Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2105 Three Great Strange Fires! (2 updates)


The fire surged, and a blue flame rose up below the alchemy furnace.

"Qinglian Earth Heart Fire!"

"Good guy, it's actually a strange fire!"

"And it is a strange fire that is very suitable for refining elixirs!"

In the audience, many people suddenly exclaimed. Every one of the alchemists who mastered the strange fire was a monster-like existence.

Yan Zhong, the great elder of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, had a smile on his face and glanced in the direction of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce with a slightly provocative look.

This alchemist with a strange fire was his trump card to defeat Ling Feng.

Immediately afterwards, another burst of flames rose, and the double-eyed alchemist also refined his own true fire.

Shockingly, it was another strange fire!

Unlike the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, few people can name this strange fire.

"It's Burning Heart Purifying Fire!"

The pale white light was filled with extremely hot temperatures, and the overbearing flames almost burned the alchemy furnace.

On the high platform, Tao Hong, the elder of Chunyang Palace, narrowed his eyes slightly and put a smile on his lips.

It seems that this trip to Hierro City will not be in vain.

Burning Heart Pure Fire ranks higher than Qinglian Earth Heart Fire on the list of strange fires. However, it is naturally more difficult to control, and it is not very suitable for alchemy.

Which one is higher or lower depends on the fire control technique of the operator.

And before everyone could calm down, the third type of strange fire appeared.

On Ling Feng's side, a strange fire suddenly appeared!

Unlike the terrifying scorching heat when the purple-robed alchemist and the double-eyed alchemist used the strange fire, Ling Feng's side felt a desolate and cold feeling.

"Cang Ming Earth Heart Flame!"

The strange fire that Ling Feng sacrificed was actually the Cang Ming Earth Heart Flame.

As the power of his divine consciousness increased, Ling Feng was able to condense a higher-grade alien fire than the Xuanhuang Flame, which was the Cangming Earth Heart Flame. (PS: The origin of the Cangming Earth Core Flame can be traced back to when Ling Feng was still in the Tianbai Empire. The Alchemy Swordmaniac of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce taught Ling Feng the two extraordinary fires. For details, see "Chapter 737 Nanming Lihuo". )

As soon as Cang Ming's Earth Heart Flame emerged, the crowd began to boil again.

Usually it is difficult to see even one kind of strange fire, but today I actually saw three types of fire at once!

“It’s getting more and more interesting!”

Tao Hong sat on the high platform in front of the alchemist and the others, his eyes flickering, taking in the actions of every alchemist. Then, he focused his attention on the purple-robed alchemist in Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion and the outstanding temperament of Chongtong. On the alchemist and Ling Feng.

Although the game has just begun, he is already certain in his heart that the final winner will be among these three people, and the others are just foils.

The Baoyuan Pill is only a fourth-grade elixir. It is not difficult to refine, so it cannot be shown to be very eye-catching.

Zhuo Fang and another girl in green clothes all showed a hint of surprise.

Unexpectedly, there would be three alchemists who mastered strange fires in this small city of Hierro.

Soon, time passed.

Everyone presented the elixir they had refined.

After a while, Tao Hong finished judging. After the first round, more than half of the alchemists were eliminated, and only thirteen people entered the second round!

And Liu Jun was surprisingly one of these thirteen alchemists!

"I actually advanced!"

An incredible smile appeared on Liu Jun's face. Even he didn't expect that under Tao Hong's strict screening, he could advance.

“Believe in yourself and you can do it!”

Ling Feng cast an encouraging look at him. Liu Jun was actually very talented, but it was a pity that he had been groping in the dark and couldn't find a way.

After receiving his own guidance, he was officially introduced.

" is this possible?"

It is said that some people are happy and some are sad, but Master Chentian failed in the first round and stopped there.

He had a look of disbelief on his face. He knew how much Liu Jun weighed.

However, in just over half a month, Liu Jun's alchemy skills far surpassed his own?

Of course he didn't know that with the guidance of a famous teacher like Ling Feng, Liu Jun had made rapid progress, and the current Liu Jun was no longer comparable to what he was before.

After a short break, the second round begins.

The second round of refining the elixir was relatively more difficult.

Sixth-level elixir, Dragon Power Pill!

This is also an auxiliary elixir that can erupt with brute force comparable to that of a monster in a short period of time, so it is called Dragon Power Pill.

While Ling Feng was looking at the prescription, others had already begun to extract the medicinal materials. Obviously, they are very familiar with Longlidan.

After pouting, Ling Feng felt helpless.

The elixirs he came into contact with before were either extremely high-grade or ancient elixirs. He didn't even bother to refine elixirs like Dragon Power Pill.

Therefore, in this first step, it was a step slow.

"Look, the kid using the Cangming Earth Heart Flame can't keep up with the rhythm!"

"It seems that he is no match for the other two. He is still too young after all!"

Everyone nodded. In comparison, Ling Feng was indeed much younger than the other two.

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