Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2100 What a fool! (3 updates)

"Who is your family?"

Ling Feng frowned, stretched out his hand to fan his nose, and said with a frown: "Uncle, you are so smelly, why don't you stay away from me?"


The expression on Master Chentian's face suddenly froze. Ling Feng's attitude made him a little confused!

"You! Boy, you have to understand that even if you join the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, I joined the Dan Pavilion before you did, and my status is above you! You'd better treat your seniors with respect!"

Master Chentian snorted coldly, this guy actually wants to climb on top of him?

What a dream!

"Oh? Really?"

Ling Feng curled his lips and said calmly: "You said this yourself. If I join Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, you will pay ten times the price!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and continued: "Miss Liu promised me to give me 50% of the ownership of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce branch. If I join the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, it means that the entire Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion should be It belongs to me, right?”

Liu Yunyan had said before that 50% of the ownership of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce belongs to Ling Feng. Ling Feng did not agree. He just wanted to repay the favor, but Liu Yunyan insisted on giving Lingfeng 50% of the ownership of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce.

The current Yuntian Chamber of Commerce is indeed not very good, but as long as Ling Feng is here, it will definitely have a bright future if it continues to develop. The 50% ownership means that Ling Feng will have 50% of the income, which will be a lot.

Liu Yunyan was insisting, and Ling Feng no longer refused.

Anyway, I will leave sooner or later, so this 50% or 50% ratio is actually meaningless.

"you you……"

Master Chentian stuttered for a while, "Are you kidding me? The entire Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion is given to you, why don't you go to heaven?"

"If I become the master of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, the first thing I will do is to drive you out! It's not your fault that you are ugly. If you come out to scare people, it will affect the appearance of the city!"

Ling Feng crossed his arms and laughed sarcastically.


Master Chentian suddenly felt that his lungs were about to burst with anger. After making such a big circle, this boy was actually amusing himself!

He has no intention of joining Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion at all!


Xiaocui's face turned red, and then she realized that Ling Feng and them were of the same mind, and she seemed to have scolded him just now...

Liu Yunyan also showed a smile. This stinky guy made him worry for so long in vain!

For a moment, everyone in the Liu family felt relieved.

Ling Feng is not a white-eyed wolf after all!

"Boy! You have the guts!"

Master Chentian was so angry that the three corpse gods jumped, but after all, this was the first task assigned to him by the great elder of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, and he couldn't just mess it up.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Master Chentian roared: "You have to think clearly, the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion has been in the city of Yeluo for hundreds of years. It has rich resources and deep foundation, and its financial resources are not comparable to those of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce. We still have There are many high-level alchemists you can communicate with, and there are many alchemy manuals you can read.”

Master Chentian still refused to give up. If he were another alchemist, he might be tempted. Unfortunately, he met Ling Feng.

To be honest, he still looked down upon the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

"Didn't I say that Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion was given to me, and then I would naturally join Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion!"

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a playful smile.

Master Chentian was so angry that he was shaking all over, gritted his teeth and said: "Except for this condition!"

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

Ling Feng spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "You can go!"


Master Chentian was at a loss for words, and immediately became angry and stared at Ling Feng: "Very good, I hope you will remember the choice you made, you will regret it. Young man, don't let a little beauty confuse your mind. If you don’t give up, you will lose your life!”

After leaving a threatening word, Master Chentian turned around and left.

"Wait a moment!"

Ling Feng suddenly stopped Master Chen Tian. Master Chen Tian was overjoyed, turned around quickly, and said with a ferocious smile: "Boy, you know you are afraid, right? Now you regret it, this master can give you one last chance!"


Master Chentian responded with an old punch from Ling Feng.

With one punch, Master Chen Tian's whole body was like a ball, flying straight out, and his two front teeth were snapped and broken.


A scream like a slaughtering pig rang out. Master Chentian hit a wall hard, bleeding from seven holes, and many bones were broken all over his body!

"I hate it when people threaten me. If they want to kill me, then you have to consider whether you can withstand my fist!"

For a moment, the whole place was stunned and silent, except for the sound of gasps from time to time.

Whether it was people from the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion or people from the Liu family, their eyes almost dropped to the floor.

Ling Feng, an ordinary person with no cultivation at all, not only had amazing skills in alchemy, he was also able to defeat a king-level powerhouse like Master Chentian with one punch.

Is he really just an ordinary person with no cultivation?

This is too outrageous!

"You wait, you wait for me!"

Master Chentian was punched by Ling Feng until he couldn't take care of himself. He was carried away by several gangsters from Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, while they kept swearing.

Gradually, the sound became distant, and the people of the Liu family came back to their senses.

I thought I just saved an ordinary person, but I didn't expect that this "ordinary person" would be so terrifying!

After a while, Liu Yunyan was the first to react and said through gritted teeth: "Master Ling, thank you!"

Ling Feng shrugged and just smiled lightly: "Thank you for what? Aren't we friends?"

"It's a friend!" Liu Yunyan nodded quickly and said, "Yunyan will always remember that Mr. Ling is Yunyan's very, very important friend!"


Ling Feng laughed loudly and patted Liu Yunyan twice on the shoulder, "So friends should take care of each other!"

Liu Yunyan's fragile little body was almost knocked apart by Ling Feng's two pats, and she immediately gave him a resentful look.

This guy, how could anyone treat a girl like this!

What a fool!

"Master Ling..."

Xiaocui walked over without saying a word, with a look of shame on her face. She lowered her head and bowed deeply to Ling Feng, "Mr. Ling, I'm sorry, I seemed to have scolded you just now!"

"Haha, this isn't the first time Miss Xiaocui has scolded me. I'm used to it! As long as you don't come up with any tricks to punish me, that's fine!"

Naturally, Ling Feng wouldn't argue with a little maid, but when Xiao Cui heard this, she was even more ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Okay, I'll never scold you again!" Xiao Cui pouted.

Ling Feng smiled and changed the subject: "The Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion doesn't seem to be a good thing. What was supposed to come finally came."

"There are so many masters in Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion. Mr. Ling, after all, you can't beat four hands with just two fists."

Liu Yunyan gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "Otherwise, Mr. Ling, you should leave Yeluo City as soon as possible. I'm sorry, it was Yunyan who dragged you in."

Naturally, she didn't want Ling Feng to leave, but the threat from Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion was not just talk.

They are very likely to secretly assassinate Ling Feng!

"No need, the papers have already been involved. It's not my style not to solve it completely."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Don't worry, Miss Liu, there is no need to worry."

Liu Yunyan sighed softly and could only send out a few king-level guards in the house to protect Ling Feng at any time.

Although Ling Feng didn't need any protection, he couldn't resist, so he had to let Liu Yunyan go.

Anyway, he is not going out in the near future. He is just refining pills like crazy to improve the level of "Great Creation Technique", that's all.

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