Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2123 Milo Crisis! (2 updates)

After asking a few more questions, the elders sent Ling Feng and Jiang Kun away.

After Jiang Kun and the others left, the Third Palace Master, who had been silent all this time, whispered, "It seems that the passage to the outside world is becoming more and more unstable. In the past ten years, there have been more and more warriors from the outside world in Miro Continent!"

It turned out that the Third Palace Master could tell at a glance that Ling Feng was a warrior from the outside world.

After all, there was no demon tribe in Miro Continent that could perform such a terrifying sealing technique as "Corpse Soul Sealing".

"According to the news from the Kongming God Clan, it seems that because Miro Continent is too close to Xuanling Continent, the star core is being pulled, and the power of heaven and earth has changed, which has caused the space-time channel to become more and more unstable!"

The Great Elder's face sank, and he said slowly: "Perhaps in a few hundred years, Miro Continent will collide with Xuanling Continent, and then, Miro Continent will no longer exist!"

"The Kongming God Clan, claiming to be a high-level god clan that controls the power of time and space, can't even control the star core. I really don't know what kind of waste our Chunyang Palace has raised by providing them with a large amount of elixirs every year!"

A square-faced Supreme Elder shouted angrily in a low voice.

"Elder Yan, don't say that."

The Third Palace Master sighed, and after a while, he continued: "Even if the Kongming God Clan is incompetent, it is the only race that can guide the power of the star core. When it comes to the last step, when Miro Continent is bound to be destroyed, we still need to rely on the power of the Kongming God Clan to go to Xuanling Continent!"

"Humph, if it weren't for this, who would be willing to support that group of self-righteous God Clan!"

The square-faced elder clenched his fist and murmured in a low voice: "You brag about the God Clan every day, and you really think you are a god!"

It turned out that the entire Miro Continent was also facing a huge crisis, and Ling Feng was unaware of this.

In the entire Miro Continent, only these big figures who stood at the top knew a little bit.


On the other side.

"Little friend Ling Feng, I wanted to give you a surprise, but unfortunately..."

Jiang Kun took Ling Feng out of the Chunyang Hall and couldn't help but sighed.

"Senior Jiang is willing to help me, I am already grateful!" Ling Feng bowed to Jiang Kun, and smiled gratefully at the seemingly indifferent elder from the bottom of his heart. "Unfortunately, I can't help you at all." Jiang Kun shook his head and comforted him, "But you don't have to be discouraged. Although you can't continue to practice, with your current strength, most people are not your opponents, and you can become an alchemist. No matter where you are, alchemists are highly respected!" Ling Feng smiled faintly. Discouraged? I won't waste my time on such boring emotions. "Senior, don't worry, I won't give up on myself!" Ling Feng's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. Even if those saint-level supremes said that he was hopeless, the power of chaos and the power of creation made it possible for him to return to the peak! No one can judge his own fate unless he gives up! "I'm relieved that you think so!" Jiang Kun patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Let's go, I'll take you to Danzong. After all, you have a Dan King Order, so joining the inner sect is not a problem." "Thank you, senior!" Ling Feng bowed to Jiang Kun again, secretly remembering Jiang Kun's favor to him. If there is a chance in the future, he must repay it well. After a while, because Jiang Kun came forward and Ling Feng had a Dan King Order in his hand, the relevant procedures were quickly completed, and Ling Feng officially became an inner sect disciple of Danzong. Not only that, Ling Feng also met Master Tao Hong again. "Ling Feng, I asked you to report to Danzong within a month, why did you come so late!" Tao Hong saw Ling Feng, although he was a little curious about why he was with Jiang Kun, but he still questioned him first. This kid is too unreasonable. It's okay that he doesn't want to worship him as a master, but he said he would report in a month, but he actually missed the deadline of a month! Because he participated in the selection of Jianzong, Ling Feng's time to report to Danzong was exactly one month, one day more! If Jiang Kun hadn't been there, Ling Feng might not have been able to successfully become a disciple of Danzong.

"Then I really have to ask your good disciple!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and casually placed a letter on the table.

The signature on the cover of the letter was Master Tao Hong, but the content inside...

Tao Hong read the letter and immediately frowned, "Who gave you this letter?"

"It's... it's my disciple!"

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a man in a green shirt walked into the room on his knees, kowtowed and said, "Master, I was just angry for a while, this kid is too disrespectful, so I want to vent my anger for you, Master!"

This man in a green shirt is naturally Tao Hong's eldest disciple, Zhuo Ming.

This guy had been eavesdropping outside the door, and when he knew that the matter could not be concealed, he hurried out to admit his mistake, hoping that Tao Hong would let him off.

"This is just nonsense!"

Tao Hong was so angry that he was fuming and was about to punish Zhuo Ming when another figure ran in from outside the door and knelt down side by side with Zhuo Ming. With red eyes, he said, "Master, I also know about this matter. If you want to punish me, punish me too!"

"You, Xueqing, how could you even follow suit!"

Tao Hong looked at the female disciple Fu Xueqing. Fu Xueqing had always been more cautious and prudent than Zhuo Ming, and had a deep affection for him, but this time she actually followed Zhuo Ming.

But he also knew that in the final analysis, it was Zhuo Ming who made his own decisions.

In fact, the disciples helped him vent his anger out of filial piety, but the method was too stupid!

Moreover, this matter happened to be known to Jiang Kun, an elder of the Sword Sect. If it was selfish, he would not be able to save his face.


Tao Hong snorted coldly and said in a cold voice: "You two evildoers, because you are just the first offender, I will punish you to go to the back mountain to think about the cliff and face the wall to think about your mistakes! Zhuo Ming, you face the wall for half a year, Xueqing, you face the wall for a month ! Execute now!”


The two kowtowed and knelt down to thank him, then exited the room and went to Siwan Cliff.

"Haha, you old boy, the one who is suffering now is Ling Feng. How to punish them should be decided by Ling Feng, right?"

Jiang Kun looked like he was worried that the world would not be in chaos.

"I have no objection."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but he was too lazy to argue with a young man like Zhuo Ming.

"Since Zhuo Ming was the one who caused the obstruction in this matter, I wrongly blamed you."

Ling Feng's calming attitude made Tao Hong slightly satisfied. He nodded and said slowly: "From today on, you are an inner disciple of the Dan Sect. However, you have not become a disciple. For the time being, you can only live in Luoxia Peak. Tomorrow at noon If you go to Danyang Palace to report before, someone will tell you what Dan Sect disciples need to do on a daily basis."

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