Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2104 Dan Dou! (1 update)

Not long after, everyone from the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce also came for the appointment, and the one who represented the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce in the competition was naturally Ling Feng.

In addition to Ling Feng, Liu Jun also participated in this Dan King event.

During this period of time, Liu Jun has benefited a lot from being with Ling Feng, and his alchemy level has improved rapidly.

Although he does not expect to be able to make a splash at the Alchemy King Festival and get a good ranking, he also hopes to have discussions and exchanges with other fellow alchemists in this grand gathering for alchemists.

"Master Ling, Master Ciao, you all should work hard!"

Xiaocui made an encouraging gesture towards Ling Feng and the other two, and almost mobilized all the Liu family's maids to form a cheerleading team.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Seeing that Liu Jun was obviously nervous, he patted his shoulder lightly and said calmly: "Just perform to your normal level."


Liu Jun nodded heavily. Ling Feng's words calmed him down a lot.

On the other hand, a total of eight alchemists from the Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion participated in this Alchemy King event, and one of them, Master Chentian, actually also participated in this competition.

After half a month of rest, this guy has recovered. Although he looks ugly, his actual age is not too old, and he is barely qualified to participate in the Alchemy King's event.

At this time, Master Chentian glared fiercely in the direction of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce. When he saw Ling Feng's eyes sweeping over, he quickly shrank his neck, not daring to look at Ling Feng.

This guy must have been scared out of his wits by Ling Feng.

"Mr. Ling, seven of the alchemists sent by Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion have records. The alchemist in purple robe has not been seen before. He should be a foreign aid invited by Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion."

Liu Yunyan reminded in a low voice.

Ling Feng smiled lightly, no matter whether it was foreign aid or internal aid, there was nothing to worry about.

In addition to the alchemists from Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion, alchemists from Yeluo City and dozens of surrounding cities also worked tirelessly and traveled thousands of miles to participate in this Alchemy King event.

Among them was a man who looked to be around thirty years old. He was born with double pupils. He looked energetic and had an extraordinary temperament, which made Ling Feng pay a little attention.

From an intuitive point of view, this person should be a quite powerful alchemist.

Soon, the Alchemy King Grand Conference was held, and there were actually as many as fifty-six alchemists participating in this event!

On weekdays, an alchemist is already very rare, but this time the Alchemy King Festival has gathered so many outstanding alchemists, which shows how huge the appeal of Chunyang Palace is.

"The King of Alchemy Festival has officially begun!"

Without any other opening remarks, Tao Hong was concise and concise, directly announcing the start of the event.

Then, in the center of the venue, a huge platform rose up. On the platform, there were rows of alchemy furnaces, the number of which exactly corresponded to the number of alchemists participating in the Alchemy King's event.

These alchemy furnaces have the same specifications and the same quality, thus eliminating the impact of the quality of the alchemy furnace on alchemy.

"The rules of the grand event are very simple. Compete based on alchemy skills. Refining the same elixir will be judged by quality! Another point is that it is forbidden to use any form of alchemy fire array. Our Chunyang Palace is not only an alchemy sect, but also a sect. It is also a martial arts sect. If it cannot condense the original true fire, it will not be recognized by Chunyang Palace. "

Tao Hong spoke out the rules of the competition with a serious face. Not one of the fifty-six participating alchemists showed any signs of complaint.

The Alchemy Fire Array can assist in refining alchemy, but it is a small way after all.

A truly powerful alchemist must have his own original true fire, or even a strange fire!

"Okay, without further ado, let's start the first round of competition!"

In the first round of the competition, each alchemist will receive a fourth-level elixir called Baoyuan Dan. After taking it, it can double its own Yuan Power in a short period of time. It is an auxiliary elixir. The value is not low, but the difficulty of refining it is also one of the higher among the fourth-level elixirs.

Soon, the participating alchemists each chose an alchemy furnace and began to take action.

Whether it is medicinal materials or elixir recipes, they are all provided by Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, and Chunyang Palace disciples are responsible for supervision. Therefore, even if Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion is both a participant and the organizer, there is no need to worry about fairness and justice.

As a leader in the alchemy world, Chunyang Palace would not be biased in any way.

Ling Feng glanced at the elixir recipe and already had a clear plan in his mind. The fourth-level elixir was not difficult for him.

Although he could no longer use the Dan Fire Array, he could still condense the strange fire with the help of the Great Creation Technique.

Just refining elixirs is more than enough.

After all, Liu Jun still lacked some knowledge. He looked at the prescription and studied it carefully for a long time before he gradually came up with an idea.

As for most of the alchemists on the field, they were similar to Liu Jun. There were only less than ten people who had an idea at a glance.

"Just refining the fourth-level elixir, but it actually requires thinking?"

Behind Tao Hong, a young man wearing casual clothes and carrying a long sword on his back had a hint of disdain on his lips. As an outstanding genius of Chunyang Palace, he naturally looked down on the alchemists who came out of these small places.

"There is heaven outside the sky, and there is someone outside the world! Zhuo Ming, a master of alchemy, remember not to be arrogant and arrogant."

Tao Hong frowned slightly and scolded him softly.

"Disciple, please obey the instructions!"

The young man named Zhuo Ming blushed and quickly admitted his mistake to Tao Hong. However, he always looked down upon the alchemists outside Chunyang Palace.


On the other hand, another girl in green clothes from Chunyang Palace couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, "Senior Brother Zhuo, do you think you have been scolded by Master again?"

Zhuo Ming snorted lightly, but said no more.

At this time, in the center of the square, most of the dozens of alchemists had already begun to take action.

Apart from Ling Feng, the most outstanding performers were the purple-robed alchemist from Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion and the double-eyed alchemist from the outer city.

Putting down the elixir prescription, Ling Feng began to refine the elixir. The first step was to purify and extract the essence of the medicinal materials.

Along with the recipe for Baoyuan Dan, the medicinal materials for refining Baoyuan Dan were also brought up. Three copies in total were placed on the table next to them.

In other words, each alchemist has three chances to refine Baoyuan Dan. If he fails all three times, he will be automatically eliminated.

Needless to say, Ling Feng's hand speed was as fast as lightning even though he lost his Yuan Power.

Similarly, the purple-robed alchemist and the double-eyed alchemist also have two brushes, and they can actually maintain almost the same speed as Ling Feng.

Next, is the process of activating the original true fire and heating the alchemy furnace.

The first person to activate the alchemy fire was the purple-robed alchemist from Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion.

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