Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2153 Ancient treasure! (2 updates)

"Hmph, the reward given to the Kongming God Clan is only a companion creature with a purity of only 30%, but the purity of this piece in my hand is as high as 60%!"

Ao Kun was very proud, thinking that he had taken advantage of the situation.

The Flame Ice God Clan has improved their sensitivity to the power of fire, and can naturally easily judge the value of two jade plates. Therefore, in his opinion, he is making a small profit.

Unfortunately, they did not identify that this was not a companion creature of the Xianyang Fire Soul, but the real Xianyang Fire Soul!

When Ling Feng heard the Ming Emperor's decision, he couldn't help but shake his head secretly, Xianyang Fire Soul was traded according to the tenth-level elixir?

Simply stupid!

What a waste!

Well, if I don't pick up this big leak, I will be struck by lightning!

Under the gaze of everyone, Ao Kun walked to the gate of Taikoo Star.

With a trace of anxiety and expectation, Ao Kun threw the jade plate in his hand into the star gate.


It seemed that the fire crystal hit some hard metal, making a sound of metal collision.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely strong vibration erupted inside the Star Gate, like a spray.

It looks like thousands of troops and tens of thousands of thunder dragons galloping among them.

Unprecedented movement, deafening!

It was several times more intense than the movement caused by Jian Lao!

According to past experience, the greater the movement, the greater the chance of an ancient treasure appearing.

As for Jian Lao, it was probably just an accident.

But now, the movement caused by the jade plate that Ao Kun threw in was even greater than that of Jian Lao, attracting the attention of the whole audience. They all held their breath and did not dare to take a breath!

"What the hell! Is this happening again?"

The Hades Emperor frowned slightly, worrying about gains and losses again.

Complex emotions lingered in his heart, making him clenched his fists unconsciously.

If an ordinary force really wants to get the ancient treasure, the Kongming God Clan can buy it back at a high price, and can also put pressure on it secretly, without fear that the other party will not sell it.

But the Yanbing God Clan is different. They are both a God Clan, and the Kongming God Clan can't do anything to them.

If the Yanbing God Clan takes away the ancient treasure, I'm afraid he can only stare.

The noise became louder and louder, like thousands of thunders, and the entire Ancient Star Gate trembled slightly.

Countless people's hearts were in their throats. Such a rare sign made them extremely nervous.

Could it be that the Ancient Star Gate is about to spit out an extremely valuable ancient treasure?

Not to mention the audience, Ao Kun himself was also surprised!

Although he had expectations, they were not very high. After all, he thought that the jade plate was just a companion of the Immortal Yang Fire Soul. Although the value is not low, it is only about the same value as the ancient bronze sword that Jian Lao put in.

Therefore, he just had the attitude of giving it a try. If it was available, it would be best. If not, he would just try his luck and not participate in the next Star Festival.

Unexpectedly, a mere jade plate would cause such a huge commotion.

But he didn't know that the jade plate he put in was already as valuable as an ancient treasure, or even higher than half of the ancient treasures!

At this moment, even leader Yan Bing was shocked.

Could it be that the Yanbing God Clan is really going to get lucky this time?

With a flash of light, Leader Yan Bing's eyes contained expectations, and he was even secretly considering whether he should invest more.


As the void shook, finally, the ancient treasure that had been brewing for a long time in the Star Gate suddenly arrived!

Ling Feng's eyes were like lightning, and he quickly locked onto the ancient treasure that shot out from the star gate!

The atmosphere of time, full of vicissitudes of life, along with the meaning of simplicity, flows everywhere.

It is indeed a thing from the ancient times!

What caught Ling Feng's attention even more was that this object was actually huge!

It was at least the size of an adult, and it was dark and filled with a special aura.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, but he calmed down in the next moment. Fortunately, it was not something that caused the Donghuang Bell to move.


Ao Kun let out a clear whistle, and a sudden chill erupted from the left half of his body. The frost froze, forming a huge ice wall that intercepted the treasures sprayed out from the star gate.

Then, he stretched out his hand to take a picture, and the mist around the black shadow dispersed, revealing the true appearance of the treasure.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a box with a simple shape!

Although the box has many pits on the surface and the material is unknown, making it difficult to identify, but compared to the piece of rotten wood that Jian Lao obtained, this black box only has pits on the surface and is not rotten at all.

I'm afraid that the things stored inside must be quite intact!

"It turns out to be a complete ancient treasure!"

Everyone on the field showed extremely envious expressions, secretly thinking that the Yanbing God Clan was so lucky that they actually got a complete ancient treasure.

"It's amazing! It's been so many years since a complete ancient treasure appeared! Now, I'm lucky enough to see it!"

"What is the treasure in the box? Please reveal it quickly. I can't wait!"

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