Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2138 Is the routine so deep? (2 updates)


The middle-aged shopkeeper's eyes lit up, "Are these the monster beasts hunted in Burning Heart Valley?"


Ling Feng nodded and said lightly.

"Yes, most of the demonic beasts in Burning Heart Valley evolve by sucking wildfire stone milk and wildfire stone gas. Their demonic elixirs are very valuable."

There was a smile on the middle-aged shopkeeper's face, and he was obviously quite satisfied with these demon pills.

"This bag of demon pills..."

The middle-aged shopkeeper thought for a while and then reported a number for a long time, "How about I offer 12 million high-grade Yuan Stones?"

Twelve million, this price, although suspected of underpricing, is still fair.

Ling Feng nodded, "Deal."

However, twelve million sounds like a lot, and if you buy some precious elixirs, you won't be able to afford it.

"I still have some Wild Fire Stone Qi here."

After saying that, Ling Feng took out a few more porcelain bottles. After swallowing the Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus, the improvement of the Wild Fire Stone Qi on him was very limited and the effect was not very obvious. Therefore, if the price was reasonable, he would simply sell them.

"nice one!"

The middle-aged shopkeeper's eyes lit up, "I'll take it! Huanghuo Shiqi, I'll take it as much as you have!"

This thing is a scarce product. If you stock it up, you will definitely not lose money whether you sell it or use it yourself.

After a while, Ling Feng sold about 80% of the Wild Fire Stone Qi on hand, leaving only some as a backup.

In this way, Ling Feng transferred more than 20 million high-grade Yuan stones before leaving the counter with satisfaction.

There are more than 30 million high-grade Yuan stones in total, which should be enough to buy some good things.

"Young man, you exchanged so many multi-stones in one go. Do you want to try your luck there?"

The middle-aged shopkeeper received a batch of wild fire stone energy, was in a good mood, and became very familiar with Ling Feng's names.

"I have this plan."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, but he didn't hide it.

"Hey, I have to remind you a few words. Don't always think about picking up leaks in the treasure market. People who are always thinking about picking up leaks will most likely lose money. Those people have more poisonous eyes than anyone else. There are really good treasures. , It has been hidden for a long time, and it is your turn to pick it up? To put it bluntly, many legends about being worth a hundred times overnight are all scripts!"

"Is the routine so deep?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

"That's not true!" the middle-aged shopkeeper chuckled, "Remember the rules of the treasure market, if you don't lose, you make a profit. Don't be greedy."

Ling Feng nodded and bowed to the middle-aged shopkeeper, "Thank you for your advice, senior!"

After a while, Ling Feng and the others arrived at the central area of ​​the Baobao Market.

Compared with the counters outside, this place seems much empty. Most of them have a carpet on the ground with some weird treasures displayed on it. There are many warriors wandering in front of the stalls, sometimes picking them up and playing with them. He looks like a deputy treasure appraisal expert.

Obviously, the practice of treasure appraisal is prevalent in the Underworld City. If you don't have any vision, you will be embarrassed to come out and mess around.

Ling Feng wandered around the Baobao Market for almost half an hour, picking up missing items. It turned out to be a lie. At least Ling Feng didn't find anything particularly profitable.

However, Ling Feng's luck was pretty good. He found a Lingyun Xian Zhicao among a lot of stalls.

This thing is not even in the sect treasure house of Chunyang Palace. I didn't expect to encounter it in this treasure market.

After some haggling, Ling Feng bought this Lingyun Immortal Zhicao for fifteen million high-grade Yuan Stones.

Although this thing is rare, because very few people know it, and it is only an auxiliary medicinal material for refining high-level elixirs, the price is not extremely high.

After buying a Lingyun Xian Zhicao, Ling Feng was ready to leave the place and continue to look at other stalls. It was estimated that there would be nothing good.

While walking around, he suddenly heard an "ouch" sound. Ling Feng looked back and saw that it was the woman Fu Xueqing who bumped into a tall man dressed in black.

This man looked very young and tall. Standing two meters away among the crowd, he seemed to stand out from the crowd.

It's no wonder that Fu Xueqing walked like a quail, shrinking and timid. It was normal for him to not pay attention when he bumped into this guy who looked like a pillar.

"sorry Sorry……"

Fu Xueqing quickly apologized to the man in black. The man frowned slightly, turned around and left without thinking.

Ling Feng's eyes fell on the burly man, and a strange feeling lingered in his heart. This man seemed different from ordinary people.

At this moment, a cold current surged through my heart.

But it was the burly man who sensed Ling Feng's gaze, and with a surge of momentum, he actually knocked Ling Feng back two steps.

"Holy level! Definitely holy level!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This man who looked to be no more than thirty years old was actually a saint-level powerhouse.

Moreover, he seemed to have a special power that was different from ordinary people and seemed to be naturally superior to others.

This feeling……

Ling Feng suddenly remembered that he had felt a similar feeling in Yu Junyao.


It can’t be wrong!

That burly man was probably a direct descendant of the God Clan.

It's no wonder, only the Gods have such a heaven-defying talent.

And this is the Underworld City, so the identity of this young man is ready to be revealed.

He is from the Kongming Divine Clan!

Moreover, the status should not be low.

Would such a person actually come to pick up leaks?

Or are there really treasures in this treasure market?

Just as Ling Feng was thinking, a noisy voice came from his ears.

"Hey! Brat, are you talking to me? You're deaf, can't you hear me?"

A rather beautiful face appeared in front of him. It was a girl who looked young, about fourteen or fifteen years old, but had an extremely fiery personality. She had her hands on her hips and was staring angrily at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng was thinking about something just now, so he didn't hear the woman talking for a while.

"I'm sorry, girl, what's the matter?"

Ling Feng glanced at the girl and asked warmly.

"Hey, brat, you stepped on my thing, why are you asking me?"

The girl stared at Ling Feng angrily, picked up a crushed pottery product on the ground, and started chattering, "This is a masterpiece from two thousand years ago. It is an out-of-print art treasure, but you stepped on it and broke it." Now, tell me, what should we do now?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This girl looked pretty and cute, but she didn't expect that she was a real charmer!

What masterpieces and art treasures are there? I believe you!

This is simply a clay doll made by a child!

"I don't care. If you don't compensate today, you won't be able to leave!"

As the girl spoke, she grabbed Ling Feng's sleeve and looked like she was giving up.

Ling Feng suddenly felt dizzy. The tricks in the Underworld City were too deep!

"How do you want to compensate?"

Ling Feng was helpless for a while, thinking that he was in bad luck, so he had to spend money to ward off the disaster. As long as this little girl didn't ask for an exorbitant price, he would just bite the bullet and forget it.

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