Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2124 Helping others? (3 updates)

"In addition, your Alchemy King's Order can also be exchanged for a ninth-level elixir recipe, or an equivalent amount of elixirs or medicinal materials at the Baodan Pavilion. Don't forget it."

After Tao Hong finished explaining, he arranged for the medicine boy to take Ling Feng to Luoxia Peak to stay. As for Jiang Kun, he also had his own things to be busy with, so he said goodbye to Ling Feng.

After receiving his own identity token, training supplies, and two sets of disciple clothes that he changed every weekday, Ling Feng moved into Luoxia Peak.

There are significantly fewer disciples of the Alchemy Sect than there are disciples of the Sword Sect. After all, not all warriors have the talent to become alchemists.

Ling Feng was also assigned a fairly unique courtyard. In front of his door, there was a fertile medicinal field where he could plant some spiritual flowers and herbs.

"Purification method, fire control method, pill collection method..."

Ling Feng held three thin books in his hand. These are alchemy secrets that every inner disciple of the Alchemy Sect can receive. They contain the essence summarized by some senior elders of the Alchemy Sect. For ordinary inner disciples, , they are all the same as operating principles. If you study them carefully, you will benefit a lot.

However, for Ling Feng, it is just the basics for getting started.

Throwing the secret book on the table, Ling Feng looked at his unique little yard and couldn't help but stretch.

In the next period of time, I will live here.

The top priority, in addition to continuing to practice the "Great Creation Technique", is to earn enough sect contribution points to redeem the medicinal materials for refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill.

The other thing is to find out something about the "Kongming Divine Clan".

After all, it seems that if he wants to leave Miluo Continent, he can only rely on the power of the Kongming Divine Clan.

This was also the only valuable news that Ling Feng got out of Tao Hong.

Three days passed in a flash.

Ling Feng is familiar with what he needs to do as an inner disciple of the Dan Sect within the Dan Sect.

The alchemist's job is nothing more than planting spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs and refining elixirs.

After all, he is an inner disciple and does not have many hard tasks to complete every day. However, if he wants to earn contribution points, he must refine qualified elixirs and hand them in to obtain contribution points.

Otherwise, just complete some collection tasks, planting tasks, etc...

Every Dan Sect disciple is very busy every day, so there is not much interaction between Ling Feng and other Dan Sect disciples.

However, Ling Feng is not in a hurry. At least, he has learned that the medicinal materials for refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill are basically complete in the medicinal material warehouse of Baodan Pavilion.

What I lack is just enough contribution points!

In addition to refining elixirs, Ling Feng also takes time out to practice martial arts.

After all, the world of martial arts respects martial arts, so there are also martial arts arenas in the areas where Dan Sect disciples are active.

Even in the Dan Sect's library, there are some pretty good secret books on martial arts. As an inner sect disciple, you can borrow any secret books below the third level.

Although the level is not high, for someone like Ling Feng who has no Yuan Power, low-level martial arts are more suitable for him.

On this day, Ling Feng, as usual, after refining alchemy, went to the martial arts field to practice a boxing technique called "Tiger Roar Fist".

This is the most common yellow-level boxing technique with very limited power. Basically no one will practice it. However, combined with Ling Feng's dragon-elephant divine power, it can also exert considerable power.

The Great Creation Technique can create strange fire, ice, lightning and other highly offensive things, but it is more inclined to long-range, and he still needs to perfect some melee methods.

Otherwise, once someone gets close, they will most likely be treated as a sandbag.

Although his physical strength is extremely abnormal, it is at best a very strong sandbag. Without his protective energy, his defensive power will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Although this Tiger Roaring Fist is not very powerful, it is more flexible and changeable. Although Ling Feng has lost the ability to copy the Eye of the Emperor, his understanding is still there. After practicing it several times, he is already able to perform it with style.

At this moment, the provocateur came.

Ling Feng, a newcomer, was extremely fast at refining alchemy and accumulating contribution points at an exaggerated speed.

Therefore, it was inevitable that he would be targeted.

After all, it is normal for a newcomer like Ling Feng to pay some "tuition fees".

And as soon as they opened their mouths, they asked for most of Ling Feng's pills.


Ling Feng couldn't help but sneered.

This guy's face is really thicker than the city wall. He wants half of his elixirs, which is half of the contribution points he earns every day, to hand over to him.

Who does he think he is?

"Senior brother really takes good care of me!"

Ling Feng's voice was a bit colder, he glanced at the mustache with a smile, and said calmly: "However, I want senior brother to give me some pointers first. If the effect is satisfactory, I will make elixirs for senior brother before it is too late!"

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