Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2134 Return to the West with one punch! (1 update)


The Wild Fire Flame Demon didn't care whether Ling Feng had become stronger or not, there was only one thought in its mind.

That is, swallow the human being in front of you in one bite!

A large amount of the pure energy contained in the Burning Heart Emperor Lotus must still be involved in Ling Feng's body. As long as he eats this damn human being, he can at least get some of his money back.

"Hey, big guy, you are no match for me now. I'll give you a chance and give way!"

Ling Feng touched his bald head, feeling a little depressed, but for some reason, he had a feeling that he was particularly strong with his bald head.

The Wild Fire Flame Demon roared and roared, and naturally it was impossible to give way. Its eyes were spitting out flames, and its huge body rushed directly towards Ling Feng.

"If that's the case, then you can't blame me!"

Originally, Ling Feng thought that since he had picked so many Heart-Burning Lotus and eaten the Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus that this guy had guarded for thousands of years, it would be okay to let him live.

However, since this Wildfire Flame Demon has a determined attitude of not giving up...

Humph, the demon elixir of the Wild Fire Flame Demon is a hundred times more valuable than the demon elixir of the red flame demon snake before!

In an instant, Ling Feng punched out, and the power of the seventy-headed dragon elephant exploded with all its strength without any scruples.

With his current physical strength, even without Yuanli to protect his body, this terrifying force would not backfire on his body.


With one punch, strong winds rolled around, and the entire underground cave was shaking violently.

The reaction speed of the Wild Fire Flame Demon was extremely fast. He twisted his huge body and managed to avoid Ling Feng's fist. His huge claws aimed at the top of Ling Feng's head and slapped him down.

"Nine Layers of Sea Suppressing Fist!"

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Ling Feng's eyes shone brightly, his fists swept back, and with a move of "Dragon Controlling the Sea", he collided with the huge claws of the Wild Fire Flame Demon.

Bang bang bang!

The terrifying impact exploded, the surrounding rock walls collapsed, magma rolled and flowed, and the entire cave seemed about to collapse completely.

Ling Feng knew that the cave was about to collapse and he had to fight quickly, otherwise he might be buried underground.

The Wild Fire Flame Demon was completely mad. Ling Feng picked its Heart-Burning Lotus, swallowed its Emperor Lotus, and destroyed its cave. It was already determined to die.

Roar! ——

There was another roar, like a red lightning, tearing through the sky. The Wild Fire Balrog controlled the rolling magma, condensing into balls of red fire, and blasting towards Lingfeng. The Wild Fire Balrog followed closely behind and launched an attack.

The temperature of the red fireball was restrained and even more astonishing. Ling Feng did not dare to hit it hard, so he had to dodge left and right, narrowly avoiding the red fireball, and punched out at the same time.

The dragon elephant's divine power condensed on the fist, turning into a bloody divine dragon that wrapped around Ling Feng's right arm.

With one punch, the dragon roared, and the terrifying power condensed into one point, slamming hard into the head of the wild fire demon.

There was a loud bang, like gold and iron colliding, a tyrannical force erupted, and a scorching storm rolled away. The terrifying counterattack force made Ling Feng take a few steps back, and the Wild Fire Flame Demon also fell under this punch. Flying out, while Ling Feng retreated, he used the force of the counter-shock to spin, turning into a more powerful and ferocious attack, and punched again.

Boom boom boom!

In the room of lightning and flint, Ling Feng had already fired more than a dozen punches, all of which hit the forehead of the Wild Fire Flame Demon. The Dragon Elephant's divine power exploded wildly, beating the huge body of the Wild Fire Flame Demon back.

Kick, kick, kick!

The Wild Fire Balrog was mounted directly on the rock wall. Spider web-like cracks had opened on his head. Hot liquid flowed out of the wound, like magma. It was the blood of the Wild Fire Balrog.

"One last punch and I'll send you home!"

Ling Feng exploded with all his strength, wrapping the power of thunder and frost around his fist. Along with the violent fist, he hit the head of the wild fire demon hard.




The head of the wild fire demon exploded directly, but its vitality was very tenacious. Without its head, it could still swing its flaming fist and hit Ling Feng.

However, after Ling Feng punched it into its chest and grabbed the demon pill inside, the huge body of the wild fire flame demon fell heavily to the ground, twitched a few times, and then stopped moving.

The red inner elixir is as big as a human head, and it is blazing hot. It contains a lot of the essence of wild fire stone milk.

This demon pill alone is probably comparable to hundreds of bottles of wild fire stone milk.


The underground cave was shaking violently, and the entire underground cave was about to collapse at any time.

"We must leave as soon as possible."

Ling Feng didn't waste any more time, grabbed a few heart-burning lotus flowers on the ground, and immediately retreated quickly along the passage outside.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Feng finally saw the light of day again.

He was naked, not even a hair, and because the Qiankun Bag was burned, now there are only a few Heart-Burning Lotuses and the huge Demonic Pill left on his body. Apart from that, there is nothing else. things.

In desperation, Ling Feng had no choice but to use the Burning Heart Lotus to cover the key parts in front of him. After all, he was not in the habit of walking around.

Holding a demon elixir from the Wild Fire Flame Demon in his left hand, it naturally attracted the covetousness of many demonic beasts. Along the way back, Ling Feng encountered many demonic beasts. Later, he simply used the skins of these demonic beasts to make something. The animal skin jacket and animal skin trousers were also made into an animal skin package. Inside were all the demon elixirs of various demonic beasts, as well as two heart-burning lotus flowers.

In addition, Ling Feng also collected some Wild Fire Stone Qi. Since there was no container, Ling Feng simply hollowed out the animal bones and used them as containers.

The further he got to the outer area of ​​Burning Heart Valley, the more things Ling Feng carried on him, large and small bags, which almost occupied his whole body.

Now, he doesn't look like a sect disciple at all, let alone an alchemist. Instead, he looks like a savage.

Well, bald savage!

Finally, he was about to arrive outside Burning Heart Valley. In the distance, Ling Feng saw several figures lingering outside Burning Heart Valley, as if waiting for something.

As he got closer, Ling Feng realized that it was Tang Yong and those people.

These guys did not give up on themselves and were still waiting outside the valley.

It was not in vain that I lured away the wild fire demon for them. These people finally had some loyalty.

"It's been two days! Brother Tang, we can't wait any longer. Even if Ling Feng is already dead inside, we have to confirm!"

Ning Gucheng frowned deeply. Ling Feng had lured away the wild fire demon. It had been two full days now. In an environment like Burning Heart Valley, there were crises everywhere. Ling Feng was chased by a wild fire demon. I'm afraid, it's already immortal metal.

Tang Yong sighed softly. He also didn't think there was a chance of Ling Feng's survival. Speaking of which, he blamed himself for inviting him over, which indirectly killed his new friend!

"It's all my fault for being greedy for Wildfire Stone Milk, otherwise I wouldn't have killed Brother Ling!"

Tang Yong clenched his fist tightly, raised his palm, and was about to slap himself in the face.

At this moment, a strong hand grabbed his arm. Tang Yong was slightly startled, and looked up. The person who stopped him was not Ling Feng!


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