Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2159 Ling Feng’s request! (2 updates)

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded. Before this, he had also entered many secret realms, which were also space fragments. Only every few decades or even hundreds of years, a door to space and time would be opened and he could enter them.

And those places, no matter the size of the space, or the climate, the aura of heaven and earth, and other conditions, cannot be compared with Miluo Continent.

Only Miluo Continent is more like a complete world.

But it turns out that everything originates from the so-called star core.

"What is the Star Yun Stone?"

Ling Feng continued to ask.

"The Star Core Stone is a treasure that can repair the star core!"

Pluto Emperor took a deep breath and said slowly: "After tens of thousands of years, Miluo Continent's original star core is already facing exhaustion and collapse. I am afraid that it won't be long before the star core collapses and the entire Miluo Continent will lose control. It has become a dead place! Therefore, for so many years, our Kongming Divine Clan has been trying to find the Star Yun Stone, and the biggest role of the Ancient Star Gate is to exchange the remaining crystals of the Star Yun Stone!"

"In some ancient rare treasures, some residual crystals will occasionally appear. However, those residual crystals are either too small or their power has completely disappeared. Therefore, we, the Kongming Clan, can only watch. The nuclear power is declining day by day! We have even begun to make the worst plan to abandon Miluo Continent!"

"You mean, the small world of Miluo Continent is about to collapse?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and from the look of Hades Emperor, it didn't look like he was lying.

Maybe he is not a good person, but there is no need to deceive himself when facing catastrophe.

After all, he is the ruler of this world.


The Pluto Emperor nodded heavily, "So no matter what the price, I must get these two Star Yun Stones! With the size of these two Star Yun Stones, I can maintain this world for at least another 50,000 Years of stability!”


Ling Feng looked at Hades Emperor and couldn't help but clenched his fists. Some friends he had met in the small world of Miluo Continent suddenly appeared in his mind.

Miss Liu Yunyanliu from Yeluo City, Liu Jun who learned alchemy from him, and senior Jiang Kun from Chunyang Palace who took great care of him...

If the world of Miluo Continent is destroyed, can they still live safely?

the answer is negative.

The Kongming God Clan can escape from this world with the help of their innate power, but that may not be the case for others.

Once Miluo Island collapses, countless people will be killed.

Although Ling Feng didn't think he was a great saint, he gave up thousands of lives for his own selfishness. He asked himself that he couldn't do such a thing.

"I can return these two Starry Stones to you, but you must pay a certain price! In addition, I hope that Senior Pluto Emperor can promise me something!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Hades Emperor, "This is my biggest concession!"

"As long as you are willing to change!"

There was a smile on Emperor Pluto's face, and he threw the two Star Yun Stones to Ling Feng, and said slowly: "But don't be too open-minded, if you offer too high a price, I will not be taken advantage of! "

"Senior, don't worry!"

Ling Feng nodded, but secretly cursed in his heart: What an old man, he only goes in but doesn't want to come out!

The Hades Emperor glanced at Ling Feng and said calmly: "Then, what do you want me to promise you?"

"My request is simple!"

Ling Feng said lightly: "I heard that the Kongming Divine Clan has the ability to open time and space channels. I hope that senior can send me out of Miluo Continent and return to the outside world. With senior's eyesight, it should not be difficult to see that I am not Miluo. Are you from China?"

"That's it? It's just a little effort!"

Pluto Emperor nodded, "Okay, I believe those people outside are impatient to wait, go back!"

After saying that, Emperor Pluto glanced at Ling Feng and continued: "I will tell you later, you just need to nod!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and was noncommittal.

After a while, Pluto Emperor took Ling Feng back to the venue of the Star Festival.

Everyone was surprised when they saw that Ling Feng had returned intact and still had the two colorful stones in his hands.

Could it be that Hades Emperor didn't directly occupy Ling Feng's treasure?

"Haha, I kept everyone waiting for a long time!"

The Hades Emperor laughed, "When I saw those two colorful stones just now, I thought they were some treasures that I recognized, so I asked Brother Ling Feng for confirmation, and it turned out that I was wrong, haha, Nothing!"

Although Hades' words were extremely perfunctory, everyone saw that Ling Feng was unscathed, so it was hard to say anything else.

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice, "You brat, are you okay?"


Ling Feng shook his head, placed the two colorful stones on the appraisal table again, and said with a smile: "You guys, please continue the appraisal."

However, when his eyes saw the two split hemispheres of the two spherical treasures, his eyelids twitched slightly.

The Donghuang Bell in his body actually moved again.

It turns out that what triggered the Donghuang Bell's induction was not the Star Yun Stone, but this spherical shell!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, pretended to pick up one of the hemispheres casually, and said lightly: "Senior, is this shell some kind of treasure? It seems quite strange?"

"Haha, this shell is probably just a container for placing the two multicolored stones. It is only contaminated with a trace of spiritual energy. However, after the multicolored stones were taken out, the spiritual energy completely dissipated. Although it has certain research value, it is not a treasure. ?”

"Is that so?"

Ling Feng pretended to be disappointed, "Does that mean it's just garbage?"


Venerable Xuanji smiled faintly and did not comment, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Ling Feng picked up the two hemispheres and said, "Even if it's garbage, it's garbage from ancient times. I'm going to take it back and study it."

The Hades Emperor glanced at Ling Feng, and his attention was focused on the two Star Yun Stones. He also heard Master Xuanji saying that the shell was worthless, and he didn't say much. They were "trash" anyway, so Ling It doesn’t matter if Feng takes it.

Ling Feng carefully put away the two hemispheres, seemingly disappointed, but happy in his heart.

Compared with the Star Yun Stone, this shell is the good thing I really need!

For a long time, after many appraisals by the Three Masters of Duobao, they were still at a loss as to what the Star Yun Stone was, unable to identify what it was.

Just from the terrifying power contained in them, it can be roughly inferred that these two star stones are comparable to the holy treasures!

Ling Feng curled his lips and thought to himself: Something that can even repair star cores, it is no exaggeration to say that this thing is almost comparable to a divine weapon!

The Underworld Emperor nodded slightly and pretended to say: "Is it comparable to the value of the Holy Treasure? Well, little brother Lingfeng, what are you going to do with these two sacred stones?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "It's unexpected that these two sacred stones are comparable to the holy treasures! But they are of no use to me. If there is something suitable, I can consider exchanging them!"

The Pluto Emperor nodded and said with a smile: "It just so happens that our Kongming Divine Clan has accumulated a lot of treasures during this Star Festival. According to the past rules, after the Star Festival, these treasures will be traded. In addition, In addition, some treasures from the treasury of our Kongming God Clan will be taken out. If you want anything, don’t miss this opportunity!”

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