Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2112 I’ll see you off a thousand miles away, but I’ll have to say goodbye in the end! (3 upd

Tao Hong coughed dryly, his old face turned slightly red and said, "I also know many alchemy masters in Chunyang Palace. If you are interested, I can naturally introduce you to them."

Tao Hong thought to himself, I have already said this, if you still don’t understand what I mean, just find a piece of tofu and hit him to death!

According to common sense, Ling Feng should respectfully kneel down to him and then become his disciple. This is what a normal person should do.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng is not a normal person.

"Well, thank you for your kindness, senior, but I haven't thought about it yet."

Ling Feng didn't speak too clearly. Could it be that your alchemy skills are too low for me to look down upon?

This is so hurtful!

However, even though Ling Feng's answer was very tactful, Tao Hong's expression changed drastically. A burst of anger suddenly rushed out from the depths of his heart and went straight to his forehead. His face turned red with anger.

You have even lowered yourself to this level, and you actually refuse?

How dare you refuse?

"I understand!"

With a flick of his sleeves, Tao Hong turned around and left the alchemy room. With a gloomy face, he left the Liu family angrily.

Liu Yunyan and others waiting outside were all confused for a while.

How come Master Tao Hong looked so kind and cheerful when he came, but when he left, he was completely different.

It was as if he had eaten gunpowder!

"He wanted to accept me as his disciple, but I refused."

Ling Feng's simple explanation made Liu Yunyan and others startled, and then their expressions changed drastically. Their hearts were very complicated and they couldn't explain what they were feeling.

If this were an ordinary person, he would have thanked him profusely, expressed gratitude, knelt down and kowtowed to become his disciple.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, was not moved at all by the great alchemy master in front of him.

Perhaps, this is the gap between geniuses and ordinary people.

Ling Feng is undoubtedly the former.

After all, Tao Hong was a great master and had the bearing of a master, but he did not seek revenge because of Ling Feng's rejection.

He still sent his disciples to inform Ling Feng that he would report to Chunyang Palace within a month and then he could join Chunyang Palace and become a member of Chunyang Palace.

However, if Ling Feng agreed to Tao Hong, he could naturally return to Chunyang Palace with them, but now, Ling Feng could only go on the road alone.

The ones who came to deliver the message were Tao Hong's two direct disciples, Zhuo Ming and the girl in green clothes named Fu Xueqing.

The attitudes of these two people were relatively aggressive, especially the young man named Zhuo Ming, who barely even scolded Ling Feng in person for not being polite.

Ling Feng didn't bother to argue with this guy, since his goal had been achieved anyway.

The next stop is to go to Chunyang Palace, on the one hand to find a way to lift the seal in the body, and on the other hand, to find the way back to the West Sword Region!

"Are you rushing to Chunyang Palace within a month?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips. As the saying goes, all banquets in the world come to an end. He was going to Chunyang Palace, which meant that it was finally time to say goodbye to Liu Yunyan and the others.

Time passed by and it was three days later.

Because Ling Feng won the championship at the Alchemy King Festival, the Nine Heavens Alchemy Pavilion finally did not break its promise and fulfilled everything it had promised in advance.

However, the Jiuxiao Auction House is still run by the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, but half of the monthly profits must be given to the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce.

It's equivalent to saying that the Liu family didn't have to do anything to get half of the profit for nothing. It's not very satisfying.

And Liu Yunyan managed to run the branch of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce in Hierro City without any support from his master's family, which also caused quite a stir among his master's family.

Even the head family began to send many elite members of the family to fully support Liu Yunyan's business.

In this way, even if Ling Feng is gone, the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion will naturally not dare to act rashly anymore.

Liu Yunyan finally gained her own freedom and could control her own destiny in her own hands.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

It's a pity that the day of separation finally came.

"Mr. Ling, this is the Universe Bag you want. Although the space inside is not as large as the Naling Ring, it is still the size of a cabinet. We are short of time and can only find a Universe Bag of this size."

Liu Yunyan handed a palm-sized bag into Ling Feng's hands and said through gritted teeth.

"Ms. Liu, thank you very much."

Ling Feng put the Qiankun Bag away. Because he had no Yuan Power, he could not open the Naling Ring, and the space was too small to carry luggage and the like. After weighing the balance, he had to use this Qiankun Bag.

Although the space is not large, the advantage is that it can be opened without the need for Yuan force. It only needs to be tied with a rope.

With this Qiankun bag, I won't have to stuff everything into my pockets.

"I should be the one thanking you."

Liu Yunyan's eyes were slightly red, and she was obviously very reluctant to leave Ling Feng.

However, she also knew that Ling Feng was not a creature in the pond, and the small city of Hierro could not keep him.

"Master Ling, I succeeded! I successfully refined the fifth-grade elixir!"

At this time, a figure rushed out of the Liu family mansion, but it was none other than Liu Jun.

Liu Jun held a jade box in his hand and said with great excitement: "Master Ling, I succeeded! I can now refine fifth-level elixirs!"

"very nice!"

Ling Feng patted his shoulder lightly, "In the future, if I'm not here, Yuntian Chamber of Commerce will have to rely on you to support it!"

"Don't worry, Master Ling, I will do my best to live up to your teachings!"

Liu Jun's eyes turned red, and he knelt down in front of Ling Feng with a pop. Although Ling Feng did not accept him as his disciple, Ling Feng was already his teacher in his heart.

"Get up."

Ling Feng supported Liu Jun and took out a thin book from his sleeve: "This is some of my experience in alchemy. Please understand it carefully."

Liu Jun clenched his fists, put away the book, bowed deeply to Ling Feng, and said with tears in his eyes: "Thank you, Master Ling!"

Ling Feng punched him lightly on the shoulder and said with a smile: "What a decent man it is to cry and cry!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng looked back at Liu Yunyan and said calmly: "Miss Liu, I've sent you a thousand miles away, but we must say goodbye in the end! I'm leaving!"

"You...will you come back?"

Liu Yunyan's voice was slightly trembling.

"Maybe there will be no chance again."

Ling Feng's voice was a little low: "Don't worry about me, run the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce well, your destiny is in your own hands!"

After saying that, Ling Feng took out a bracelet and handed it to Liu Yunyan.

During this period of time, in addition to refining alchemy every day, Ling Feng also had a lot of free time because he was unable to practice.

Ling Feng did not waste this free time and began to study the art of inscriptions, talismans, and seal scripts.

Not to mention, Ling Feng's talent actually allowed him to achieve some achievements. This bracelet was blessed with three defensive runes, which could withstand three fatal injuries from the powerful Human Emperor.

This is also the strongest talisman that Ling Feng can refine at this stage.

Liu Yunyan's hands were trembling slightly, and she tightly squeezed the bracelet Ling Feng gave her, her eyes blurred with tears.

"Bye now!"

Ling Feng waved to Liu Yunyan, turned around and strode away.

Looking at Ling Feng's back, gradually merging with the ray of glow on the horizon, Liu Yunyan slowly closed her eyes, tears falling down her cheeks, she knew that her heart would follow that man far away together. go……

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