Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2131 Underground Flame Cave! (1 update)

Ling Feng didn't know that the demon snake he encountered was a red flame demon snake.

This is a monster that can only appear in an environment like Burning Heart Valley. It likes the high temperature of magma, and will suck wild fire stone milk to increase its strength.

The red flame that was spit out just now was a terrifying flame power that was transformed after swallowing a large amount of wild fire stone milk.

A fierce battle.

Ling Feng killed the red flame demon snake and obtained a demon pill.

Such a demon pill is probably comparable to hundreds of wildfire stone energy.

"nice one!"

After putting the demon pill away, Ling Feng started searching nearby.

Since Wild Fire Stone Qi has appeared here, I am afraid that Wild Fire Stone Milk will also exist.

After a while, Ling Feng searched for almost a dozen wild fire stone gases, which was much greater than what he had found in the magma lake area before.

Moreover, without the "drag" of other teammates, he does not need to expend more spiritual power to maintain the strange fire coat for them.

move on.

I don't know how long it took, but Ling Feng found a cave deep underground.

The cave is filled with highly toxic magma gas.

Ling Feng didn't have Yuan Power to protect his body, so he could only temporarily hold his breath. Fortunately, with his strong physique, just one breath was enough to last for several hours without the need for ventilation.

Continuing to dig deeper, Ling Feng finally saw an unexpected surprise.

Burning Heart Emperor Lotus!

That is a heart-burning emperor lotus!

Moreover, at a rough glance, there are at least ten of them!

"Unexpectedly, there are so many Heart-Burning Lotuses here. Doesn't that mean that there are still a large number of wildfire stone milks in this cave!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that he would be so lucky.

However, Ling Feng did not act rashly. He kept his eyes on all directions and his ears on all directions, paying attention to all the movements around him.

For a long time, there was still no movement in the magma pool. Apart from the gurgling sound of boiling magma, there was nothing unusual about it.

However, his intuition told Ling Feng that this place was not as safe as it seemed.

He stepped forward and walked step by step towards the Heart-Burning Lotus in the magma pool. After a while, Ling Feng walked to the side of the Heart-Burning Lotus and collected the Heart-Burning Lotus.

The first flower...

The second one...

Soon, Ling Feng collected all the Heart-Burning Lotus in the pond and threw it into the Qiankun Bag.

The space inside the Qiankun Bag is very limited, and it is not suitable for storing spiritual plants. This makes Ling Feng a little distressed.

It's a pity that I don't have Yuan Power, so I can't open the Spiritual Ring, let alone the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Not having proper storage space is indeed a problem.

Ling Feng frowned. The Naling Ring has its own spiritual mark. If you want to open your own Naling Ring, you must use the Yuan Power with your own divine mark to open it.

Otherwise, you can also ask others to erase the spiritual brand on it and re-refine the spirit ring before it can be opened.

However, in doing so, it would be equivalent to giving the Naling Ring to others.

Unless it is someone whom they trust very much, most warriors will not easily hand over their spiritual rings to others, let alone let others remove the imprint of divine consciousness on them.

"Although I have spiritual thoughts now, my energy is still a problem."

Ling Feng thought about it, and if he wanted to open the spirit ring, he could only refine the talisman without the help of others.

As long as the elemental power in the elemental stone is injected into the talisman and combined with one's own divine consciousness, although it cannot form a very strong elemental power, it should be barely enough to open the spirit ring.

However, this will have to be studied after returning to Chunyang Palace. This place is not a safe place.

It has to be said that this place is indeed a very suitable place for the growth of Heart-burning Lotus. After a while, Ling Feng also discovered a large number of Heart-burning Lotus in the surrounding magma pool.

All added up, there are actually close to forty or fifty flowers!

On weekdays, a heart-burning lotus that is hard to find is actually crowded here!

Moreover, in the deepest part of the cave, Ling Feng suddenly discovered a huge red lotus that was as tall as half a person!

That’s a lot of discoveries, I’m afraid it’s at least five thousand years old!

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