro City, its spies are naturally spread all over the city, so it would be easy to inquire about this matter.

"In the end, everything in the world is for profit. Since this kid can help the Liu family, bring him back to life, and win him over, the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce will naturally fall."

The great elder narrowed his eyes and sneered. A trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and disappeared in a flash, "Either become a member of my Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, or become the dead man of the Liu family! I think he should be able to He is a person who understands current affairs.”

"Leave this matter to me!"

Master Chen Tian, ​​who was sitting at the end, quickly volunteered to jump out and gritted his teeth and said: "Chen has just entered Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, so he should do something for Dan Pavilion. This kind of errand and message task can be left to me. "

Master Chentian, to put it bluntly, was just pretending to be a tiger. He wanted to use the reputation of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion to go to the Liu family to show off his power.

The Great Elder glanced at Master Chentian. Although this person was not suitable for a big job, he did have some talent in alchemy. He should not be too cold to his heart.

What's more, for such a trivial matter as spreading a message, even a straw bag is more than enough.

"That's fine."

The Great Elder nodded and said calmly: "Then you can pass on my advice to recruit Ling Feng. As long as the conditions are not too excessive, I will agree to it!"

For now, the top priority is to completely crush the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce. Other things will be considered later.

"I'll do the work, don't worry!"

Master Chentian slapped his chest, with a cruel smile on his face, "Hey, you bitches, let's see if I don't show you some color this time!"

"Who is Ling Feng? Ling Feng, come out!"

Early the next morning, a group of warriors wearing Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion were surrounding the front door of the Liu family, blocking the door of the Liu family completely.

The person leading the group was none other than Master Chentian!

Chen Tianyi stood in front of the Liu family's door and shouted at the top of his lungs. Soon, the Liu family was not disturbed and could only open the door.

"I wonder who it is, a stench came in early in the morning. It stinks so much!"

Xiao Cui pinched her nose, her face full of teasing and ridicule, obviously making fun of Master Chentian for falling into the latrine.


"I said why does it smell so bad!"


The guards and servants of the Liu family around them burst out laughing. They were all "lucky" to witness what happened that day.

The expression on Master Chentian's face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "You bitch, I will make you look good sooner or later! However, today I am here to see Ling Feng! Who is Ling Feng, come out quickly!"

"Find me?"

The crowd parted, and a lazy figure walked out of the Liu family's mansion. His face looked a little tired. Apparently he had been refining the elixir all night and was a little sleepy.

"Are you Ling Feng?"

Seeing that Ling Feng was not only younger than him, but also countless times more handsome than himself, Master Chentian couldn't help but frowned and muttered in his heart: Huh, he's just a young boy!

"What do you want from me?"

Ling Feng had an impatient look on his face.

"Little brother, congratulations!" Master Chentian forced a smile, "I, Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, invite you to become an honorary enshrinement elder with 100% sincerity. No matter how you are treated in Yuntian Chamber of Commerce, I, Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, I am willing to invite you to our Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion at ten times the price!"


Suddenly, the expressions of Liu Yunyan and others changed.

The current hope of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce lies in Ling Feng's body. If Ling Feng leaves, then the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce will definitely be in trouble again after selling the elixir.

However, whether to stay or go is Ling Feng's own wish, and they have no right to interfere.

"Ten times the conditions?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and couldn't help but smile: "It sounds quite tempting, doesn't it?"

Master Chentian saw Ling Feng's attitude and immediately said with a smile: "Of course, Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion is very powerful, how can Yuntian Chamber of Commerce compare with it? This little brother, if you join Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, you will be even more powerful, and your future achievements will be limitless!" Master Chentian was still eloquent, and in a few words, he painted a big pie for Ling Feng, as if as long as he joined Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, he would immediately reach the peak of his life. "Hey, stinky...Mr. Ling!" Xiao Cui gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "You won't agree to him, right?" "Agree, why not?" Ling Feng pursed his lips and smiled: "Ten times the conditions, I should be tempted!" "You!" Xiao Cui stomped her feet in anger, "You stinky boy, ungrateful, it turns out that you are not a good thing! It's a waste that Miss treats you so well and trusts you so much!" Liu Yunyan also bit her lip. She never thought that Ling Feng was really moved by the interests and gave up the Liu family directly. However, although she saved his life, Ling Feng has also done a lot for the Liu family in the past few days. It can be said that he no longer owes her anything. "Mr. Ling, it's your freedom to go or stay, and you don't have to bear any burden." Liu Yunyan took a deep breath. She didn't even understand what kind of mood she was in at the moment. In comparison, Yuntian Chamber of Commerce was secondary. What was more, she was disappointed with Ling Feng. At one time, she thought she had met a reliable man. Unfortunately, she still lost to reality and interests. "Hahaha! Bitch, are you desperate? Are you collapsed? Fight with me? You little bitches are still naive!" Master Chentian laughed immediately, "Little brother Ling, as the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost in, you did the right thing! When we get to Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, we are a family!" In his opinion, as long as Ling Feng was poached, Yuntian Chamber of Commerce would naturally be ruined. At that time, he must come to humiliate this master and servant again!

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