Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2140 Star Festival! (1 update)

Following the silver-armored general of the Kongming God Clan, the group quickly arrived outside a huge palace.

The Kongming God Clan is heavily guarded, and every guard has an extraordinary aura. This is probably the foundation of the God Clan.

Before entering the main hall, he saw a young man in brocade clothes walking behind him, leading several old men from a distance. When the silver-armored general saw the young man in brocade clothes, he quickly stepped forward to salute, bowed and said, "I will see the seventh prince at last!"

That young man in brocade clothes turned out to be the prince of the Kongming Divine Clan.

The young man in gilded clothes glanced at the silver-armored general and nodded briefly. He looked at the three old men behind him and said respectfully: "Three seniors, my father has already set up a banquet to entertain several masters. Please come with me."

After saying that, he took the three old men and left without even looking at Elder Wenxu and others.

The three old men all had gray hair and pale faces, and their auras were extremely powerful. The one in the middle gave Ling Feng the feeling that his cultivation level was not even inferior to that of the Shepherd God.

Of course, who is stronger or weaker can only be compared if they actually fight against each other.

Soon, the seventh prince and his party walked away, and Ling Feng couldn't help but be curious. Even the princes of the Kongming Divine Clan respected these three elders so much, which showed that these three people had a lot of background.

After all, Master Wenxu had lived for more than a hundred years and had a very high level of vision and knowledge. When he saw Ling Feng and other disciples looking puzzled, he took a deep breath and explained in a deep voice: "These three elders are from Miluozhou." He is a well-known weapon refining master and is known as the Three Duobao Masters. In terms of status, he is comparable to the three palace masters of Chunyang Palace!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Speaking of which, these "Three Treasures" are really no small matter.

"Elder Wenxu, Your Majesty has also hosted a banquet in the Zhengtian Palace to entertain you all. After the banquet is over, His Majesty King Yan will receive you personally."

The Flame King mentioned by General Shining Armor is the prince of the Kongming Divine Clan who invited the Taoist doctor from Chunyang Palace to treat the princess this time. He is the second prince of the Divine Clan and has been crowned king because he is over forty years old.

Speaking of his princess, she has never met her, and her origins are mysterious. Even within the Kongming Divine Clan, very few people have seen this princess.

Elder Wenxu nodded and smiled. He knew in his heart that the so-called banquet was just a coincidence between them and the Three Duobaos. Chunyang Palace finally had some status in Miluo Continent, and the emperor of the Kongming Divine Clan also It's hard to ignore them, so I invite them to the banquet together.

As the saying goes, see through but don't tell the truth. Although Elder Wenxu was a little angry, he was a small Dan Sect elder, and neither the Duobao Sanzun nor the Kongming Divine Clan could afford to offend him, so he had to swallow his anger.


A huge gold-painted door opened in front of them, and what came into view was a fiery red carpet that ran through the sky, stretching thousands of feet from the end of the palace, and was spread directly in front of everyone.

Tens of thousands of male and female guards stood respectfully on both sides of the carpet, waiting with their heads lowered.

"Welcome to the Three Treasures of Duobao!"

Thousands of people shouted together, even if the sound was not loud, but the combined voices of ten thousand people were enough to shake the sky thousands of miles away!

Such a magnificent scene is shocking.

The grandeur of the scene is also jaw-dropping.

The Kongming Divine Clan, in order to welcome the Three Duobaos, had gone all out. Not only did they send the prince to greet them in person, but they also put on such a formation.

In comparison, the Chunyang Palace group seemed a bit redundant, and they just needed to open a small door for them to get in.

Elder Wenxu's face turned green and red. After all, he was also an elder of Chunyang Palace. Such a treatment gap made him feel extremely aggrieved.

Ling Feng didn't feel anything at all, he was just curious in his heart. With the noble status of Duobao Sanzun, I'm afraid he would never go out easily on weekdays.

And once they are dispatched, I'm afraid something big will happen.

Could it be that something big happened among the Kongming Divine Clan?

With all kinds of questions in mind, Ling Feng followed Elder Wenxu and finally sat down in a corner of the hall.

The three Duobao statues, one for each person, are listed in the first place. On the other hand, in Chunyang Palace, the seats are listed at the last place in the hall, and even only two people can squeeze into one table. No matter how you look at it, they are left out.

At this time, a burly man in black walked in from outside the hall, with a stern expression, and strode into the hall.

When Ling Feng saw this person, his eyelids jumped.

This man in black turned out to be the mysterious strong man he met at the treasure market.

Fu Xueqing also shrank her neck. Apparently she still remembered the man in black. When she saw his cold eyes, she couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Second brother!"

The Seventh Prince, who had already taken the seats with the three treasures, came forward with a smile on his face. However, this smile looked hypocritical.

The more children of a big family, the less familial ties they have. What's more, in the royal family, they are all brothers, and stabbing each other in the back is a basic operation.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. It turned out that the man in black was the second prince, His Highness Yan Wang!

The person they wanted to treat on this trip was the princess of His Highness King Yan.

King Yan just nodded towards the Seventh Prince, and when he saw the three Duobao statues beside the Seventh Prince, he stepped forward and bowed to them, then walked back to Elder Wenxu, cupped his fists and saluted Elder Wenxu and said, "Little The king has met Elder Wenxu."

Elder Wenxu was drinking wine. When he heard someone greeting him, his old face relaxed slightly, and he stood up quickly and said, "It turns out to be His Highness King Yan!"

A smile appeared on King Yan's stern face, and he said calmly: "The elder has come a long way, I forgive Xiao Wang for being negligent."

Ling Feng glanced at Yan Wang, who met Yan Wang's gaze and nodded slightly towards Ling Feng.

From the looks of it, this Yan King obviously still remembers Ling Feng and Fu Xueqing.

At this time, the seventh prince also held a wine glass, walked up to Elder Wenxu, and said with a smile: "It turns out to be the elder of Chunyang Palace. The little king left just now in a hurry, and he had to entertain the three nobles Duobao again, so he was negligent. Elder, please don’t be offended!”

The seventh prince spoke politely, but the disdain in his eyes was not concealed at all. Instead, it had a sense of sarcasm and ridicule.

Elder Wenxu's face darkened, but he did not dare to act. He just nodded and smiled, "Where is it?"

The Seventh Prince glanced at the few disciples brought by Elder Wenxu, his disdain became even stronger, especially when he saw Ling Feng, he couldn't help but said: "I said, Elder, your Chunyang Palace is Is there no one left? Why did you bring this kind of cat and dog to the imperial city? I’m afraid you will be disappointed again this time!”

The unabashed sarcasm made Ling Feng secretly shake his head. On the surface, the Seventh Prince was sarcastic at Chunyang Palace and the others, but in fact he was just taunting King Yan.

On the contrary, Elder Wenxu was used as a punching bag for no reason, and his self-esteem was shattered.

However, King Yan seemed to have been used to the seventh prince's sarcastic words. His expression remained unchanged and he just said calmly: "Seventh brother has invited all three of you. This time, the Star Festival should be a sure thing, right?"

"Hmph, I can't say for sure, but I'm 70% sure."

The seventh prince showed a trace of pride on his face, and then asked: "I wonder what kind of treasures the second brother has prepared for the exchange of the Star Festival?"

baby? Star Festival? exchange?

Ling Feng was slightly startled. He had seen His Highness the Flame King in the Baobao Market before, so it seemed to make sense.

But what is the Star Festival?

King Yan waved his hand and said calmly: "This time the Seventh Brother will definitely come out on top in the Star Festival. What difference does it make whether I am prepared or not?"


The Seventh Prince smiled without saying anything and returned to the three masters of Duobao. As for King Yan, he greeted Elder Wenxu and returned to his seat.

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