Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2142: Being uneducated is terrible! (3 more)

After the Hades Emperor spoke, everyone immediately drank together. No matter who it was, even the Hades Emperor would only taste it briefly and slowly.

Although the wine vat is huge, there is actually not a lot of fine wine in it, and every drop weighs almost a thousand pounds. Each time you taste some, you will have a different flavor. This is the mellow aroma accumulated by history.

Only Ling Feng just held the wine glass, shook his head, and put the glass down again, with a look of lack of interest on his face.

The seventh prince glanced at Ling Feng with contempt and said in a cold voice, "Why, do you know that you are of low status and don't deserve to taste such a divine wine? But since I, the prince, personally poured the wine for you, if you don't drink it, you don't give it to me. Prince’s face!”

King Yan frowned and shouted softly: "Seventh brother, this little brother is a guest from afar. Father has not spoken yet, is it your turn to point here?"

The Seventh Prince snorted lightly, without any intention of apologizing. He just turned to look at the three Duobao Masters and said with a pleasant expression: "Third Master, I wonder how this wine tastes?"

The round-faced venerable slowly tasted it, and a look of deep surprise appeared on his old face: "It is indeed the divine wine from thousands of years ago! It is indeed extraordinary! Even a drop of wine diluted with spiritual liquid contains powerful special energy, which is very effective in washing the flesh. , has a very strong effect, and seems to have a certain effect on longevity.”

The Venerable on the other side also nodded repeatedly: "Well, it is indeed a unique and good wine! However, it seems to have some shortcomings. There is a faint bitterness in the taste, which should be due to the dilution of the spiritual wine."

"Even so, the flaws do not hide the flaws!"

All the ministers in the palace were full of praise for the wine. When the round-faced venerable man said that this sacred wine could prolong life and strengthen the body, they even picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, not wanting to waste a drop.


Just when everyone was vying to boast about the thousand-year-old divine wine, and pouring one cup after another, and drinking it happily, an extremely discordant laughter suddenly resounded through the hall.

Everyone looked around and saw that it was not the disciple who came with the elder of Chunyang Palace, Ling Feng.

Elder Wenxu already had no sense of existence. As for Ling Feng, a "mortal" with no energy fluctuations, he was naturally regarded as a completely transparent person.

Such a person is qualified to sit in the main hall. It is a blessing that has been cultivated in several lifetimes. Now, he is actually smiling weirdly for no reason?

This guy, is he trying to gain a sense of presence?

However, the next moment, Ling Feng said something shocking. He looked at the seventh prince with a teasing look and said with a sneer: "Your Highness, the seventh prince, you just drink urine from others, but after you drink it, you ask them if it tastes good? It’s terrible to be uneducated!”

The so-called Buddha also has fire, let alone Lingfeng.

Ling Feng could just ignore the seventh prince if he wanted to show off, attract attention, and attract attention. But if this guy provoked him again and again and made sarcastic remarks, then don't blame him for fighting back!

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire hall fell into deathly silence.

Drink...drink urine?

Even Master Wenxu's palms trembled slightly. What is this boy Ling Feng doing? He is trying to cause trouble!

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The seventh prince's eyes were filled with anger, and he stared at Ling Feng. If it was not inconvenient to take action in this situation, he would have made Ling Feng bleed on the spot with one palm.

The ministers of the court looked at their wine glasses. The rich aroma of the wine could not be faked. What's more, even the Three Duobaos praised this wine. Could this divine wine be urine?

You must be kidding me!

The expression of Emperor Hades changed slightly. As the emperor, he also tasted the wine with everyone, and this wine was actually called urine?

What a joke!

Master Wenxu was so worried that he was sweating profusely. He stood up quickly and said, "Haha, this kid must be drunk and talking nonsense! Don't take it seriously, haha, don't take it seriously!"

Fu Xueqing also pulled Ling Feng's sleeve, signaling him to stop talking.

"Elder Wenxu, I haven't drunk yet, how could I get drunk?"

Ling Feng, on the other hand, looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. Master Wenxu tried every means to find a way for everyone to get off, but Ling Feng was so ignorant!

"This bastard!"

The corners of Master Wenxu's mouth suddenly twitched. This guy is determined to seek death!

Ling Feng directly picked up the wine glass and threw it on the ground with a look of disdain on his face, "Urine is urine. I really don't know how you can drink it so deliciously? If it were ordinary wine, even plain water, I wouldn't I will refute His Majesty the Underworld’s face, so I should drink it all in one gulp, but if you ask me to drink urine, I’m sorry, but I can’t do it!”

The whole audience was stunned again. Ling Feng spoke in a serious manner, and it didn't seem like he was acting.

"You are talking nonsense!"

"Boy, don't talk nonsense!"

All the ministers in the court glared at Ling Feng angrily. Ling Feng said that this sacred wine was urine. Doesn't it mean that they were all scrambling to grab urine to drink it?

The Seventh Prince was even more furious. He was the one who brought out this divine wine. Ling Feng said it was urine, which was tantamount to slandering him and giving everyone urine to drink!

There was also a flash of anger in Emperor Ming's eyes, but he concealed it very well, "Your Excellency said that this divine wine is urine, but there is proof. If you talk nonsense in public and fabricate right and wrong, don't blame me for not keeping it." feelings!"

Everyone looked at Ling Feng as if they were looking at a madman.

Only among the three Duobao deities, the strongest old man who had never spoken a word looked at Ling Feng with deep thought, deep in thought.

He had vaguely felt that something was wrong before, and it seemed that he had overlooked something. What Ling Feng said might not be groundless.

Without fear of the Nether Emperor's gaze, Ling Feng shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I am not talking nonsense. The divine wine you are talking about is indeed urine, but it is a relatively rare urine, or in other words, urine from the ancient times!"

"Go on!" Nether Emperor said in a deep voice.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and continued, "The three masters just said that from the totem of the wine jar, it is the sacred beast of the ancient Lingshan tribe. To be more specific, it is actually a three-headed white tiger!"

"Just now, when you were tasting the wine, you also said that there was a slight bitterness in the aroma of the wine. This bitterness was not caused by dilution. I have learned some medical skills and recognized at a glance that the fine wine you are talking about actually contains a faint toxin, the triple burner poison. This triple burner poison is excreted in the urine of the three-headed white tiger. Although it is slightly toxic, it is not too harmful to warriors with successful cultivation. Drinking a small amount of it has certain benefits, but drinking too much is useless."

"It's just that the three-headed white tiger was exterminated ten thousand years ago. Absolutely, and this fine wine in front of us is just brewed with the urine of the white tiger demon clan with three-headed white tiger bloodline. Although it also has the three-burner poison, it is far inferior to the three-headed white tiger. Although it is also used for brewing, it has actually been gradually eliminated. "Speaking, Ling Feng pointed to the wine jar and said: "If I am not guessing, this big jar is not used for brewing, but just for the ancient Lingshan clan to collect white tiger urine. Before it can be brewed into fine wine, it was buried deep underground due to some changes! Because of various coincidences, the three-burner poison fermented by itself, so it has a wine aroma, and it can barely be regarded as wine. "Ling Feng's words are well-reasoned, making the ridicule and contempt on the faces of everyone in the hall gradually disappear, and replaced by a kind of disgust. Strong disgust! If it has been made into fine wine, the nausea may be alleviated. But, this damn wine jar is actually a urinal?

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