Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2154 Sun and Moon Golden Wheel! (3 updates)


In shock, Hades Emperor smashed the armrest of the seat with one palm, his eyes filled with disbelief and deep reluctance!

Did the Yanbing God Clan really have such great luck?

A mere companion creature of the Immortal Yang Fire Soul, which is just impurities to put it bluntly, was actually exchanged for a complete ancient treasure?

Not to mention the contents of the box, even that box can endure tens of thousands of years without decay. It is also a treasure in itself!


For a moment, the face of the Underworld Emperor became extremely ugly. It was fine for others to get it. Why was it the Yanbing God Clan?

The Yan Bing leader suddenly stood up and flew to Ao Kun's side, with a terrifying light bursting out of his eyes.

The huge unexpected surprise made the Lord of the Gods deeply moved. He couldn't help but show up and grab the ancient treasure in his palm on the spot!

And, without saying a word, he immediately wanted to put it into the Naling Ring.

However, at this moment, the Hades Emperor suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Chief Yanbing, have you forgotten the rules of the Star Festival? No matter what the exchange is, it still needs to be appraised by the appraiser's sect. It would be against the rules if you just take it away!”

After a pause, the Hades Emperor continued: "It's rare for everyone to gather together to participate in the Star Festival. We originally wanted to experience the magical treasures from the ancient times. This move by the leader of the Yanbing clan is a bit too stingy!"

The Hades Emperor had a righteous look on his face, and in the audience, there were a lot of responders, all accommodating.

Leader Yan Bing was slightly angry. How could he understand the secrets of the ancient times?


They are all a group of mature guys, and no one knows what the other's plans are.

The Emperor of Hades said it nicely, but he just wanted to know what the ancient treasure inside was and what its value was. If it was too precious, even if they broke their skin, they would never allow the Yanbing God Clan to take it away easily.

Ancient treasures, sometimes, do have the power to break the balance.

If a certain force becomes big with the help of an ancient treasure, the situation in Miluo Continent may change.

Leader Yan Bing's expression changed slightly. At the moment, not only the Hades Emperor was threatening him, but also various major forces were eyeing him.

In the eyes of everyone, he couldn't go back on his word, otherwise the gain would outweigh the loss if the Hades Emperor said that he had violated the rules and was not qualified to obtain the treasure.

After all, he believed that a hero like Hades could definitely do such a shameless thing.

Because, if he were himself, he would definitely be able to do it.

The situation on the court became a little delicate for a moment, but Ling Feng was watching the whole show anyway, and the matter had nothing to do with him. He was just hanging on high, and the worst case scenario would be a dog-eat-dog situation.

"All right!"

Leader Yan Bing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "However, I must monitor the whole process. This treasure cannot leave my sight. If anyone dares to do anything, don't blame me for being embarrassed on the spot!"

The Pluto Emperor clenched his fists, stared at the Yan Bing leader, and said in a deep voice: "Chief Yan Bing, don't worry, the Star Festival has been held for thousands of years, and it is based on the word credibility!"

Leader Yan Bing sneered in his heart. The Kongming Divine Clan had done so many shameful things. The so-called reputation was nothing but a lie.

Both of them were smiling but not smiling at all. Emperor Hades stared at the big box, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Three lords, please be careful to identify this object!"

The three Duobaos all secretly sweated, and at the same time they were a little excited in their hearts.

A treasure from the ancient times, and a complete treasure!

As appraisers and casting masters, they also very much hope to learn the craftsmanship of ancient craftsmen from the appraisal process. This is the most valuable thing to them.


The black box was extremely heavy, and the three Duobao deities surrounded it and carefully appraised it.

The other appraisers also stepped forward to observe. It was a great honor to be able to appraise such a treasure, even to touch it.

As for the Hades Emperor and the Yan Bing Clan Chief, their eyes never left the black box from the beginning to the end, and they also tightened their strings.

Ling Feng took one look at the black box and was pushed aside by the crowd. In desperation, he had no choice but to stand aside, too lazy to fight with others.

However, Yu Junyao saw a few symbols on the box, pursed her lips, and whispered: "Sun and Moon Golden Wheel?"

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao strangely and said in surprise: "Do you recognize those symbols that look like ghostly drawings?"

"of course!"

Yu Junyao puffed up her chest proudly, "I am a well-known talented woman in the clan. Do you think I am just like you, ignorant and ignorant?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This woman opened a dyeing room just by giving her three points of color.

However, this woman is also very powerful. Even Duobao Sanzun seemed to be struggling to recognize those characters, but she recognized them at a glance.

From what Yu Junyao said, the treasure box should contain the "Sun and Moon Golden Wheel".

However, others did not notice the conversation between Ling Feng and Yu Junyao, and all their attention was focused on the black treasure box.

After a long while, the round-faced venerable said: "This treasure box is made of dragon-grained wood from the ancient times. It is as hard as dragon skin, so it is named after it. Generally speaking, it is a thing for storing weapons."


The eyes of the Hades Emperor and the leader of Yan Bing jumped. If it were a weapon, the treasure that flowed out from the ancient times might be an ancient immortal weapon, or even a divine weapon!

For a moment, everyone held their breath.

If it were a divine weapon, the Flame Ice God Clan would have really made a lot of money this time!

"Next, you only need to open the wooden box to find out what is inside."

A trace of expectation also flashed in the eyes of Master Xuanji. This heavy treasure box is also a good treasure in itself. Dragon-grained wood is generally used to make sword scabbards or scabbards.

On the one hand, it can withstand the erosion of time; on the other hand, dragon-grained wood can imbue the weapon with a hint of the dragon's domineering aura, enhancing the weapon's power.

Similarly, if it is a treasure chest of this size, there is a high probability that it is used to store weapons.


The leader of the Yanbing Clan immediately protested, "Now that the treasure chest has been identified, the agreement has been fulfilled. As for what is inside, it is not something you outsiders can care about. We, the Yanbing Clan, will personally identify it!"

"There is no such truth!"

Without any hesitation, the Hades Emperor immediately objected and shouted coldly: "The rule is that all ancient treasures that appear must be exposed to the world. No hiding is allowed. Whatever treasures are inside must also be made public!"

If it were not to lose face, the Hades Emperor would even say that the treasures in the black box, not belonging to the Yanbing God Clan, should be handed over to the Kongming God Clan.

However, he still did not dare to say such shameless words.

For a time, countless spectators echoed the words.

At this juncture, who can resist not taking a look at the treasure inside the box? This will be very annoying!

The leader of the Yan Bing Clan took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. After all, he could only grit his teeth and said, "Okay! But if there is any damage, I, the Yan Bing Clan, will never let it go! If there is anything in it, who dares to fight for it?" Don't blame me for being ruthless!" Leader Yan Bing warned in a solemn voice, and the target of the warning was undoubtedly the Pluto Emperor!

The two of them seemed to be standing still, but the three Duobao statues and other treasure appraisers who were close at hand were already sweating.

Outsiders are far apart and difficult to detect, but they can clearly feel that the two masters of the gods are tensing up at this moment, locking their breaths with each other. Once a shocking treasure is opened in the black box, unimaginable things may happen. Things!

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