Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2160 Extremely hypocritical! (3 updates)

"Okay, without further ado, come here and bring out all the treasures used for exchange!"

After the Hades Emperor gave an order, a waiter took out the treasures harvested one by one.

However, not many people are interested, because these treasures are usually treasures that the Kongming Divine Clan wants to exchange but no one needs.

The only things that are interesting are the treasures brought out by the Kongming Divine Clan themselves, which have some competitive value.

Under the hint of the Emperor of Hades, a waiter immediately screened out the items obtained this year and the items that the Kongming God Clan did not need.

Among them, including the Bagua Pan that Ling Feng was most looking forward to, and the genuine piece of Xianyang Fire Soul!

The value of this thing is comparable to the eleventh-level immortal elixir!

However, the Bagua Disk was regarded as the ultimate treasure of heaven and earth, and the Immortal Yang Fire Soul was regarded as an impurity, which was nicknamed as a companion creature.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. He was destined to pick up these two big leaks!

The transaction begins.

King Yan was responsible for taking out the treasures one by one for trading. However, there seemed to be a lack of interest among most people when there were several treasures in a row.

Finally we arrived at the eight monster plate.

Ling Feng bids a colorful stone.

The Hades Emperor breathed a sigh of relief, but then he thought about it and frowned again.

Could it be that the value of the Bagua Pan is not the same as estimated by the Three Treasures?

"Brother Ling, the value of this Bagua plate..." Emperor Ming glanced at Ling Feng and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ling Feng.

"If Lord Hades thinks it's not worth it, then I won't change it. Anyway, I think the Star Stone is not bad."

For a moment, Minghuang's face suddenly changed, and he said quickly: "Ahem, little brother misunderstood, change, of course I have to change! Little brother has paid a lot for this conference, and I see it in my eyes, if this Bagua Pan is With others, I may not be willing to trade, but if it’s you, little brother, there’s no problem!”

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, this Underworld Emperor is simply the number one hypocrite in the world, greedy and hypocritical.

In contrast, someone like a cheap donkey is more valuable because he is not hypocritical or pretentious.

Greed is greed and there is no pretense at all.

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, but he also knew that he had no choice but to get off the slope and said calmly: "So that's it. Senior Hades Emperor is indeed fair and honorable!"

"Hehe, hehe..."

The Hades Emperor was smiling but his heart was bleeding. If he had known it, he would not have said a word, but in the end, he would have spent five million yuan crystals in vain!

For this kind of iron cock, it is simply a pain in the flesh!

This small episode will soon pass and the transaction will continue.

Next, Ling Feng showed no interest in all the treasures, successfully deceived the Hades Emperor, and took the Xianyang Fire Soul.

Under Ling Feng's superb acting skills, the Hades Emperor did not doubt that he was there and returned the piece of Xianyang Fire Soul to Ling Feng without any other excessive conditions.

At this point, the two Star Yun Stones all fell into the hands of the Underworld Emperor, and his heart that was hanging for a moment was finally swallowed back into his stomach.

The reason why he wanted to take the Star Yun Stone was probably mostly for his own selfish desires, but it also indirectly maintained the stability of the small world of Miluo Continent. As far as Lingfeng was concerned, it could be regarded as saving thousands of people in a small world. Tens of thousands of humans, although those people may not know these things, at least Ling Feng can live up to his true intentions.

However, Ling Feng still glanced at the sphere containing the Star Yun Stone in Ling Feng's arms, which made him a little concerned.

Speaking of which, this sphere can be used to store the Star Yun Stone, and if it remains intact throughout the endless years, it may be of considerable value.

However, the Three Treasures of Duobao also said that this object has lost its charm and has no other value.

In this case, it's better not to add any more extraneous matters. Anyway, you have already got what you need.

At this point, the trade fair finally came to an end.

Among the guests present, many forces were secretly jealous. Were those two colorful stones, which were comparable to the holy treasures, finally obtained by the Kongming Divine Clan?

Although the Yanbing God Clan was a little unhappy, they also got a Moon Wheel. After weighing the pros and cons, they still didn't have an attack.

After all, this is the territory of the Kongming Divine Clan. If there is a falling out, they will definitely suffer.

In everyone's opinion, the big winner of this year's Star Festival is undoubtedly the Kongming Divine Clan.

No matter what, sitting on this ancient star gate, the Kongming Divine Clan will definitely not suffer.

And in the end, the Kongming Divine Clan relied on two eliminated treasures to exchange for the two mysterious multicolored stones in Ling Feng's hand.

No matter from which angle you look at it, Ling Feng has suffered a huge loss.

In the eyes of others, Ling Feng is just a young boy. He is not on the same level as a big shot like Hades. Even if he suffers a loss, he can only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

However, only Ling Feng himself knew whether he had lost money or not.

Now, Ling Feng just wants to find a quiet place to refine the Xianyang Fire Soul. In this way, the swallowing flames in his body will definitely increase in power and break through the seal in one fell swoop!

Once Yan Yan unseals the seal, the day when he can undo the "soul seal" is not far away.

After all, Yanyan's strongest ability is to devour!

With the devouring power of Yan Yan, he continued to erode the seal that sealed the corpse. Ling Feng did not believe how long the power of the seal could seal him.

As the trade fair ended, the guests also left one after another.

Ling Feng also left with Yu Junyao and Fu Xueqing. According to the agreement with the Underworld Emperor, after three days, the Underworld Emperor would open the time and space channel and send Ling Feng back to the outside world.

(PS: Return to West Sword Territory tomorrow!)

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