Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2130 The vitality and blood are revived! (3 updates)

After a while, another "Ling Feng" lured away the wild fire demon, and Ling Feng was able to breathe, quickly left the lake along the river, and set foot on the land again.

This is already the deepest place in Burning Heart Valley.

The heat is unbearable!

A feeling of weakness came over me. The cost of using the Great Creation Technique to create life was naturally not small.

Ling Feng felt that his whole brain was in severe pain. Fortunately, he had experienced the pain of being implanted in the Hunyuan Lock of Forging Qi many times before. This level of mental pain was still bearable.

"While the Wildfire Flame Demon is being lured away, turn back now and maybe you can find the Heart-Burning Lotus!"

Ling Feng took deep breaths repeatedly, trying to slightly alleviate the sequelae of creating life. When he wanted to condense the light wings again, he found that his power of consciousness had been consumed to the extent that he could not even maintain the light wings.

"It seems that we have to find a place to recover some of the power of consciousness first, and then make plans."

Dragging his extremely tired body, Ling Feng found a relatively closed rock pile and sat down cross-legged without caring about the scorching heat on the ground.

Fortunately, he was protected by strange fire, otherwise the heat from the ground alone would have been enough to cook him.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng took out some pills to restore the power of his consciousness and began to regulate his breathing.

About half an hour later, the severe pain in my mind recovered somewhat, but there was still a faint tingling sensation.

The consequences of creating life were too great. Ling Feng made up his mind that he would never use the Great Creation Technique to create life unless it was a last resort.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng took out another porcelain bottle from the Qiankun Bag. The wisp of wild fire stone energy he had collected before was collected in this porcelain bottle.

"Although Wildfire Stone Qi is not as good as Wildfire Stone Milk, it should also have a good body-tempering effect."

Ling Feng opened the porcelain bottle, sucked hard at the mouth of the bottle, and swallowed all the wild fire stone gas inside.

Suddenly, Ling Feng felt a warm air swirling in his stomach.

The wild fire stone energy continued to swim along his limbs and bones, and began to temper his body bit by bit.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, although the power of his qi and blood was sealed in his dantian like his Yuan Li, the power of his qi and blood was spread throughout his body after all.

Although the sealing of corpse soul is powerful, it is only the strongest seal in the sea of ​​spirit and dantian. However, if it acts on the whole body, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Under the tempering of wild fire stone energy, Ling Feng actually felt that the power of energy and blood in his body was faintly revived.

Time passed, and a quarter of an hour passed, and the wisp of wild fire and stone energy was consumed.

Ling Feng's energy and blood power has also awakened a little. A little calculation shows that Ling Feng's current power should have reached the level of the divine power of a dragon elephant.

Compared with the previous half-headed dragon elephant, the power has been doubled!

"Just the wild fire stone energy can stimulate the power of blood and qi in my body. What effect will the wild fire stone milk have?"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. If he could take the lead in recovering his body training, then with the "Great Creation Technique" and "Dragon Elephant Body Overlord Technique", he would be able to compete with some high-level emperors.

"No matter what, we must get the Wild Fire Stone Milk!"

Ling Feng made up his mind that he would not leave until he got the Wild Fire Stone Milk!

About two hours later, Ling Feng found another trace of wild fire stone energy, but was cut off by a magma monster!

"If you dare to swallow my wild fire stone energy, please spare your life!"

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with murderous intent. This brainless beast dared to snatch food from under his hands. He was simply seeking death!

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