Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2136 The amnesiac princess! (3 updates)

In the blink of an eye, another half month has passed.

Ling Feng insisted on using the secret recipe for hair growth, and sure enough, she grew a head of thick, black hair...

What a fart!

Half a month has passed. Although Ling Feng's head is not smooth, it has only grown a layer of short hair like stubble, and it is even a little prickly.

But at least it has grown.

It's better to grow slowly than not at all.

On this day, Ling Feng was as usual. After practicing his boxing skills early in the morning, he was ready to go to the alchemy room to make elixirs.

The power of Qi and blood that had skyrocketed due to swallowing the Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus finally stabilized and reached about ninety dragon power, and stopped increasing crazily.

However, the speed of improvement is still very obvious.

Ling Feng continued to concentrate on refining the elixir, but the grade had been changed from the fourth and fifth level to the seventh and eighth level elixir.

The speed of accumulating contribution points is naturally extremely fast.

Moreover, because of his superb alchemy skills, he has gradually become an eye-catching rising star in the Alchemy Sect.

Although Ling Feng was unwilling to become a disciple, he was recognized by the elders of the Dan Sect due to his strength.

Some elders even put down their posture and communicated with Ling Feng, only to realize that Ling Feng's alchemy skills were not even inferior to those of them.

Later, the elders even began to assist Ling Feng in refining alchemy, and several of them became brothers and sisters with Ling Feng.

This is a strange news among the Dan Sect.

But this is normal. When it comes to alchemy, those who have mastered it come first. Ling Feng has enough strength, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about lack of status.

"Ling...Junior Brother Ling..."

At this time, a girl in green clothes walked towards him. Ling Feng recognized the person in front of him at a glance. It turned out to be the young disciple next to Master Tao Hong, Fu Xueqing.

That day, because Zhuo Ming tampered with Master Tao Hong's oral message and misled Ling Feng to participate in the Sword Sect selection, Fu Xueqing was also implicated and was punished to face the wall for a month.

Now, one month has passed, and Fu Xueqing finally came out.

Fu Xueqing seemed a little afraid of Ling Feng, and looked at Ling Feng's expression with some concern. Standing in front of Ling Feng, he looked frightened, as if Ling Feng was a big bad wolf, and he would be killed in a few minutes. It seemed like he ate her.

Ling Feng felt helpless. He didn't seem so vicious, right?

"Senior Sister Fu, is something wrong?"

Ling Feng glanced at Fu Xueqing. What happened that day was mainly due to that guy Zhuo Ming. At first glance, this Fu Xueqing seemed to be timid and afraid of getting into trouble. How could he dare to frame him.

Therefore, Ling Feng had no intention of angering her.

"Yes... Master asked me to come to you..."

Fu Xueqing said timidly.

"Master Tao Hong?"

Ling Feng was stunned. One month after he joined the Dan Sect, Tao Hong seemed to be still unhappy because he was unwilling to accept him as his teacher, so he didn't bother to talk to him at all.

Now, why do you suddenly come to find yourself?

"Yeah." Fu Xueqing nodded, "Yes."

Ling Feng looked at Fu Xueqing and asked calmly: "What does he want from me?"

"Master didn't say, but it should be an important matter, and he also said that you might be interested." Fu Xueqing gritted his teeth.

"Would I be interested?"

Ling Feng was a little confused as to what medicine Master Tao Hong was selling in his gourd.

"Let's go, lead the way."

No matter what kind of medicine Tao Hong sells, just go and take a look.

"Oh, uh huh!"

That silly girl Fu Xueqing was stunned for a moment, then quickly stepped forward and said nervously: "Junior brother Ling, please... please come with me."

Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. What on earth did he do to make Fu Xueqing so afraid of him?

"Senior Sister Fu, can I ask you something?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but said: "I don't seem to have committed any sins, senior sister, right?"


Like a frightened little white rabbit, Fu Xueqing quickly shrank her neck and ran forward.

It turned out that Ling Feng didn't know that although he had done nothing, because he had previously taught a lesson to the "mustache" senior brother who came to ask for contribution points, that guy went around slandering Ling Feng, saying that Ling Feng relied on his certain abilities. He was so capable that he went around extorting money and extorting all his contribution points.

Not only that, there are also rumors that Ling Feng is very lustful and likes to take advantage of female disciples. Before he went up the mountain, he was a bully...

In short, all kinds of messy rumors, ugly words, and dirty water and feces basins were all thrown at Ling Feng's head.

Ling Feng didn't know that in the eyes of Dan Zong's disciples, he was already a little bully and a big villain.

Just because Ling Feng had little communication with Dan Sect disciples on weekdays, he didn't know about it.

It's because people's words are scary, Fu Xueqing listened to what others said, so she thought that Ling Feng was a big villain who did all kinds of evil and a big pervert, so she was very afraid of Ling Feng, fearing that Ling Feng would ooxx her on a whim.

Ling Feng felt helpless, but he didn't bother to pay attention to Fu Xueqing's opinion and just followed her.

Not long after, Fu Xueqing stopped in front of an alchemy room and said with a slight trembling: "Ling...Junior brother Ling, the master is waiting for you inside."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, and without talking to Fu Xueqing, he pushed the door open and walked in. As expected, Master Tao Hong was at the desk opposite, writing quickly.

"Ling Feng, you're here!"

When Master Tao Hong saw Ling Feng coming in, he immediately stood up, put the letter he had just finished writing into an envelope, and said calmly: "You should be curious now, why did I suddenly find you?"

Ling Feng nodded, "Master, do you have anything to ask me about?"

"It's not a big deal, but it concerns the Kongming Divine Clan. I think you might be interested."

Master Tao Hong gave Ling Feng a meaningful look.

When they met for the first time in Hierro City that day, Ling Feng mentioned his interest in the outside world. The Kongming Divine Clan was the only race that had mastered the access to the outside world, so Ling Feng should be very interested.

Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he nodded immediately, "I wonder what the specific situation is?"

"The messenger from the Kongming Divine Clan wrote a letter saying that there is a princess in their clan who suffers from amnesia and needs a Taoist doctor who is proficient in medical skills to go and treat her."

Tao Hong said calmly: "Elixirs and elixirs are inseparable from each other. The more powerful an alchemist is, the more medical skills he has. Our Chunyang Palace Alchemy Sect is second to none in Miluo Continent, and naturally it is also where Taoist doctors gather. "

Ling Feng nodded slightly and then said: "If it's just amnesia, it shouldn't be difficult to treat, right?"

"Of course it's not ordinary amnesia."

Tao Hong took a deep breath and said slowly: "We have sent several alchemists who are proficient in medical skills before, but unfortunately they were unable to do anything. This time we decided to send another group of disciples, and I thought of you. If you have the ability It is also your own opportunity to cure the princess of the Kongming Divine Clan."

Tao Hong did not explain some of the words, but if Ling Feng wanted to use the Kongming Divine Clan's passage to the outside world, this would indeed be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"This..." Ling Feng glanced at Tao Hong with a grateful look on his face, "Thank you, Master!"

Although this Tao Hong is a bit old-fashioned, he is still a good person.

"No need to thank me, that princess's condition is unusual, so don't have high hopes."

Tao Hong snorted and said slowly: "This time you take Xue Qing with you. This girl is talented, but unfortunately she is timid by nature. It just so happens that you take her to see the world!"


Ling Feng nodded and agreed.

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