Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2135 The secret recipe for hair growth! (2 updates)

"Ling...Brother Ling?"

Tang Yong was stunned, but the next moment, he was even more dumbfounded.

The Ling Feng in front of him indeed still looked like Ling Feng, but he had lost his hair and eyebrows, and was wearing wild animal skins all over his body. Not only that, he was also carrying large and small bags on his back.

This is completely different from the original Ling Feng who looked a bit bookish.

"Isn't it me?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, then released his palm and said with a joking smile: "Why, does Brother Tang still have the habit of slapping himself?"

"Of course not."

Tang Yong blushed, looked at Ling Feng carefully, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Ling, you can actually escape from the wild fire demon's pursuit? Just... lost some hair?"

Ling Feng curled his lips. If he hadn't accidentally rushed into the lair of the wild fire demon, he wouldn't even have lost his hair.

"Otherwise, would you be happy if I died inside?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at Tang Yong angrily.

"No, no, I'm so happy that Brother Ling can come out alive."

Tang Yong waved his hands repeatedly, this guy was indeed the same on the outside, a complete stupid bear.

Ye Feixue and Ning Gucheng also walked up with smiles, "It's great that Brother Ling can return safely."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, threw out another animal skin package, and said calmly: "There are two Heart-Burning Lotuses inside. I'm pretty lucky. These two Heart-Burning Lotus are enough to complete the task."

Tang Yong's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that Ling Feng not only came back, but also brought such a huge surprise.

"And these."

Ling Feng threw out the package filled with animal bones again, "It's all filled with wild fire stone energy. Although it's not as good as wild fire stone milk, it's still a good treasure. Let's share it."

"How is this possible?"

Tang Yong and the three of them all refused in unison, "Brother Ling, this is yours alone, so naturally it belongs to you alone!"

"Since we are a team, the rewards naturally belong to the team."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. Since these teammates were loyal to him, he would not be stingy.

What's more, he was the one who gained the most this time. Not only did he eat a heart-burning emperor lotus, his strength skyrocketed, but he also got a wildfire flame demon's demon elixir.

This harvest cannot be compared with a little wild fire and stone energy.

After Ling Feng's repeated insistence, Tang Yong and others no longer refused, but still let Ling Feng have half of it, and the three of them shared the remaining half equally.

As for the demon pills and the like, Ling Feng also temporarily left them to Tang Yong for safekeeping. After all, he didn't have any treasures to store on his body, so carrying large and small bags on his back was really a bit rustic.

After that, Ling Feng borrowed a pair of clean clothes from Ning Gucheng, and then the group returned to Chunyang Holy Mountain. (PS: The reason why I don’t want to borrow clothes from Tang Yong is that this guy is too big and Ling Feng can’t really wear it!)

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

After Ling Feng returned to Chunyang Holy Mountain, he never left the gate or stepped forward. He only focused on refining the huge energy of the Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus in his body.

In just three days, the dragon elephant's divine power returned to ten heads, reaching the level of eighty dragon powers.

On this day, Tang Yong came to visit again.

"Brother Ling, Brother Ling!"

Early in the morning, Ling Feng heard the noise coming from outside the yard. Apart from Tang Yong, no one else came to see him so early.

Welcoming Tang Yong into the courtyard, this guy got straight to the point and said: "Brother Ling, these are the contribution points I received after delivering Heart Burning Lotus last time. Three hundred thousand. If you share 70% of it, that's two hundred and one hundred thousand! I'll leave the rest. Share it equally with Ning Gucheng and the others."

Ling Feng pursed his lips, but did not refuse. After all, this was the condition negotiated from the beginning.

"And these are the contribution points you asked me to exchange for those demon pills. There are a total of 108 demon pills, and the contribution points are 260,000."

"More than a hundred demon pills, how little can you contribute?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but complain a few words, this Chunyang Palace is really stingy.


Tang Yong couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Twenty thousand contribution points is a huge sum of money. The task of picking Heartburn Lotus originally only had one hundred thousand contribution points. It was because it had been backlogged for many years and no one had completed it. It was recently raised to 300,000 contribution points!”

Ling Feng shrugged, because in order to refine the Forbidden Breaking Pill, he really needed to contribute. Hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, although it was a lot, it was still not enough.

However, the harvest this time is indeed not small, and it is a big step closer to gathering all the materials to refine the Forbidden Breaking Pill.

"That's right, Brother Ling!"

Tang Yong laughed and said, "Because you saved us and made you look like this, I really feel sorry for you."

With that said, Tang Yong took out large and small packages from the Naling Ring, placed them on the table, and said with a smile: "These are the gifts I specially prepared for you!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but touch the top of his head. Three days later, the top of his head was already smooth. Perhaps it was because the flames of the Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus were too overbearing and burned the roots of his hair.

I guess it will take some time for the hair to grow out.

However, it didn't have much impact anyway, and Ling Feng didn't care much.

Hearing Tang Yong mention this, Ling Feng couldn't help but glance at those big and small bags, curled his lips and asked, "What is that?"

"This is the secret recipe for hair growth that I spent a lot of money to find out!"

Tang Yong chuckled and said, "If you want to have thick, black hair, you must believe me!"


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he still had thick black hair. Why did he want to beat him so much?

But Tang Yong didn't know what it meant to watch people's emotions, and he still said very attentively: "Don't underestimate these things of mine. There is Eclipta in it, which can promote the growth and development of hair follicles and grow new hair; Wu Ma, Rich in natural melanin, it enhances the resistance of new fine hair; Atractylodes can effectively improve the activity of hair follicles; Polygonum multiflorum: nourishes the hair roots, making the hair naturally dark, healthy and shiny..."

Tang Yong kept chattering and eloquent, which made Ling Feng's scalp numb for a while.

After a long while, Ling Feng finally rolled his eyes at Tang Yong helplessly and said with a depressed look on his face: "I am bald, not bald!!!"

He was afraid that if he didn't interrupt this guy, he would definitely be able to beat him!

"Hey hey hey, they all have no hair, aren't they the same thing?"

Tang Yong glanced at Ling Feng's bald head and muttered something. Seeing Ling Feng's unkind look, he quickly closed his mouth and said with a smile: "Next time, I'll come see you next time!"

After saying that, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"I'm really speechless..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and touched the top of his head, looking at the big and small bags on the table...

Fortunately, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was sealed, and Bitch couldn't see the outside world directly. Otherwise, if he found out, he would definitely laugh at himself to death!

After all, when the cheap donkey swallowed the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill, he became a "bald donkey" for a period of time because horns began to grow on his head, and he laughed at him a lot.

Things are really changing now!

"It should be of some use..."

Ling Feng coughed twice and stared at the "secret recipes for hair growth", feeling a little moved in his heart...

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