Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2102 A little lesson! (2 updates)


Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, lifted his wings behind him, walked to Yan Zhong and sat down in front of him, as if he was really a distinguished guest invited by Yan Zhong.

Glancing at the messy porcelain bottles on the table, a smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips.

"It seems that you are very interested in the elixir refined by my 'master'!" Ling Feng said with a faint smile.

Yan Zhong's expression condensed, the other party clearly had no cultivation at all, but why did he dare to visit late at night.

Could it be that he was all in disguise, hiding his aura?

No, even if it is hidden, there won't be even a little bit of energy fluctuation.

In other words, this person's cultivation level is far higher than his own, so he cannot sense the other party's Yuan Power at all.

But, is this possible?

But no matter what, since the other party can approach him silently, if he had secretly attacked him just now, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Yan Zhong felt a chill on his back, and looked at Ling Feng's expression, which also became a little more solemn.

Ling Feng smiled coldly. It seemed that this guy was completely frightened by him.

The more Ling Feng sneered, the more unfathomable this young man's strength seemed to Yan Zhong.

"I think there is some misunderstanding between us."

Yan Zhong apologized and smiled. Naturally, he didn't dare to take action rashly against a guy who even he couldn't understand.

"Little misunderstanding?"

Ling Feng made fun of him.

The expression on Yan Zhong's face changed slightly, and he laughed dryly, "This... this is just a small misunderstanding."

Ling Feng grinned, and like a magic trick, suddenly a golden light flashed in his hand, and a strange-shaped sword appeared.

With Yan Zhong's eyesight, he didn't see clearly how Ling Feng drew his sword.

After all, Ling Feng's sword was created out of thin air with the power of creation, not taken out of some space magic weapon.

Yan Zhong's expression changed and he shrank back slightly.

Ling Feng didn't say anything, just kept wiping the edge of the sword with a rag, looking at Yan Zhong with a half-smile.

This action made Yan Zhong feel uncomfortable all over. Cold sweat ran down his back. He forced himself to calm down and said, "Young... Young hero, if you have anything, please tell me."

"I hope you can be a little more magnanimous and don't do something shabby. Otherwise, I will be very unhappy."

Ling Feng's tone was very calm, but the words he said made Yan Zhong break into cold sweat.

"Today, I will give you a little lesson, I hope you won't mind."

Ling Feng stood up, stared at Yan Zhong condescendingly, and patted his old face gently.

Yan Zhong was shaking violently. He clearly felt that the opponent had no energy at all, but he was unable to move at all because of fear.

That scornful look in his eyes and his calm demeanor convinced him that Ling Feng was a master!

Moreover, he is a very strong master!

The next moment, Ling Feng's figure flashed, a pair of wings sprouted from his back, he flew directly out of the window sill, and disappeared into the night sky in the blink of an eye.

By the time Yan Zhong reacted, Ling Feng had already flown far away.

"Oh no, Great Elder, the east warehouse is on fire!"

"Big... Big Elder, something serious has happened. There's been a fire in the West Warehouse!"

"Something bad happened, the library is on fire!"

"No, the elixir garden is on fire!"

For a time, news of various fires came almost at the same time. Yan Zhong thought of Ling Feng saying in front of him when he left that he wanted to teach him a little lesson. I'm afraid this was what he was referring to.

However, he was clearly only one person, so how could he go out and start so many fires?

"Damn it! Damn it! Poof!——"

Yan Zhong was so angry that he looked up and spit out a mouthful of blood. The warehouse, library, and elixir garden were all on fire at the same time. It was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

If he had to choose again, he would not offend that evil star Ling Feng even if he was killed!

The next moment, Yan Zhong rolled his eyes and fainted from anger.

Overnight, almost half of the property of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion was burned down. Such a heavy blow almost made the great elder sick.

"Have you heard? Big news, big news!"

Early in the morning, Xiao Cui rushed back from the market excitedly, rushed into the main hall, and said with a smile: "Miss, the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion caught fire for no reason last night. I heard that two warehouses were burned down, and the library and the The elixir garden was burned down, hahaha, what a joy!”

Liu Yunyan shook her head and smiled, "You girl, there's a fire in someone's house, why are you gloating about it?"

"Who made Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion have a grudge against us?"

Xiaocui said with a smile: "I don't think it was burned enough. I would be even happier if the entire Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion was burned down!"

"But it's strange to say that Dan Pavilion's warehouses are usually protected by magic circles. It's impossible for ordinary flames to burn them."

Liu Yunyan was slightly curious. Logically speaking, a large Dan Pavilion like Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion would not make such a low-level mistake.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Liu Yunyan couldn't help but glance at Ling Feng, vaguely feeling that this matter was not simple.


Ling Feng felt guilty for a while, but he just smiled and said: "Maybe it's because people are despicable. Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion has done too many bad things, and even God can't see it."

Last night, he used the Great Creation Technique to create several clones of himself, and directly released the Xuanhuang Flame to burn down the warehouse. With the power of the Xuanhuang Flame, a fire-proof formation, it was naturally impossible to resist it.

Moreover, ordinary water cannot extinguish the strange fire. Even if the people of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion put out the fire frantically, they would still suffer heavy losses in the end.

Of course, this depends on the fact that the great elder is still wise, otherwise, last night would have been just as cheap as setting fire to it.

The matter at Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion has finally been resolved. As long as the elder's brain is not flooded, he will naturally not dare to play dirty tricks secretly.

After all, Ling Feng alone is so great, not to mention that Ling Feng also invented a "master", which makes the elder have no choice but to swallow the pain in his stomach, and he can't even think about revenge. .

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