Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2114 Tiandan Holy City! (2 updates)


Yu Junyao spit out a blood arrow from her mouth and was about to sacrifice her magic weapon to fight to the death with those monsters.

At this moment, a dark crack in the void suddenly opened at the bottom of the river, and a huge attraction swept out.

Yujunyao couldn't stand for a moment, and was completely swallowed by the crack in the void.

Not long after, the cracks in the void disappeared, and everything seemed like it had never happened.

"I won't kill you, but you will be my mount for the next period of time."

In a mountain forest, Ling Feng said in a cold voice to the monster beast lying on the ground in front of him.

This demonic beast looks like a tiger and leopard, and a bit like a bull. It has a pair of horns on its head and is extremely powerful. It took Ling Feng a lot of effort to beat this demonic beast to its knees.

Ling Feng saw that it was somewhat capable, and since he was temporarily short of a mount, he chose it.

The demon beast was beaten by Ling Feng until stars appeared in its eyes. Although it was not very intelligent, it also knew that it was no match for the human in front of it, so it had no choice but to give in and growl in agreement.

"not bad!"

Ling Feng took out a row of golden needles from his arms and stuck a few needles on the monster's back. He then laughed and said: "From today on, your name will be...Daniu!"

Ling Feng looked at the horns of the monster beast and gave it a very casual name.

This monster is more than two meters tall, has a strong body, and a very powerful appearance. It is indeed very domineering when used as a mount.

Under Ling Feng's mysterious "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Technique", Da Niu's injuries immediately recovered. He was shaken and got up from the ground. At the same time, he slightly bent his front knees and looked at Ling Feng with a low eyebrow.

Ling Feng turned over and jumped up on the back of the bull, touched the back of its head, and said calmly: "Okay, let's go!"


The big bull looked up to the sky and roared, then used its fastest speed and rushed out of the valley like a bolt of lightning.

Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, keep this speed!"

With the means of transportation, Ling Feng's speed has naturally been greatly improved.

Daniel had a lot of endurance, and Ling Feng also prepared a large amount of pills. As soon as Daniel slowed down, Ling Feng stuffed the pills into Daniel's mouth like jelly beans.

Over the past few days, Daniel's speed became faster and faster, and his aura became more and more powerful.

At this time, Da Niu realized that he had met a wealthy master this time, and he ran as hard as he could, not daring to be disrespectful to Ling Feng.

Along the way, Ling Feng also met some young warriors, men and women, more or less riding horses, heading north quickly. When they saw Ling Feng's horse, they were all envious. Fortunately, no one caused trouble.

The destination of these people seemed to be the same as his own, which was to go to Chunyang Palace to participate in the palace election.

Ten days have passed in the blink of an eye, and the Tiandan Holy City where Chunyang Palace is located is getting closer and closer.

At this moment, a young man riding a giant bear skin, holding a giant sword, jumped up and rushed towards him.

However, there was fighting intent in the sword's edge, but no killing intent.

Ling Feng's face condensed, and he punched with his backhand. Dragon Elephant's divine power exploded, and the sword blade collapsed.

The figures intertwined, and Ling Feng groaned. The young man's strength was so fierce and domineering. Unfortunately, he only had half of the dragon-elephant power left. If he fought with his brute strength, he was destined to suffer.

Fortunately, Ling Feng was also proficient in some force-generating techniques. With a flick of his wrist, and with the help of the young man's strength, the shock returned to about 30%.

Kick, kick, kick!

For a moment, the two of them took a few steps back at the same time. The young man glanced at Ling Feng and immediately burst into laughter.

"Okay, it's really interesting!"

The young man cupped his fists and saluted Ling Feng, and laughed loudly: "My name is Tang Yong! What is your name?"

"Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng also slightly tilted his head towards Tang Yong. This person's brute strength alone was enough to rival many of the elite disciples in the One Moon Heavenly Palace.

However, the two of them just tested each other and did not use their true strength. Therefore, it is impossible to judge whether Tang Yong has the strength of the top ten.

However, this cheered up Ling Feng a little.

After all, in a small place like Yeluo City, the strongest warrior was just the Human Emperor, which made him think that the overall level of martial arts in Miluo Continent was very low.

But when he went to Chunyang Palace, he realized that this was his misunderstanding.

This world also has very outstanding geniuses!

For example, Tang Yong in front of him is one of them.

"Did Brother Ling also go to Chunyang Palace to participate in the entry selection?" Tang Yong asked with a smile. This guy looks like a strong-backed guy, giving people the impression that he is just like his mount, like a big stupid bear. .

"Technically speaking, I was there to report."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "I have joined the Chunyang Palace Alchemy Sect."

"Brother Ling, who has such a good talent, actually joined the Lao Shi Zi Dan Sect?"

Tang Yong frowned and showed displeasure. In his opinion, alchemists were just a bunch of boring guys.

When it comes to alchemy, there are real swords and guns, and it's a pleasure to compete in strength.


Ling Feng laughed dryly. Although this guy's words didn't sound nice, he was sincere.

"I have to go to rendezvous with my clansmen, so I'll leave first! Brother Ling, see you in Tiandan Holy City!"

After Tang Yong finished speaking, he jumped directly onto the back of the mountain-shaking violent bear. Then, as the earth shook, this guy and his giant bear gradually moved away.

"It seems that this trip to Chunyang Palace should be more interesting than I imagined!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose.

Although his cultivation level has been sealed, the foundation of his swordsmanship is still there. Without sword intention or Yuanli, swordsmanship is still one of his trump cards.

Coupled with the Great Creation Technique, his overall strength is enough to kill the Emperor in an instant, comparable to the average Emperor Realm expert.

"I hope that after arriving at Chunyang Palace, we can find out the situation about the Kongming God Clan as soon as possible! Also, I hope that the Forbidden Breaking Pill that weakens the seal can be successfully refined!"

It has been almost two months since I was trapped in Miluo Continent, and I don’t know what the situation is like outside.

No matter what, you must seize the time to restore your cultivation, and at the same time, leave Miluo Continent and return to the outside world!

Two days later.

Ling Feng looked at the majestic city in front of him and murmured to himself: We are finally here!

Ahead is the Holy City of Tiandan!

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