Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2101 It’s a dark and windy night! (1 update)

The night is getting darker.

Two warriors who had reached the king level were guarding Ling Feng's door, maintaining a high degree of vigilance.

After all, Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion is extremely powerful in the city of Hierro, and has many masters under its command.

Since they said they wanted to deal with Ling Feng, they naturally didn't just pay lip service to it. It was very likely that they would choose to kill Ling Feng directly and secretly.

Nowadays, Ling Feng is the capital for the rise of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce, so Ling Feng must be protected at all costs.

Originally Ling Feng refused, he didn't need any guards at all.

If you encounter a master who can't even deal with you, what use can these guards be?

However, in the end, he couldn't resist Liu Yunyan's kindness and had no choice but to agree.

After this period of almost crazy alchemy refining, Ling Feng's power of consciousness has almost returned to the level it was at the Divine Origin Realm. And because of the re-exercise, the power of his spiritual consciousness is more condensed and purer than before.

Although it is not strong, but combined with the power of creation, it can condense a strange fire comparable to Xuanhuang Yan.

Now Ling Feng can start refining fifth-level to sixth-level elixirs, which is undoubtedly good news for him.

The golden inscription between the eyebrows flashed with light, and a ball of flame floated in the palm of his hand. The next moment, it disappeared again.

"This power of creation is really magical. Except that it cannot last long, the things created actually have the same properties as the real thing."

The next moment, the fire light dissipated and disappeared.

In Ling Feng's perception, the two guards outside the door were beginning to feel sleepy.

The figure flashed, and Ling Feng floated out like a ghost.

And his destination is none other than Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

Sitting back and waiting for death is not his style.

He already had certain attainments in the Great Creation Technique and had the confidence to protect himself.

Tonight, the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is a good time to "kill people and set fire".

Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion is the tallest building in Hierro City, and it is very conspicuous from a distance.

Soon, Ling Feng approached the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion and hid under the eaves, like a black shadow, making no sound.

Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion has regular guards, and their cultivation levels have reached the Shenyuan realm. In a low-level city like Yeluo City, a Shenyuan realm can be regarded as a master, and a king-level powerhouse in the Shenhai realm can be regarded as a master. A master.

As for the emperor level, Ling Feng has not seen it yet.

Very easily, Ling Feng passed by the guards of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion and entered Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

Although he was unable to display infinite vision, Ling Feng's current spiritual power was enough to cover the entire Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

All disturbances are caused by induction.

However, compared to the infinite horizon, it is still far behind.

Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion has nine floors in total, and the upper floors of the Dan Pavilion live on the fifth floor and above.

The great elder of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion is actually the highest decision-maker who controls the Dan Pavilion.

At this time, the great elder, whose beard and hair were all white, didn't look very good.

On the table in front of him were bottles of elixirs.

These pills were exactly the same batch of pills that Ling Feng sold at Jiuxiao Auction House that day.

The great elder sat cross-legged at the table, picked up one of the porcelain bottles, and poured out the elixir inside. When he saw the elixir pattern on the elixir, the expression on his face became more solemn.

"It's obviously just a first- and second-level elixir, but it can actually condense elixir patterns?"

The great elder exerted a slight force on his fingertips and crushed a Qi and Blood Pill into powder.

Generally speaking, although high-level elixirs are difficult to refine, the probability of forming elixir patterns is actually much higher than that of low-level elixirs.

After all, the spiritual flowers and herbs required for high-level elixirs undoubtedly contain more of the power of creation. They are already products of the power of creation. It is logical to condense the elixir patterns.

Low-level elixirs are all common medicinal materials. To condense the elixir pattern is actually no less than refining a sixth-grade elixir or above.

As for this batch of elixirs, the elixir pattern condensation rate is close to 40%!

Such attainments in alchemy are far beyond his own.

The Great Elder sighed softly, "Which alchemy master is behind that Ling Feng?"

The next moment, the great elder slapped the table hard again, knocking all the pills in front of him to the ground.

"Damn it, such a person is ignorant of current affairs and refuses my kindness!"

The great elder's face was as dark as water. When Master Chentian was carried back, the great elder naturally understood Ling Feng's attitude.

Unexpectedly, that boy actually wanted to eat the entire Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion in one bite. His appetite was a bit too much.

"In that case, don't blame me for leaving you alone!"

In the Great Elder's eyes, a cold light flashed, and a wisp of killing intent flashed away.

"Since you don't want to be a member of my Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, then be a dead person!"

The Great Elder snorted coldly, and murderous intent surged around his body, as if it had real substance.

"Oh? I'm so scared!"

Very suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded in the void.


The Great Elder's eyelids twitched suddenly, he was the only Alchemy Emperor in the Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion.

As the name suggests, he is a powerful human emperor!

Even he didn't notice that someone was approaching secretly!

A wisp of sword energy slashed out, splitting the entire window sill in half.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, is this the way your Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion treats guests?"

The voice sounded again, and a white figure jumped out from the window sill.

Only then did the Great Elder see clearly that this was a young man who looked very young, with a pair of wings "growing" on his back. What surprised him most was that there was no fluctuation of Yuan Power in this young man's body.

That young man turned out to be Ling Feng, and the wings behind him were created using the Great Creation Technique.

After all, he lost his Yuan Power and could not fly over walls. However, with Ling Feng's efforts, he finally succeeded in creating wings that could fly on his behalf.

Great Elder Yan Zhong's eyelids twitched wildly, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, "You are Ling Feng!"

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