Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2161 Immortal Fire! (1 update)

After returning to the inn, Ling Feng immediately made an excuse and began to stay at home.

"Xianyang Fire Soul!"

Ling Feng took out the complete piece of Xianyang Fire Soul and felt extremely excited.

The people of the Kongming Divine Clan, blind to gold and jade, actually regarded the real Xianyang Fire Soul as the so-called companion creature, and ended up letting themselves pick up this big mistake.

With this Immortal Yang Fire Soul, Ling Feng could predict what kind of terrifying changes his swallowing flames would undergo.

The so-called Xianyang contains the power of flames and even a trace of the power of immortality!

Once Yanyanche swallows the energy in it, it will be more than just a strange fire, it can even be comparable to the legendary fairy fire!

Of course, it only contains a trace of the power of the Immortal Yang, and is fundamentally different from the real Immortal Fire.

However, just on the Xuanling Continent, even those veteran saint-level powerhouses would not dare to ignore the swallowing flames that are integrated with the power of Xianyang.

In this way, he has another means of self-protection.

In addition, there is the Bagua plate.

Ling Feng also took out the palm-sized Bagua plate. This treasure was actually just a semi-finished product and not in its final form. However, it only needed the final step of casting to reach the level of a holy treasure.

Therefore, Ling Feng's evaluation is that it is a semi-finished holy treasure.

For the time being, Ling Feng has not been able to complete the casting, so this object cannot yet exert its final value.

But one day, this half-finished product will be finally completed.

More importantly, it contains a trace of the power of time!

It is no exaggeration to say that the value of any treasure that contains the power of time cannot be simply judged by its grade.

Putting away the Bagua Disk, Ling Feng finally took out the spherical treasure.

Although everyone thought that the Star Yun Stone within the sphere was the real treasure, and indeed, the value of the Star Yun Stone was simply immeasurable, to Ling Feng, the sphere was the real treasure.

It was this object that caused the Donghuang Bell to move!

At this time, the spherical treasure had turned into two hemispheres. Ling Feng carefully put them together. The two hemispheres emitted a colorful light and merged together again.

Then, among the stars on the surface of the sphere, a striking red dot suddenly appeared. It flashed three times and turned into a green mark. Then several ancient characters were suspended. Although Ling Feng followed Yujun Yao studied the writing of ancient times for a few days, but he could only barely recognize a star character at a semi-experienced level.

After that, the spherical treasure lost all movement, and just like before, it just showed a chaotic scene of the galaxy, making Ling Feng unable to start at all.

"What the hell is this?"

Ling Feng was confused for a while, shook his head, and put the treasure aside for the time being.

The most important thing right now is to refine that piece first, Xianyang Fire Soul!

Taking a deep breath, it is obviously more troublesome to refine Xianyang Fire Soul now that there is no Yuan Power.

With a thought, Ling Feng directly condensed a ball of strange fire, used the power of the strange fire to melt the Xianyang Fire Soul, and then inhaled the power of the flame into his body.

This method is also very overbearing. After smelting, it is swallowed directly into the stomach!

That’s right, just swallow it!

After losing his Yuan Power, Ling Feng couldn't directly extract the spiritual power, so he had to use his body like an alchemy furnace to directly absorb the spiritual energy.

This process is obviously not going to be too pleasant. Although Ling Feng is very cautious and only dares to swallow the melted liquid of Xianyang Fire Soul drop by drop, the overbearing and blazing heat is still about to completely melt Ling Feng almost instantly. Lose.

If he hadn't swallowed a Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus, Ling Feng even felt that he would be melted directly by the heat.


This kind of severe pain is no less than burning one's body with thousands of fires, and Ling Feng still enjoys it and continues to swallow the melted liquid of Xianyang Fire Soul.

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