Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2137: Dark Emperor City! (1 more)

Three days later, Ling Feng and Fu Xueqing finally arrived at Underworld City.

This trip represents the Chunyang Palace to the Kongming Divine Clan to treat the princess’s disciples of the Alchemy Sect. In addition to Ling Feng, there are also two other young men, both of whom are among the top geniuses in the Alchemy Sect. They are not very young, but they already have the Tao of Alchemy. The level of a great master.

Their medical skills are naturally quite accomplished.

Therefore, along the way, these two people had cold faces, not only ignoring Ling Feng, but also Fu Xueqing. It seemed that "mediocre people" like Ling Feng and the others were not even qualified to talk to them.

In addition to these two people, there is also an elder who is responsible for leading the team, named Elder Wenxu. He is also a leader in the Dan Sect, and his status is similar to Master Tao Hong.

"This is the Underworld City!"

Master Wenxu pointed to a magnificent city in front of them. After three days of traveling, they finally arrived at their destination.

"I will contact the envoy of the Kongming Divine Clan first. You can walk around the city now. Remember to meet up at the Tianyang Inn in the north of the city within three hours."

Master Wenxu made an explanation and flew away. As for the two Alchemy geniuses with eyes above their heads, they also left without saying a word. It was obvious that they did not regard Ling Feng and the two as companions at all.

In their opinion, Ling Feng and the two are just foils, but they are the real protagonists of this trip!

Only they can cure the princess's amnesia and gain the appreciation of the Kongming Divine Clan.

Ling Feng shrugged, not bothering to pay attention to these high-minded guys. It was a rare visit to such a large city, so he could see if there were any treasures worth buying.

If you can come across the materials for refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill, you can buy them directly.

Fu Xueqing looked at the backs of the two Dan Sect geniuses, and then at Ling Feng.

In comparison, it seems that when you stay with Ling Feng, at least you don't have the inferiority complex of being looked down upon by all kinds of people.

Biting her silver teeth, Fu Xueqing decided to follow Ling Feng.

At least in the past few days, Ling Feng didn't seem to be rude to him. He seemed different from the legendary image.

At least, there was absolutely no possessiveness in the way he looked at her.

This actually made Fu Xueqing feel at ease.

Ling Feng turned around and glanced at Fu Xueqing. When he saw this silly woman following him, he didn't bother to say anything and walked directly towards the market.

Fu Xueqing hurriedly followed Ling Feng. It was her first time in such a large city, and she was afraid that if she lost her, she would not be able to find her way, which would be bad.

After a while, Ling Feng suddenly stopped. Fu Xueqing, who was following him, didn't react for a moment and almost bumped into Ling Feng. He looked at Ling Feng with some annoyance, as if asking why Ling Feng stopped suddenly.

At this time, Ling Feng suddenly turned around, and Fu Xueqing quickly looked away, not daring to look at Ling Feng.

Seeing Fu Xueqing's air of being a victim, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, and asked in a deep voice: "Senior Sister Fu, do you know where there are high-level elixirs for sale in the Underworld City? Also, I have There are some demon pills in there, where can I exchange them for a high price?”

He knew nothing about the Underworld City, but Fu Xueqing was a native of Miluo Continent after all, so he should at least have a certain understanding of the Underworld City.

Ling Feng only has the contribution points from Chunyang Palace on hand now. As for the Yuan Stone and so on, they have all been handed over to Burning Heart Valley and burned to ashes.

Therefore, some yuan stones must be exchanged before the transaction can be carried out.

Fortunately, I still kept part of the demon elixir as a backup.

"If you exchange it..."

Fu Xueqing blinked and pondered for a moment before arriving: "I heard that there is a treasure market in the Underworld City. Many powerful warriors will sell their treasures there."

"Moreover, if you are lucky, you can also buy very precious treasures at low prices. I once heard that someone bought the fragments of an ancient magic weapon at the treasure market for a hundred yuan stones. As a result, You can make tens of thousands of times as soon as you change hands! If you are short of money..."

Fu Xueqing said, raised his eyes and glanced at Ling Feng, and found that Ling Feng had no unnecessary expression, and then continued: "If you are short of money, you can try your luck."

Picking up leaks?

Ling Feng pursed his lips. If he could still use the Eye of the Emperor, he would naturally pick up the artifact, but now...

However, although the Eye of the Emperor cannot be used, there is nothing wrong with trying your luck.

Maybe you can still find what you want.

The Baibao Market is located in the Underworld City and has a good reputation. After Ling Feng inquired about it, he learned the location of the Baibao Market.

Anyway, as long as we go to Tianyun Inn within three hours, there is still plenty of time.

Inside the Baobao Market, there was a lot of hustle and bustle, and as far as the eye could see, there was a sea of ​​people.

Large and small counters are divided, and each counter sells different types of things.

After a while, Ling Feng took Fu Xueqing to a counter that sold various demon pills. There were many types of demon pills, including low-level ones and extremely high-level ones, with hundreds of them!

Among them, there is even the demon elixir of the Wild Fire Flame Demon, but it is much smaller than the demon elixir the size of a human head that Ling Feng has on hand.

And even so, this Wild Fire Flame Demon's demon elixir is actually worth more than three million yuan crystals!

That's right, it's Yuanjing, not Yuanshi!

If converted into a primeval stone, it would already be worth hundreds of millions.

And this demon pill is obviously the treasure of this counter.

The shopkeeper at the counter was a middle-aged man who looked about fifty years old. He had a long scar on his face, which looked a bit scary.

His cultivation level is astonishingly that of a semi-saint strong man!

"Oh? Little brother, are you interested in my store's treasure?"

The middle-aged man saw Ling Feng staring at the Wild Fire Demon Pill for a long time, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, thinking that he might have a big deal today.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Senior is joking, this demon pill is so expensive, I can't afford it."

After saying that, Ling Feng added: "I actually have some demon pills that I want to sell. I wonder if Senior will accept the demon pills here?"

"It's okay to accept it."

Hearing that Ling Feng was not here to buy demon pills, the expression on the middle-aged man's face was obviously a little cold, and he said impatiently: "However, I have a stable supplier here. If you want to sell me demon pills, The quality requirements are not low!”

The implication is that Ling Feng looks like an ordinary person without any cultivation, and Fu Xueqing is just a peak human emperor.

With such a combination, I'm afraid I won't be able to obtain the precious demon elixir.

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "Senior, you can take a look first. If you are not satisfied, forget it."

As he spoke, Ling Feng handed over a bulging bag. The middle-aged shopkeeper took the bag and opened it. A hot breath suddenly hit his face.

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