Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2113: You want to see people when you are alive, you want to see corpses when you die! (1 up

Miluo Continent is much wider than Ling Feng imagined.

Although it is only a broken space plane, its overall size is almost comparable to that of the Tiansheng Empire, which is the largest among the four empires in the Eastern Spiritual Region.

Starting from Hierro City and heading to Chunyang Palace is not a short journey.

Because he rejected Master Tao Hong's invitation to become a disciple, Ling Feng had to go on the road alone.

In his current situation, even if he uses physical skills, his speed is very limited. Using the Great Creation Technique to condense his wings can speed up the speed, but it consumes a lot of spiritual power.

In desperation, Ling Feng had no choice but to plan to buy a mount to travel to the next city.

It's a pity that the Five Elements Heavenly Palace cannot be opened, otherwise both Xiaoqiongqi and the Underworld Yalong would be very cool and fast mounts.

"It's been more than a month!"

In the world outside Miluo Continent, among the bloody ancient roads, a girl in white was suspended in mid-air, staring at the rushing river below, her brows frowning more and more.

This girl turned out to be Yu Junyao.

Ling Feng's last breath stayed in this watershed. Unfortunately, after arriving here, Ling Feng's breath completely dissipated.

It's like it never existed.

"Is this brat really in trouble?"

For more than a month, if Ling Feng was still alive, there shouldn't be any news at all.

"Or is it true, as the Shepherd God said, that there are fluctuations in the power of time and space under this river basin, and that guy Ling Feng entered another small world just when the time and space channel opened?"

Half a month ago, Chu Chaonan finally found Mr. Mu Shen and dragged him over.

With the magical power of the Shepherd God, he was naturally not afraid of the terrifying monsters that might exist under the river. He should have sneaked into the bottom of the river. After some inspection, he came to a conclusion.

Ling Feng either died or entered another small world.

Then, Lord Mu Shen left with a dejected look on his face.

No matter what the outcome was, given Ling Feng's situation at the time, with his cultivation level being banned and being seriously injured, the chance of survival was probably very slim.

"You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you die. I still don't believe it, my aunt!"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and made a "plop". She didn't care about the terrifying monsters that might exist in the river and jumped into the bottom of the river.

She didn't know how she felt about Ling Feng.

From the beginning, there was only disdain, but later it gradually turned into disgust. Unknowingly, it seemed to be quite interesting to follow Ling Feng around.

No matter what, she didn't want to believe that Ling Feng, an invincible little strong man, would die like this.

If there really is a small world, if Ling Feng can enter it, he can probably enter it too!

However, before she could find any passage to the small world, she was targeted by several monsters with terrifying auras at the bottom of the river.

Although her cultivation level has reached the Saint level, it is impossible to deal with so many monsters that are comparable to Demon Saints at the same time.


Yu Junyao was about to break out of the water with a surge of energy. She just came to find the so-called "time and space passage", not to jump into the river to die in love.

However, the next moment, she discovered that those monsters had already blocked the surface of the river. When Yu Junyao rose to the surface of the river, she was actually blocked by an invisible barrier.

"evil creature!"

Yu Junyao swiped the sword in his hand, forcing an oncoming giant octopus back with one strike, and quickly dived into the bottom of the river.

"You brat! This girl was killed by you!"

Several monster beasts at the bottom of the river chased up like crazy.

In the world at the bottom of the river, their power is maximized, and although Yu Junyao is already a saint-level powerhouse, when he reaches the bottom of the river, he can only use 80% of his strength at most.

What's more, she is still a member of the Jiuli Divine Clan and is good at fire magical powers. Under this river, she is even more suppressed.


A huge water bomb exploded behind Yujunyao, blowing her away heavily.

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