Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2132 Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus! (2 updates)

"I'll be a good boy!"

Ling Feng's eyes widened. How many contribution points would it cost to hand over these Heartburning Lotuses to the sect?

However, only a fool would leave it to the sect. Although he discovered that the materials were not needed to refine the Forbidden Breaking Pill, the power contained in it was enough to restore his energy and blood to the strength of thirty dragons. above.

Not only that, it can also temper his body to an outrageous level!

"How could there be such a big heart-burning lotus!"

Ling Feng's eyelids were twitching wildly. He probably wouldn't be able to fit such a large Heart-Burning Lotus in the remaining space in his Qiankun Bag, right?

However, Ling Feng did not intend to give up. He carefully approached the magma pool and prepared to pick the heart-burning lotus.

At this moment, a terrifying aura made Ling Feng's eyelids twitch.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Ling Feng immediately discovered that it was a wild fire demon!

Moreover, it seemed to be the Wildfire Flame Demon that was chasing him before!

Because, on its forehead, there is a sword mark, which is exactly what he left before.

Although its size has shrunk a lot, Ling Feng is sure that this is the wild fire demon that he encountered before.

It turns out that this place is exactly its nest!

No wonder I had picked so many heart-burning lotus without encountering any obstruction. It turned out that the guardian monster had left temporarily.

But by coincidence, Ling Feng returned in time when he was about to pick the largest heart-burning lotus.


Seeing Ling Feng, an "old acquaintance", the Wild Fire Flame Demon suddenly became angry. Moreover, when it discovered that Ling Feng had almost picked all the heart-burning lotus in the magma pool, it became furious and its eyes flashed. In the middle, flames were blazing, spitting out directly.

For a moment, the entire cave was almost covered in flames. Ling Feng's scalp was numb. This was terrible. He actually came to the opponent's lair!

Now, the wild fire demon was blocking the entrance of the cave, and he had nowhere to run if he wanted to.

"Ho ho ho!"

Amidst the deafening roar, the wild fire demon suddenly opened its mouth and charged towards Ling Feng.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng cursed lowly, jumped directly behind the Heart-Burning Lotus, swung his long sword, pointed at the Heart-Burning Lotus below, and shouted: "Big man, if you mess around again, I will strike with my sword." Destroy these heart-burning lotuses!"

Although the wild fire flame demon was not very intelligent, he understood Ling Feng's words.

These heart-burning lotuses are all its treasures, especially the last heart-burning emperor lotus, which has been cultivated for eight or nine thousand years before it grows to its current size.

With only the last thousand years left, the Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus can evolve into the Heart-Burning Holy Lotus. As long as it swallows the Heart-Burning Holy Lotus, it can break through the Saint level in one fell swoop and become a Saint-level monster. Moreover, it is at least a Saint. A mid-level monster!

By that time, it will be the absolute overlord of Burning Heart Valley.

It has to be said that Ling Feng was indeed lucky to have strangled the lifeblood of the wild fire demon.

The Wild Fire Flame Demon quickly closed his mouth and swallowed all the hot air.

A thick black smoke emerged from its nasal cavity, showing the terror of the heat flow. If he had allowed him to spray it out just now, Ling Feng might not have been able to resist the strange fire around him.


Ling Feng's mind was spinning, and he was constantly thinking about ways to break the situation. The wild fire flame demon was powerful, and in this terrain and environment, it was the home field of the wild fire flame demon.

At this moment, he was like a bird in a cage, a turtle in an urn, with no way out.

Desperate situation!

No matter how you look at it, you are now forced into a desperate situation.

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