Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2165 Traveling through the planes! (2 updates)

"Brother Huangdi, what is this starry instrument?"

Ling Feng looked at Huang Shaotian and asked with confusion.

"Hehe, this is good stuff!"

A smile appeared on Huang Shaotian's face, "With this thing, we can really travel across the heavens and never get lost!"


Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, listen, is this just human talk?

Can this guy be a little more normal and say a few words that normal people can understand?

"To put it simply, this is what we call a map." Huang Shaotian said with excitement: "However, the Starry Instrument is different from ordinary maps. It is a special map of the universe. The Eastern Emperor Bell is the legendary gate to all realms. And this starry instrument can be compared to a key.”

As he said that, Huang Shaotian pointed to the small dots on the "Starry Instrument" and said lightly: "Look, those lights that look like stars are actually planets. Well, if it were you, they would be one planet. A plane. As long as you use this star instrument and the power of the Donghuang Bell, you can directly travel to a designated plane. Hey, isn't it amazing? "

Although Ling Feng was not completely able to understand Huang Shaotian's words, he quickly understood the key to it, "You mean, with the help of this Starry Instrument and the East Emperor Bell, we can return to the West Sword Region?"

"Of course!"

Huang Shaotian nodded and said: "Not to mention the Western Sword Realm. In theory, you can go wherever you want! However, there are too many powerful worlds among the thousands of planes. It is very dangerous to break into them casually!"

Ling Feng nodded and said, "Brother Huangdi, can you find which one of those stars is the Xuanling Continent?"

Looking at the large number of stars, it is undoubtedly very difficult to find a Xuanling Continent.

"This isn't difficult either!"

Huang Shaotian smiled and said: "I heard Bitch told you about you. Since it is a small world near Xuanling Continent, the location of the two places should be very close, and it should be equivalent to the relationship between a planet and a satellite. It’s easy to find!”

Huang Shaotian started muttering, and Ling Feng was confused when he heard it. Although he was very curious, he still did not interrupt Huang Shaotian.

After a while, Huang Shaocai pointed to a slightly larger star that was very close to the red dot on the starry surface, and said with a smile: "It should be right here!"

"Is the location of this red dot the Miluo Continent?"

Ling Feng asked, blinking.

"Miluo Continent?" Huang Shaotian was stunned for a moment, then realized, "Is that the name of the small world you were in before? Well, this is it!"

Ling Feng's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "So, if I want to return to Miluo Continent, can I return directly through the East Emperor Bell?"

"Of course, wherever Zeng Jin has been, the Starry Meter will automatically record it. This Starry Meter seems to have been captured by the power of the Donghuang Bell, so the current Donghuang Bell is very different from before. It is equivalent to It’s like a sports car with satellite maps installed, very convenient!”

"Satellite map? Sports car? What is it again?"

Ling Feng was confused for a while. In fact, the world described by Huang Shaotian was beyond Ling Feng's imagination.

"If you have a chance in the future, you might be able to see it."

Huang Shaotian smiled faintly, "Little brother, don't forget what you promised me back then. Now that the East Emperor Bell has the starry instrument, I'm one step closer to returning to Earth!"

"Although I don't know where the earth is, I can understand your desire to return to your hometown."

Ling Feng nodded, "Don't worry, I will definitely do it for you!"

“I really hope that day comes soon, I don’t know what the earth has become like now!”

Huang Shaotian showed a hint of hope on his face, and then said: "Okay, let's go, I'll teach you how to use the Donghuang Bell to travel through space!"

Ling Feng nodded, and soon, under Huang Shaotian's guidance, Ling Feng quickly mastered how to use the Donghuang Bell.

The next moment, he saw that his whole body was wrapped in a golden light, and his eyes blurred. When Ling Feng opened his eyes again, he had fallen into a desert.

"Tagore Desert?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he looked around carefully, and suddenly showed a hint of joy.

This is not the Tager Desert!

Although he has returned to the border of the Western Sword Region, he is finally back!

The Donghuang Bell turned into a palm-sized ancient bell and fell into the palm of his hand. Unlike before, the Donghuang Bell showed an additional rotating sphere.

The Starry Instrument and the Donghuang Bell have suddenly merged into one.

I saw a star on the starry sky near Miluo Continent flashing red light, and then an inscription appeared. This was probably what Huangdi called a mark.

Xuanling Continent was also marked on the Starry Instrument.

Ling Feng glanced at the star that symbolized Miluo Continent, and a cold light flashed through it.

"Emperor Hades! It would be a shame not to avenge this revenge!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. The Hades Emperor almost killed himself and Yu Junyao. He could never hope to remain safe and secure his throne!

However, Ling Feng did not act impulsively. The Kongming Divine Clan was so powerful. In his current situation, rashly going to find the Underworld Emperor would be the same as committing suicide.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late!

Be patient for now, wait until your strength is restored, and you can get closer, then attack and give him a huge "surprise"!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng put away the East Emperor Bell. This treasure could actually ignore the seal of the dantian space and travel freely. This was much more convenient than the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Moreover, it seems that because the Donghuang Bell was forcibly broken out before, the seal of "Sealing the Corpse Soul" was actually loosened, as if there was a crack.

Ling Feng could already initially feel the energy in his Dantian and capture the fluctuations of Yuanli.

"I'm finally back!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked at Yu Junyao, who had long been unconscious in his arms, fed her a few pills to restore vitality and blood, and then gently shook her to wake up.


With a low moan, Yu Junyao slowly woke up, her beautiful eyes gradually focusing. When she saw Ling Feng in front of her, she muttered in her sleep, "You brat, are we all dead?"

"Not dead yet!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Look carefully, this is the edge of the Tager Desert!"

"Tagore Desert?"

Yu Junyao's eyelids twitched, and then she suddenly woke up, "We! We are back to the West Sword Region!"

"Yeah! Back!"

Ling Feng helped Yu Junyao stand up and said with a faint smile: "At the last moment, we came back alive!"

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