Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2162 The Road Home! (2 more)

One day passed...

Two days have passed...

Finally, on the third day, Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, with a trace of excitement flashing in his eyes.

Ling Feng only devoured less than a tenth of that piece of Immortal Yang Fire Soul, but the swallowing flames in his body had actually broken through the seal!

"As expected of Xianyang Fire Soul, it is really powerful!"

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's face. He no longer needed to expend a lot of spiritual power to create strange fire. At this moment, he could finally control the real source of fire!

Looking around, he saw that the entire training room was in ruins. Even the walls and floors made of special materials showed signs of melting. The cushion under his butt had long since been burned to ashes.

Ling Feng subconsciously touched his forehead. Fortunately, the newly grown short hair was still there.

At least, I didn’t become bald again!

"With the Flame Swallowing Bodyguard, my life-saving ability has been greatly improved!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, stood up, and walked out of his room for the first time in three days.

"Calculate the time, today is the day agreed with the Hades Emperor!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips. He had stayed in Miluo Continent for almost three months. Today, he could finally return to the outside world.

I imagine it’s a little exciting!

Now that he has the power to protect himself, there is no need to stay in Miluo Continent and hide.

He still had too many things to deal with, and he didn't know what Xiao Juanyun's situation was like now after he "disappeared".

My Lingyun Alliance may be suppressed by the Eastern Alliance.

And the battle between himself and Dongfang Chun...

Everything happened too suddenly, and many things were unpredictable.

I found the two girls Yujunyao in the next room. After knocking on the door for a long time, Yujunyao slowly opened the door and glared at Ling Feng angrily.

Ling Feng took a closer look and saw that this woman was only wearing a white gauze scarf, and it was a little leaky!


Ling Feng quickly turned away and said with a speechless expression: "Is there any mistake?"

Only then did Yu Junyao realize that her clothes seemed too revealing. She quickly covered her chest with both hands and glared at Ling Feng, "You are not a bastard. I don't know what you are doing. Every day in the room There is a heat that is too hot to kill, and it screams at midnight every day, so that I can only soak in the water every day. If you have the nerve to say anything, I will kick you to death! "

Ling Feng coughed twice. The process of devouring the Immortal Yang Fire Soul was indeed a bit "unrestrained". Moreover, he had clearly laid out several layers of barriers. Unexpectedly, he still couldn't completely isolate the sound and heat.

At this time, Fu Xueqing also walked out of the room, but she was already dressed and wrapped tightly. She was still a little timid when she saw Ling Feng coming in.

Ling Feng curled his lips and waited at the door for a moment. After Yu Junyao also put on her clothes, he walked into the room and said straight to the point: "Miss Yu, I have reached an agreement with Emperor Hades. Today we can return to the west." Sword Domain!”

"Oh? Can you finally go back?"

There was also a hint of excitement in Yu Junyao's eyes. It was obvious that she had been having a headache on how to leave this place before, but she didn't expect that Ling Feng had already arranged everything.


Ling Feng nodded, looked at Fu Xueqing, and said calmly: "Senior Sister Fu, to be honest, I am not from Miluo Continent, but from the outside world. Now that I am going back, you can return to Chunyang Palace by yourself. , if Master Tao Hong asks, you can tell him the truth."

Anyway, at that time, I had already returned to the West Sword Region, and there was no need to hide my identity.

Fu Xueqing glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, obviously there were a lot of things that still needed to be digested.

But soon, she gritted her teeth and nodded, "I...I know."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, thought for a while, took out another book of alchemy tips, handed it to Fu Xueqing, and said calmly: "I promised Master Tao Hong that I would take you to see the world, but it seems that I can't do it now. This is some of my experience in alchemy. You can take it back and study it, it will be helpful to you."

Fu Xueqing held the thin book and glanced at Ling Feng with a complicated look, "Junior Brother Ling, I...I know now that you are actually...a very good person!"

"So you always thought I was a bad person?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly. No wonder this silly woman always seemed to be very afraid of him.

"The main reason is that when I first came out of Siwan Cliff, I heard many senior brothers say... that you were shameless, lustful, and vulgar... so I believed it."

Fu Xueqing looked at Ling Feng with some embarrassment.


Yu Junyao on the side burst out laughing, "Xueqing, that's absolutely right. This brat is just shameless, vulgar and obscene!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while. He had the conscience of heaven and earth. He was almost the incarnation of justice and a model of morality. How shameless, obscene and obscene things had nothing to do with him?

Amid a burst of laughter, Ling Feng, Yu Junyao and Fu Xueqing finally parted ways.

This time we say goodbye, I'm afraid we'll never see each other again.

At about noon, Ling Feng and his two men appeared outside the Hades Palace.

After the guards passed the message, the two of them entered the depths of the palace, where the Hades Emperor was waiting in a hall.

"I have met His Majesty the Pluto Emperor!"

Ling Feng bowed to Hades Emperor. Anyway, today was probably the last time he would see this completely hypocritical villain. It didn't matter if he was polite to him.

"Brother Ling is a punctual person!"

In the main hall, in addition to the Hades Emperor, there were also several elders of the Kongming God Clan, as well as His Highness the Flame King.

The Yan King glanced at Ling Feng and then looked at Yu Junyao, his expression somewhat unnatural.

Only Yu Junyao's eyes were also evasive.

Although she seemed heartless, she also knew that King Yan had really paid a lot for her.

As far as she was concerned, she owed something to King Yan after all.

Unfortunately, even when she lost her memory, her feelings for King Yan were more of a dependence than true love.

Not to mention, after recovering her memory, she was not the kind of woman Yan Wang liked.

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Naturally, it was difficult for him to intervene in the matter between Yu Junyao and King Yan. He looked at Emperor Ming and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty Emperor Ming, according to the previous agreement, I should be able to leave now." ?”

"Of course, I am true to my word, and my words will naturally count."

Pluto Emperor nodded, "Now that the star core has stabilized, it will be much easier to open the space-time channel. Little brother Ling, please come with me!"

After saying that, Ling Feng flew down from the throne and led Ling Feng outside the main hall.

In the center of the square outside the temple, there is a special-shaped device that looks like a statue, but it is covered with various special runes.

"This is the Cave Heaven Instrument. With the innate power of our clan, we can bridge the gap between the two spaces and achieve directional teleportation!"

The Hades Emperor smiled and explained a few words, and then began to mutter something. After a while, the cave sky instrument began to rotate at high speed, and the surrounding talismans and ripples of light flowed, gradually tearing open a huge crack as high as a person in the void.

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