Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2146 Fiancé? (1 update)

About half an hour later.

Unconsciously, Yu Junyao felt a power from the same source, and began to acquire and absorb it with great greed.

Gradually, the original divine fire in her body automatically awakened, and everything became simpler.

Although it is not known how Yu Junyao suffered such an injury, as long as her original divine fire starts to operate, the cold poison in her body will not be a concern.

Sure enough, after her Jiuli Divine Fire awakened, her whole body suddenly exuded a trace of cold air, which was the phenomenon of the cold poison being expelled from the body.

The next step was to open the acupuncture points on her head so that the cold poison accumulated in her head could dissipate, and her consciousness would naturally wake up.

Taking out a row of golden needles, Ling Feng immediately performed the Taixuan Acupuncture Technique, controlling the original divine fire in her body to gradually flow into her head.

A quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

Time passed bit by bit, and Yu Junyao's face gradually returned to rosy.

After all, the Gods are the Gods, and their strength lies in their great vitality.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, looked a little shabby because he had lost a lot of blood and expended a lot of spiritual consciousness.


Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath and took back the golden needle. After a while, he saw Yu Junyao's closed eyes, blinking frequently, and finally opened her eyes.


With a low groan, Yu Junyao opened her eyes and saw a familiar face.

The person in front of me is none other than Ling Feng!


When Yu Junyao saw Ling Feng, she was overjoyed at first, then snorted softly, biting her silver teeth and said, "You're not dead yet!"

"Of course I'm not dead, but you just escaped from hell!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Yu Junyao, who had recovered, was indeed the same as before.


Yu Junyao raised her hand and pressed her forehead. She felt a stinging pain in her mind like needles. She couldn't help but frowned and said, "What's wrong with me? Why do I feel like so many things have happened?"

"You haven't forgotten everything, have you?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "You are my princess now!"

"Bah, bah, bah! What kind of princess!"

Yu Junyao cursed lowly, and the events of the past few months suddenly appeared in her mind. Her eyes kept changing, and in the end, her face turned red from holding back.


Yu Junyao covered her cheeks, recalling the gentle and charming little woman she looked like when she lost her memory. She suddenly blushed and shook her head: "Oh my god, how could I become like that? It’s so shameful! That’s not me!”

"I think it's pretty good!"

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao and said with a smile: "Then King Yan treats you well, have you considered staying in the palace and becoming a princess?"

"You just stayed to be the princess!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, then kicked Ling Feng, gritted her teeth and said: "You are so heartless, if it weren't for looking for you, I would have been besieged by those demon saints. In the end, Are you still reduced to this hellish place?”

The more Yu Junyao thought about it, the angrier she became. She glared at Ling Feng angrily and said, "I don't care, it was you who caused this girl to do this. You have to completely solve this problem for me!"

Ling Feng turned sideways to avoid Yu Junyao's kick, and said with a confused look on his face: "You still rely on me? It's really unreasonable! Besides, how can I help you? I am an ordinary person without any cultivation, and I can still kill you If you can't steal it from the palace, you might as well fight it out on your own!"

"That can't happen!"

Yu Junyao gritted her teeth and said, "That King Yan is very nice to me, but I don't want to fight with him!"

"Since they treat you well, and they are both gods, and Yemen is a good match, why don't you agree with me?"

Ling Feng curled his lips. From his point of view, King Yan was indeed a good man worth trusting.

However, when Yu Junyao heard Ling Feng's words, she became even more angry. She bared her teeth and said, "It's up to you to make a promise, bastard, I don't care, I won't stay here anyway." ! If you don’t think of a way, I’ll tell you that you were careless when you treated me, and you also plotted against me. I’ll see if the King of Flames kills you!”


Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. The little witch is indeed a little witch. He just saved her life. Is this how she repays her savior?


Yu Junyao proudly waved her fist at Ling Feng, showing an expression like a little devil, which made Ling Feng feel dizzy.

Fortunately, I had tested the Flame King before, and he was quite impressive. If I talked to him properly, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

There was a noise in the room, and the people outside suddenly became energetic when they heard the movement inside.

Especially the King Yan couldn't help but said loudly: "Brother Ling, can Xiao Wang come in?"

Ling Feng heard the sound outside the door, sighed softly, quickly opened the door, and said calmly: "I finally fulfilled my mission. The princess's strange illness is no longer a problem."

"Very good!"

King Yan was immediately overjoyed, rushed into the room quickly, and said excitedly: "Yu'er, are you finally feeling better?"

It's a pity that the happy ending in the imagination where the sweetheart cried with joy and fell into his arms did not happen. The face of the woman who was half leaning on the bed showed a little strangeness.

Both his eyes and expression were completely different from the "Yu'er" he loved in the past.

"His Royal Highness Yanwang..."

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, "Hug... I'm sorry, I... I have recovered my memory. I am not the gentle and lovely Yu'er you like. My name is... Yu Junyao."

Faced with a man who loves her deeply and cares about her, even a woman as unruly and aggressive as Yu Junyao still restrains herself and does not want to harm the man in front of her too much.

"Is this..."

King Yan felt a slight pain in his heart, then he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, whether you are Yu'er or Yu Junyao, you are still you. We can start over, right? Don't worry, in the I won’t force you to become my princess until I completely win your heart!”

Yu Junyao suddenly had a headache. This was terrible. It seemed that this Flame King had completely clung to her!

Gritting her teeth, Yu Junyao's heart skipped a beat, she looked at Ling Feng and said something that shocked the whole audience.

"Your Highness King Yan, you are very kind to me, but it's a pity that I can't bear it! Because..." Yu Junyao pointed in the direction of Ling Feng and gritted her teeth: "Because, he is my fiancé!"


Ling Feng's mind suddenly exploded like a thunderbolt from the blue. When did he become his fiancé?

The next moment, Yu Junyao's voice came to my ears, "You brat, if you dare not cooperate obediently, I can't spare you!"

Ling Feng's face stiffened, and he felt depressed. The corner of his mouth twitched a few times. He could only follow Yu Junyao's words and gritted his teeth and said: "I'm sorry, Your Highness Yanwang, Miss Yu... ahem, Junyao is indeed mine, um, fiancee." !”

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