Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2139 The unscrupulous uncle! (3 updates)

"One million high-grade Yuan stones!"

That little girl is so rude!

A broken clay doll actually asked for one million!

Ling Feng's forehead darkened. Was he taking himself as a victim?

Just when Ling Feng was about to retort, he suddenly glanced at the girl's stall and found a very strange stone.

It's not round, not square, and there are some messy potholes on it. It seems that there are traces of artificial polishing. I wanted to smooth it out, but it seemed that I chose to give up in the end.

Therefore, the whole stone looks like a piece of gravel on the roadside, which is worthless.

But there seems to be something special about this stone, so it is thrown here as a piece of merchandise for sale.

First of all, this little girl is well-known as a master of porcelain touch, and almost 90% of her stalls are fakes, so almost no one cares about her.

Secondly, something as inconspicuous as this, with traces of deliberate polishing, looks like garbage at first glance, and no one will care at all.

Therefore, if this thing is left here all the time, even if it is given away for free, no one will probably want it.

But Ling Feng discovered something unusual.

Because, he clearly sensed the strange movement of the Donghuang Bell!

The Donghuang Bell is an artifact. Because Ling Feng is not strong enough, he has never been able to activate this treasure. Apart from the chatty Huangdi (Huang Shaotian) around him, the Donghuang Bell does not seem to have played any role.

But this time, such a cold artifact as the Donghuang Bell actually took the initiative to send a signal to himself!

Even though the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was sealed, the connection between the Donghuang Bell and himself did not seem to be cut off.

An artifact, it is an artifact after all!

Since it is something that is induced by the movement of the Donghuang Bell, it must not be an ordinary thing!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "Little girl, one million, do you think I am being taken advantage of?"

"Hmph, you stepped on my artistic treasure and now you want to deny it?"

As the girl spoke, her eyes immediately turned red, as if she was about to cry at any moment, "Wow, the unscrupulous uncle is bullying an ignorant girl! Is there any justice?"

"Unscrupulous uncle..."

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched. He had turned into an uncle...

Fu Xueqing, on the other hand, was about to cry when he saw the girl. He gritted his silver teeth and said, "Junior Brother Ling, otherwise, I...I will compensate you."

Ling Feng glared at Fu Xueqing angrily, this woman really did bad things with good intentions!

Originally, I could at least bargain for a bargain, but now it's better. When this cunning little girl heard Fu Xueqing relent, she must have nailed herself!

"One million, yes!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said with a dark face: "But don't think of me as a fool. I can give you one million high-grade yuan stones, but I want everything on your stall!"

In order to avoid the girl discovering his true intention and asking for a high price in the end, Ling Feng had no choice but to divert his attention, pretending to be deceived, and then asked for all her things.

"Give, give, give!"

The girl did not doubt that he was there, and immediately laughed, "Really, you are so greedy! I am a kind lady, and all the artistic treasures here belong to you!"

After saying that, he snatched the card from Ling Feng's hand, crossed out one million, and ran away in a flash.

As for street stalls, no more!

This little girl is simply a cunning fox!

"There are really fools these days!"

"Idiot, one million is exchanged for garbage all over the floor!"

“Foolish people have too much money!”


All kinds of ridiculing sounds immediately came from the surroundings. Yes, the little girl's stall was really full of garbage, animal bones, low-level...

Magic weapon, made of clay...

Basically, nothing of value.

No wonder she ran faster than a rabbit after taking one million, for fear that Ling Feng would regret it.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng collected all the rags on the ground without pulling any items. Except for the special stone, which he put into his pocket, he threw everything else to Fu Xueqing.

"Senior Sister Fu, you can pack these things for me."

Ling Feng looked back at Fu Xueqing and said lightly.

"Huh? Oh!"

Fu Xueqing was stunned for a moment, then thought that Ling Feng had been sealed and could not open the spirit ring. Then he realized and put the big bag of "garbage" on the ground into the spirit ring.

"Junior brother, I will return it to you after returning to the sect."

After all, it was something worth one million, and Fu Xueqing felt that she couldn't take advantage of it.

"Thank you very much!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. She was also a woman, but the little girl running the street stall just now was as seductive as a fox, while this Fu Xueqing was as stupid as a pig...

"You're welcome!"

Fu Xueqing grinned, but she didn't hear the underlying meaning of Ling Feng at all. Instead, she felt that Ling Feng seemed to be a pretty good person.

At least, it's polite!

Ling Feng's head went dark, this woman was simply a bit scary!

After being tricked by that little girl, Ling Feng had no intention of wandering around anymore, so he took Fu Xueqing directly to the Tianyang Inn that he had agreed on before.

After returning to his room, Ling Feng took out the ordinary stone and looked at it carefully.

It’s heavy to start with.

This was Ling Feng's only feeling. Other than that, he didn't find anything special.

However, it can cause the reaction of Donghuang Bell. Could this thing be related to the so-called power of the world?

According to Huang Shaotian (Huang Di), the Donghuang Bell is the gate to all worlds and has the magical power to connect countless worlds. Only things that contain the power of the world can trigger the Donghuang Bell's response.

And this inconspicuous little stone is probably extremely precious.

One million may seem like a loss, but in fact, I have made a lot of money.

Have a night's rest.

Early the next morning, under the arrangement of Elder Wenxu, Ling Feng, Fu Xueqing and two other Dan Sect geniuses finally entered the Ning Palace and formally came into contact with the powerful men of the Kongming Clan.

Ling Feng was worried. The Kongming Divine Clan was related to whether he could leave Miluo Continent. No matter what, he had to cure the princess who suffered from amnesia.

With Taixuan acupuncture in hand, Ling Feng asked himself that there should be no difficult and complicated diseases in the world that could hardly save him.

Soon, the group of people arrived outside a magnificent building complex. In front of them was the so-called Palace of the Underworld.

The Kongming Divine Clan is equivalent to a royal family in Miluo Continent, ruling the world.

This point is somewhat different from the situation in the Eastern Spiritual Realm and the Western Sword Realm.

Whether it is the Eastern Spiritual Domain or the Western Sword Domain, the powerful gods disdain to deal with outsiders. They are only responsible for balancing the forces of all parties and are the guardians of order.

But in Miluo Continent, the Kongming Divine Clan is the absolute overlord. It’s no wonder that they would rather stay in Miluo Continent and live in a corner.

Being a local emperor here is much more comfortable than being a hermit and an expert in the outside world.

Upon arriving outside the palace, a tall silver-armored general came to receive him immediately. He was similar to the Kongming God Clan boy he met at the Baobao Market yesterday. They were both very tall, two meters away, invisibly. Gives people a sense of oppression.

The silver-armored general looked quite majestic. He glanced at Elder Wenxu, nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Follow me, general!"

Then, without looking back, he turned around and strode away.

This arrogant attitude is really annoying.

Perhaps, the entire Kongming Divine Clan thinks that they are superior to others and simply look down on ordinary mortals.

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