Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2145: The Seed of Love! (3 more)

"Should it work?"

Ling Feng walked up to Xu Wenxian and sneered: "Sungrass is domineering and fierce. With the princess's current physique, do you want to treat people or kill people?"


Xu Wenxian clenched his fists and said, "I have my own way to save the princess's life. All I need to do is cooperate... cooperate..."

"I'm afraid you want to say that with the combination of acupuncture and heart-protecting pills, the princess can be relieved. After the cold poison is eliminated, you can recuperate her body, right?" Ling Feng said lightly.

"Yes, that's what I mean!"

Xu Wenxian snorted, "This is my plan, you are not allowed to steal it!"


Ling Feng shook his head repeatedly, "Your method is based on the fact that the princess's cold poison accumulates in the Dantian muscles. What if the princess's cold poison accumulates in the head?"


Xu Wenxian's eyelids twitched wildly, ""

"Before drawing a conclusion, the specific condition of the patient is not even investigated at all. Isn't it equivalent to disregarding human life?"

Ling Feng kicked Xu Wenxian away. This guy was half a bucket of water. He was trying to cure diseases and save people, but he still had to rely on guesswork.

This kind of person is not qualified to be called a doctor at all.

King Yan saw this, with a hint of hope flashing in his eyes. He stared at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, do you already have a countermeasure?"

"Let me give it a try."

Ling Feng nodded and put his hand on the princess's wrist.

To determine whether this woman is Yu Junyao, it is enough to find out whether there is Jiuli Fire.

Even if her temperament and demeanor can change, one thing will not change. She is a descendant of the Jiuli God Clan.

After a while, Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts gradually penetrated into the princess's spiritual sea. As expected, the outside of the spiritual sea was covered with a layer of white frost.

"Did she be injured by a water-attribute monster and have her spiritual thoughts with cold attributes invade her spiritual sea?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. It was no wonder why she would freeze all over at night.

This layer of cold spiritual thoughts may have reached the holy level!

Continuing to sense, the next moment, Ling Feng indeed detected a familiar force.

This power is almost connected by blood to him!

Because he also has the divine blood of the Jiuli God Clan in his body, so he is naturally very familiar with the power of the Jiuli God Clan's bloodline.

This princess must be Yu Junyao.

But, why did she appear in Miluo Continent?

Could it be that she came to find him and was seriously injured because of it?

Ling Feng felt an inexplicable surge of warmth in his heart: How many people in this world are so kind to him?

Shaking his head, Ling Feng took a deep breath. No matter what, he would cure her current strange illness first.

All causes and consequences will naturally come to light.

"How about it?"

Seeing Ling Feng's frown, King Yan thought something was wrong and couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty King Yan, I already have a solution."

Ling Feng nodded towards King Yan. This princess was Yu Junyao, and things were going to be easier to handle.

Although there is a very powerful cold poison accumulated on her head, and ordinary people are helpless, Yu Junyao is a member of the Jiuli God Clan after all, and the Jiuli Divine Fire in her body is the nemesis of all cold power.

If ordinary people were eroded by this kind of cold poison, they would have died hundreds of times. However, although Yu Junyao lost her memory and did not know how to mobilize the Jiuli Divine Fire in her body, she still had the physique of a god and managed to survive.

It's fair to say that she didn't deserve to die. She happened to meet him at this moment. Otherwise, in a month or two, he might not be able to save her.

"Brother Ling, if you can only take care of the princess, I will give it to the little king with all my money!"

Yan Wang's face showed excitement. After such a long time, he finally heard good news.

"Hmph, I don't know if it's true or not. Who doesn't know how to brag?"

Xu Wenxian and another Alchemy Sect genius looked unconvinced and muttered, but they were glared at by King Yan and were so frightened that they quickly stepped aside and did not dare to say another word.

Although His Highness the King of Flame is of the same generation as them, he is a high-ranking god, and even a saint-level powerhouse with an equal and respected status. He is not someone they can provoke.

"Your Highness, King Yan, please rest assured. I will definitely be able to cure the princess within three days. However, after the princess' memory is restored, have you ever considered whether you are still willing to be your princess?"

Ling Feng glanced at the infatuated King Yan and could see that he was very obsessed with Yu Junyao. However, he was only interested in the gentle and lovely Yu Junyao now. When she recovers...

Ling Feng could imagine Yujunyao transforming into a little witch again. It's no wonder that Yujunyao would stay here willingly!

"No matter what Yu'er's choice is, I...Xiao Wang respects her choice!"

Yan Wang took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Wang just hopes that Yu'er can live a happy life, that's enough. The most important thing right now is to heal Yu'er."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty King Yan, I will do my best!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, perhaps, this is love that is so deep that there is no resentment.

"Then there's Brother Lao Ling!"

King Yan said anxiously: "Brother Ling has any precious medicinal materials or elixirs that need to be prepared. Xiao Wang will send someone to prepare them right now!"


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and his mind immediately became active. This was brought to his door by His Highness the King of Flames.

With a stroke of his pen, Ling Feng eloquently wrote down seven or eight kinds of rare medicinal materials, half of which were used to nurse Yu Junyao back to health, and the other half were naturally needed to refine the Forbidden Breaking Pill.

Ling Feng had already explored the market before and found that all these medicinal materials were available.

I happen to be short of money, so I treat these medicinal materials as medical fees.

This is because Ling Feng thinks that Yan Wang is not bad. If he were someone like the Seventh Prince, he would have written at least twenty or thirty more medicinal materials to trick him to death!

"Okay, without further ado, I will start treating the princess now. I need absolute concentration during the treatment, so I hope you can wait outside the house for me to come out!"

Ling Feng glanced at King Yan and said calmly: "Your Highness King Yan, you don't have any objections here, right?"

"This is natural."

King Yan nodded repeatedly and quickly ordered everyone to leave the room. Finally, he also exited the wing. He took a deep look at Yu Junyao, then looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, I leave everything to you!"

Ling Feng nodded, "Your Highness, please rest assured, if I cannot cure the princess, I will die!"

The door was closed, Ling Feng walked to the bed, his eyes fell on Yu Junyao's cheek, and he couldn't help but sigh, "You woman, I really don't understand, what do you think? You obviously hate me the most, but Why are you coming to me again?"

Shaking his head, Ling Feng used the Great Creation Technique to condense a dagger, cut his palm, and poured part of Jiuli's divine blood into Yu Junyao's mouth.

With this method, first stimulate the power of blood in her body. As long as the Jiuli Divine Fire starts to circulate on its own, the cold poison in her body will naturally be nothing to worry about.

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