Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2141 The Ancient Star Gate! (2 updates)

Ling Feng frowned, looked at Fu Xueqing, and asked in a low voice: "Senior Sister Fu, do you know what they call the Star Festival?"

Although Fu Xueqing is timid by nature, he is very knowledgeable. He blinked and explained carefully: "The Star Festival is actually a special ceremony held by the Kongming Divine Clan. It is said that the Kongming Divine Clan has mastered an ancient star gate. All it takes is precious If you put the treasure into the star gate, it will automatically be exchanged for a treasure from the ancient times!"

"The ancient star gate? The ancient treasure?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, there was such a thing in this world.

Ancient treasures are treasures that have survived from the ancient times to the present day.

Although they have been invaded by the years, most of them are dilapidated and decayed.

However, if you are lucky enough to get a slightly complete treasure, its value will be inestimable.

Can you imagine how extraordinary the treasures that can withstand eternity and survive to this day would be?


Fu Xueqing nodded, "This ancient star gate is not a secret. In fact, the Kongming Divine Clan often opens the ancient star gate to the outside world, and welcomes foreigners to invest treasures in exchange for the treasures from the ancient times. If the treasure is precious enough, , the Kongming Divine Clan will pay a price to buy the treasure.”

"However, the Ancient Star Gate has extremely high requirements for treasures. If the treasures are not of a high enough grade and are thrown into the Star Gate, they will be automatically devoured and nothing can be exchanged for them. That is to say, all is lost."

Ling Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a little interested in this ancient star gate.

After he cures the princess, he might be able to ask King Yan to borrow the Ancient Star Gate for a time.

Finally, all the guests took their seats one by one. About half a quarter of an hour later, the contemporary patriarch of the Kongming Divine Clan and the ruler of the Underworld City, the Underworld Emperor, finally arrived belatedly.

"See Father!"

King Yan, the Seventh Prince, and several other princes showed deep respect on their faces.

All the ministers and elders in the palace bowed their heads. Even the three treasures bowed and saluted, not daring to neglect.

The Kongming Divine Clan is the absolute overlord of the Miluo Continent. They control all directions and are vassals from all over the world. As long as they are in the Miluo Continent, they are all under the jurisdiction of His Majesty the Underworld Emperor.

The Emperor of Hades looked like a middle-aged man, just like other members of the Kongming God Clan. He was two meters away, sitting on the large dragon chair, looking calm and intimidating.

However, there is nothing aggressive about this aloof master, and his face is somewhat kind, giving people a very approachable feeling.

When his eyes flickered over the three Duobao statues, His Majesty the Underworld Emperor showed a smile: "The emperor would be very grateful if the three statues are willing to come and participate in the Star Festival."

The three statues of Duobao didn't dare to express their gratitude, so they quickly stood up and saluted, and said with a smile: "His Majesty the Underworld Emperor made a serious statement."

Then, Emperor Ming looked at the Chunyang Palace group. In addition to a slight nod to Master Wenxu, he politely said something like "The disciples of Chunyang Palace are really young and promising" and then looked away. .

Although it seemed polite, Ling Feng could feel the hint of disregard.

He looked more closely at the three treasures.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, the Hades Emperor has enough to let go of his attitude. After all, as the leader of the God Clan, it is difficult for ordinary people to meet him, let alone talk to him on an equal footing.

It’s simply wishful thinking!

During the next banquet, the Underworld Emperor talked a lot with the three masters of Duobao. To the Chunyang Palace group, he just casually asked about the situation of the three palace masters of Chunyang Palace and ignored them.

The Seventh Prince was full of pride. This time he personally came forward to invite the Three Duobaos. This time, he would definitely be able to take the lead in the Star Sacrifice with the treasures of the Three Duobaos.

If you exchange it for a valuable ancient treasure, you will naturally be able to outshine the Flame King in front of the Pluto Emperor and the elders of the God Clan.

Most of the other princes looked at the Seventh Prince with envy. Who would have thought that the Seventh Prince could even invite three of them, and he was really powerful.

At this time, the Seventh Prince changed the topic and said with a smile: "Father, I recently got a jar of thousand-year-old wine, and it happened to be the occasion for three deities, hehe, and the elders of Chunyang Palace to gather together. Bring out the wine and have a drink with everyone!”


The Underworld Emperor laughed loudly, "It's rare that you, Seventh, have such intention, please submit it!"

"Yes, Father!"

The Seventh Prince clapped his hands, and the next moment, a guard came up to the hall carrying a large vat.

This large vat is as tall as a person. It seems extremely difficult for more than a dozen king-level experts to lift this large vat using brackets.

This large vat has some special patterns carved on the four walls. The mouth of the vat is sealed with a red cloth. It has not been opened yet, but it is faintly exuding a strong aroma.


With a loud noise, the vat fell to the ground, and the hall shook slightly, which showed how terrifying the weight of this vat was.

I am afraid that this large vat itself is a great treasure.

Sure enough, the three Duobao statues were enlightened by the explanation, as if they were looking at the origin of this big vat.

The seventh prince wanted to present the treasure, strode out from his seat, and said with a smile: "Father, I will let you pour the wine for everyone."

The Underworld Emperor nodded slightly, and the Seventh Prince slapped the big vat with his palm.


The void trembled, and the red cloth at the mouth of the altar rose into the sky. In an instant, a rich aroma overflowed, faintly mixed with a special smell.

"It is indeed a thousand-year-old wine!"

Among the three Duobao statues, there was an old man with a round face on the left, his eyes were as bright as a torch, and he said in a deep voice: "Based on this aura, this fine wine may have a history of more than five thousand years, and this wine vat is as heavy as Half a fairy weapon!”

An old man on the right also nodded slightly, "It is indeed five thousand years old. The wine is rich in aroma and has the atmosphere of vicissitudes of time. The pattern on this wine jar is also that of the Lingshan clan more than five thousand years ago. The totem beasts of faith also confirm this point. His Highness the Seventh Prince has an amazing collection. Today, I am very lucky to have a taste of this thousand-year-old sacred wine!"

Only the old man in the middle frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about something, but also a little unsure.

"Okay, even the three nobles are full of praise for this wine. I can't wait to taste this fine wine!"

The Hades Emperor nodded and smiled. He raised his eyes and glanced at the Seventh Prince. He was obviously very satisfied with him and said with a smile: "Seventh Prince, pour some wine for everyone!"

"Yes, Father!"

The Seventh Prince smiled faintly, made a hand gesture, and stirred the wine in the vat. In an instant, the wine was divided into dozens of channels, and the control was meticulous. In an instant, all the dishes in front of all the guests in the hall were filled. .

This move immediately attracted applause from the entire palace, and a trace of pride appeared on the face of the seventh prince.

There are three of them here. Why don't you let him shine in this Star Sacrifice?

Ling Feng nodded slightly, these three treasures really deserved their reputation. They could determine the approximate age at a glance, and they could even tell the origins of this fine wine.

He truly deserves to be a top master of weapon refining, with a vision far beyond that of ordinary people.

Minghuang showed a faint smile: "It is rare for the three deities to come to Minghuang City. Let's raise a toast and drink from the porcelain cup together to wash away the dust for the three deities. Oh, there are also the elders of Chunyang Palace!"

When the words came to his lips, the Hades Emperor glanced at the people in Chunyang Palace with a smile and changed his words temporarily.

However, anyone could see that Chunyang Palace and his party had almost no sense of presence at all during this banquet.

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